Will we start seeing more of this character archetype now that there is an audience for it?

Will we start seeing more of this character archetype now that there is an audience for it?

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Idk but this whole cool wine aunt thing seems like massive fucking cope

My aunt is a wine aunt, and she had a complete mental breakdown when her dog ran away for a few hours while the entire family helped her look for it


me? i'm creepy cider uncle

I don't see any women past retirement age saying the childless life was the way to go

>More women drop out of traditional family roles
>Expect their male relatives to be able to find a girl who doesn't do the same thing

>heheh let me base my entire existence off some literal children thinking I'm cool for a few years before realizing I'm just a loser when they become teenagers and I'm 45 and have no family

My aunt had one 1 daughter, traveled the world afterwards with her my uncle , is 65, cooks, and is still working while also doing babysitting of her grandchild.

What does a cool aunt that she doesn't? The fact of the matter is people are very low energy and entitled these days.

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cool wine aunt just means I'm too old to have kids so I'll cope with drinking wine

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Very sad cope. Wine aunt's are all miserable and very unstable people. It's an unfortunate existence.
t. guy with a vine aunt

What epic Cope

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it just means more broads for my loser ass to bang in the future.

always with the racemixing propaganda bullshit they dont even hide it anymore

is she cool tho?

I can see the appeal of being a cool aunt if i were a female

>cool aunt archetype in reality

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>Bware da baby trap
Are they targeting these ads directly at blacks?

>vine aunt
is that like a very young aunt

The britbongs read 1984 and Brave New World and said "these is are fascinating instruction manuals".

Based incels pwning da roastoid femoids thread!

There was a woman meme circulating a while back that said 30-year-old men base their entire personalities around the gym, cars, guns, or motorcycles. Women do the same thing except it's babies, dogs, cats, or plants.

>here is your cool zoomer aunt

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imagine the cities full of brutalist apartment blocks full of millennial spinsters and their cats
imagine the smell

Defer from dishonoring my maidens foul fellow lest I run my blade through you.

The thing about "wine aunts" was that they used to be high carreer woman who had no time for family.
Now school dropouts who work at the local supermarket think they can be a wine aunt too.

She is a bit younger than my dad, her brother. But she's getting up there in age, alone, fucked in the head and sad.

>What does a cool aunt that she doesn't?
Day drink after graduating college.

>Based incels pwning da roastoid femoids thread!

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thats pretty cool ngnl


I love the Punished Lainey comics.

my aunt had a kid when she turned 40, she is still fucked up in te head but it would be prolly much worse without. it it too late for yours?

Literally nobody has ever considered an aunt or uncle to be cool

The eyes always creep me out

Another cope for woman who can't keep a man.


Maybe. Me and my wife aren’t having kids, we don’t want to spend the money on them and she’d rather we go on more vacations, and I’d rather work part time, so it’s not like it’s everybody. Although I’m sure there are plenty of women that missed their chance to have kids and now they’re just coping.

My aunt was the cool wine aunt. Now she's extremely neurotic. She comes to our house and just rants at us with these long stories about people we don't know that she works with. She always has this aggressive "everything's fun. You better be fun" energy and reacts to things really loudly. I kind of avoid her desu.

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good. overpopulation is a huge problem currently.

Wait, but why is having kids automatically authentic happiness?

>mfw I get my nephew a switch game

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As far as I can remember, she could never find a meaningful relationship, she used to date a new guy every month or so. And they were all weirdos too. Haven't heard from her in a while but I don't have much hope for her, she's a nutcase.

No kid thinks grown ups are cool

They believe biology is a tyranny.

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It's not, psycho

Having kids to fill some kind of hole is selfish and evil.

My aunt was like this but obese and unemployed then she married a rich guy and got 3 kids and is now working and normal weight.

I feel validated by this comic, thank you Lainey.

My fiance is a redhead who is pregnant with huge milkers and we attend church regularly. Life is based.

A generation before Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women, Sex and the City ruined a whole generation of women.

>Lainey Molnar

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>No kid thinks grown ups are cool

Sure they do, young men want to be the strong male in the hero movie. They love their older brothers, and hate their fathers, precisely because they don't want to be the schlubby pathetic vision of a man that their fathers are. They don't want to BE them. They want to BE the idealized image.

>firmware updated

Based uncle.

should have banged her when she was drunk. I mean cool

>incels criticising others for not having children

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Because it's our animal instinct to have kids just like it's our instinct to eat food and have sex. There's no implicit reason why we enjoy eating food and having sex other than we evolved to universally desire those things.

By the time they're a "cool aunt" they'll be used up, old and worthless.I won't care about them at all. No one will.

Seethe whitecuck

so is mine, but she managed to find 9 years younger warehouseman who smokes lot of pot to get the kid

Isn't this a variation of the already established:

>i love sex and the city and i want to be just like carrie brashaw!
>omg i'm 30 and still single! what happened? i regret everything

bullshit that these urbanite bugwomen already suffer?

>creepy cider uncle

Just like Patrice said, women can't be cool.

poltards who will never touch a vagina will seethe at this post

>choosing to go against nature and be a miserable hag
Capitalism owned!

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The only reason to have a kid is so you have someome to depend on when you're older, other than that the romanticized vision people have of it is overrated, feel free to debate me but when you have kids of your own you're realize it too and pretty quickly reminisce about the times before you had kids.

Get another dude to breed your wife

kids is not automatic happiness, its hard and tiring but ultimately fulfiling and centers you and makes you more mature as a person. It means you can take care of somone and impart your experience unto them. Some people should legit not have kids, but avoiding it as to continue a hedonistic lifestyle is a sign of immaturity and that you can't commit to something.

my dear maiden...i verily lose sleep at night cogitating the stains that have befallen thine honour

Older brothers aren’t technically grown ups, I meant like adults. When I was a kid whenever grown up adult relatives tried to play with me I just got annoyed and told em to fuck off.

I’m sure kids will be even more annoyed by some wine aunt roastie annoying em when they are just trying to play vidya

I wish the best for her, may God help her.

there is going to be a huge spike in aunts molesting their nieces and nephews isn't there?


>random innocent girl

Why contain it?

>mfw I move fast and never stop under any circumstances when driving through the Bachelorette Ghetto for fear they smell my healthy fertile semen and set and ambush to steal it out of my balls

>more and more women don't want responsibility!
Yea, obviously

I have more fun playing with my son than I've ever had doing anything else in my life. I literally get to teach him to how succeed and then watch him thrive. You're either childless or mentally ill.

im picturing cumming on her face. that's probably all she's even good for

Do you believe in magic?

this assumes that their siblings, if they even have any, will reproduce. The brother might be an incel or the sister another wino

>I'm a huge faggot please fuck my wife
not your blog, bro...

No. Real life and Yea Forums and separate things.


>True happiness doesn't exis-

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