Stormlight archive casting

Stormlight archive casting

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That pic reminds me of the Malazan fight when anomander rake fights the segulah on their island

Love Malazan as well. I’m not sure we’ll get that adapted though. Sanderson’s kickstarter for the secret projects is the most funded project of all time and word is that some Hollywood execs have taken noticed. I think it’s highly likely we get a Stormlight adaptation coming down the pipe and Sanderson himself has said it would be a show not movies

Would you recommend stormlight? I loved all the Malazan books

Quite frankly, the SA is my favorite ongoing series. It’s hard to compare with Eriksons malazan but I would say they both do an amazing job with world building. Sanderson is not as much of a grim dark author though, In case that’s your thing. That’s not to say they’re not adult themed, but you’ll notice the difference. Personally, the world, magic systems, and “gods” are why I love it and of you like malazan for those reasons I’d say you’d love the Archive

Gonna dip out of this thread Incase I get spoiled and buy the first 3 for Kindle now

Atta boy!

More art

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Fine I’ll get it started ridiculously. Depp as Dalinar Kholin

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sexless, bland drivel for autistic manchildren

>start reading this because people meme it so hard
>300 pages in
>nothing has happened
Pretty much fails basic authorship. Even GRRM does better. I have a feeling this guy just turns in first drafts and they run with it.

You ever been happy that a book is literally unadaptable?

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I struggled hard on the last 2 Stormlight books, Sanderson can't write females and insists on having dramatic "endings" all over the place. If I have to read another chapter of Kaladin brooding, I might just fucking off myself, or throw the book away.
He can't do funny like Erikson or Cook either.

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Karsa chads rise up!

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that artist needs an anatomy lesson


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>omg the Mc doesn’t get raped or run around with her pussy hanging out! Unreadable

Ur a fag

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Lots happens. The second prologue chapter is a kick ass assaination oh a high king? What book did you read holmes? I’ll agree the first book has its slow points but certainly not in the very beginning. The first prologue is dope as fuck. Just out of curiosity what are some of your favorite “high fantasy” series?

Agreed he’s not as funny, but to me at least, the world and characters are so well illustrated and have so much depth that I can forgive his sometimes, campy?, humor

Had this recommended to me but I’ve never read it, pitch it to me? What’s the basic gestault

Demon nobility of Mercury tell witch king to go fuck himself, kill him in a wrestling match, get owned by his magic on the way home, and have a really good time on a revenge quest to fuck him over even more

I bet this fell through

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Nah they are boring. 1200 pages per book, 600 of which describe every detail of a person's clothes.

>That time when Lin Manuel Miranda got the rights to the Name of the Wind

My god I know. I heard he backed out though recently

A wrestling match? Wasn’t expecting that haha

"Come near me with intentions other than amorous and I'll stick you"
"Amorous. What a horrible thought"
"What if I told you I was pregnant?"
"I'd kill the mule."

Pust was such a gangster.

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It's a truly wild and enjoyable book. It's like the stock standard "bros doing quests" fantasy concept but written 50 years before D&D and in the literary style of a 17th-century stage drama. It's very different from modern fantasy but weirdly familiar as well. If you end up liking it the same guy wrote a couple other, even more obscure novels in the same style

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Are they humans?

It's hard to say. They're called demons, witches, imps, ghouls, pixies, etc. And there are some characters who are clearly human, even if they're not called so. The illustrations depict them as more or less normal people with facial hair. But they don't always agree with the actual text.

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Hmmm that sounds really interesting. I love high fantasy. Is the 16th century prose a slog or did you like it?

I just finished the first of the Stormlight Archive series and honestly I really enjoyed it... please don't tell me that the other books shit the bed with some stronk women fighters (magi are fine though)

first book shit the bed with that boring whore shallan

I enjoyed it, might not be to everyone's taste. Lots of unusual words, very descriptive poetic sensibility. Pleasant to read aloud. Harder than Tolkien, easier than Shakespeare.

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I'm just about to finish book 1. Overall it's been fairly enjoyable. If it maintains this level of quality and non-wokeness, I can accept it. There are some aspects I didn't like, but it was relatively minor

Personally I think they get better as they go with the third being my favorite And I can’t think of many “stronk” characters besides maybe jasnah.

I liked rythym of war though I will say I thought 1 and 3 were better

Difficult to argue with dubs but I actually rather liked her... I don't quite understand why the internet gives her so much hate :(

Good to hear. Honestly there isn’t a whole lot of wokeness imo. There is a gay character but I’m pretty sure he does and he doesn’t have anything but 1 line.

Also, to the guy who hates shallan I honestly totally agree. IMO she becomes insufferable in 2 and 3 and gets a little better in 4.

In the first and second books I found her story compelling. In the third I could have done without her entirely save for a couple Wit interactions, I was more into Kal, and dalinar.

Yep, I hate Shallan as well. I appreciate that she got some comeuppance eventually, because she totally deserved it after acting the way she did throughout book 1. I'm waiting to see what happens to her after Jasnah disowned her. I was hoping she died from the poison to be honest. I find Jasnah to be rather annoying as well. Mostly the cringe fedora-tipping stuff. Otherwise I think she could be okay, although I dislike the whole idea of only women knowing how to read. Basically a lazy way to make women relevant because they wouldn't have anything to add to the story otherwise, and it also just doesn't make logical sense. I do quite like Navani thus far.

Navani is pretty dope i agree. And the women reading doesn’t honestly bug me because I think it’s just more of a world buildy thing as opposed to being a statement he’s making. Like the gendered foods or the gloves on chick hands

my man's kaladin still hasn't gotten awakened singer pussy after like 5 books

When typewriters first came out it was considered a bit lame for men to learn because it was mostly a female secretary skill, it's probably a cultural thing like that.

>the second prologue
what kind of pretentious bullshit is ths?

My copy literally arrived today.

I believe there’s three lol iirc

You know it’s gonna be a listener or he’s gonna boff syl

I liked the 'fallen from grace but keep on fighting back up' theme from the first book. The sequels were ok, didn't expect animu tier fighting, tho.

Are there more books like Kaladin's in the first one?

The Graphic Audio version of this is FANTASTIC. The voices, music and effects are top notch. They made it more epic and enjoyable than any movie adaptation would have.

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>graphic audio

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I dont know if thay's a good face or not. But graphic audio is the shit. Better than normal audio books. And I can enjoy my books while doing other things like boring ass chores. You should check it out before you knock it.

You only read the first one? Because I would say that same kind of tripe was the crux of book three but with dalinar

i dont care for them but you should check out the star wars thrawn audiobooks, they have music, sound effects from the OT and the reader does a really good job mimicking the cast

Is it Kramer and reading doing the voices in the graphic audio?

It's not THAT bad. He really can't write dialogues, his characters are monodimensional, the structure of the books is clumsy but the setting and the overall story is decent. Mostly, Sanderdon has material for a good 200-300 pages book and he uses it to write a 900-1000 pages doorstopper.

>Started reading Malazan
>Read Gardens of the Moon
>Is shit
>Dude LMAO it gets better, the second book is better!
>Read Deadhouse Gate
>Is shit, but in the desert.
Pretentious writer without any skill


Wait until you get to like book 6 when the author pretty much gives up and just slams the rest of the books out.