
Super smart edition


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/twek/ yaaaaaay

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This one.

This one.

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This one.

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PRIME DIRECTIVE: /trek/ is the Star Trek GENERAL thread on Yea Forums. You may post about ANY official or fan-made Star Trek show, movie, or short film. If you aren't comfortable with a thread where people discuss the ENTIRETY of Star Trek then this GENERAL thread is not for you. Feel free to make your own specific-topic Star Trek thread instead. New thread creation at 310 posts.

GENERAL ORDER TWO: The television program known as "Enterprise" is an in-universe holonovel like Captain Proton or Photons Be Free. Feel free to discuss it, but be aware that it is a "show-within-a-show" and does not necessarily reflect "real" events within the Star Trek multiverse.

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Did you know that despite occupying just 10% of Nygean space, Benkarans take up 80% of the space in Nygean prisons?

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Pike Post

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Spam is against the rules.

Amazing based
How sweet the sound

Do you feel in charge?

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How large are your lobes /trek/?

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I just finished watching a pakled episode so I declare this to be the one
Picard and Wesley bonding was really sweet.

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>gets a handy from a cute 50s slut in front of his dad and uncle
So Quark, Rom, and Nog were basically the Kennedy family?

Off yourself already, you fucking degenerate.

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Being a samefagging namefag and a general cock goblin is also against the rules.
But they post every day anyway.
>It's a bashir reclaims /trek/ and expels the kuffar episode.
>Mashallah brothers.

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if believe that humans would not fap themselves to death in sex holodeck
you are naive and should die

I'm looking forward to strange new worlds. Is anyone else?

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Literally the great filter: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter

We will be there within 1,000 years

I'm looking forward to new world strange

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as an episodic appreciator I am quite hype. I only wish there were 26 episodes instead of 10

...he played trombone.
but i like it anyway

we all do, even the contrarian geezers homos

Human biology and psyche will change to reflect the environment we live in. Future humans will be asexual spergs, and that's okay.

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>I only wish there were 26 episodes
kys filler consumer



Can we talk about /trek/

Do you even know what 'filler' is? Jesus Christ, I'm losing brain cells reading your posts.

lol you're one of those "prestige tv" fags who actually thinks a 10 ep season will be better than a 26 ep season

absolutely retarded and gay

>Human biology and psyche will change to reflect the environment we live in
See Detroit and Kiev right now


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it's Kyiv you russian psyops bot

These things take time.

I know what a filler is. But the concept expand to any episode devoided of creativity, you faggot.
Holodeck/Transporter malfuction and Time travel included no matter how comfy they are, are fucking filler trash

>Star Trek IV and City of the Edge of Forever are filler trash
lol don't cut yourself on that edge, bro

It's clear you never watched Star Trek. Even dumb episodes of TNG S1 had a story and a moral they wanted to tell.

You clearly don't understand what makes Star Trek work.

Yep. Cutting from 26 ep seasons to 10 ep seasons has NOT improved episode quality. In fact, tv is way worse now than it used to be.

10 eps a season gives too much time for committee-ization of the script.

I just finished the first time travel ep in my tos watch.
Early Kirk literally dgaf about the timeline, he just invites a guy from 1966 for a tour till Spock rains on his parade.

>he didn't like the enemy within
You are gay

what part of devoided of creativity you can understand?
those were creative back then by the general perspective of the show
CotE = fine
A:E and the other one = pure filler trash

Cutting from 26 to 10 basically ensured that every episode has to have spectacle. Some of the best Star Trek stories (and sci-fi overall) have been the result of creatives working around limitations.

>Even dumb episodes of TNG S1 had a story and a moral they wanted to tell.
Sure, but Time Arrow is filler, there is nothing to get out of that

Assignment: Earth is not a Star Trek episode, frendiddlydoo.

there is the other one, they sligshot by mistake, also poop

Time's Arrow is not filler, as it expands on Picard's and Guinan's relationship.

>people talking about “filler” like it’s a fucking anime
there is no such thing as filler in trek. what your ruined zoombrain calls “filler”, normal people call character depth and meaningful interactions

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>Sure, but Time Arrow is filler, there is nothing to get out of that
Sorry, ESL, but it's not. It's a two part season finale-season premier. That's the exact opposite of filler.

the first transporter malfunction was creative, perspective is everything, faggots

It's literally just one retard.

concept has expand to any episode devoided of creativity

So? Not every episode is perfect. TOS: All Our Yesterdays also has time travel and it's a solid episode.

because its placement and being publicity stunt dont make it less filler

It's amazing how oblivious the /who/ schizo is to his own to stupidity. Literally the walking embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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>TOS: All Our Yesterdays also has time travel and it's a solid episode.
same crappolla of the nazi/gangster episode, they get locked up, they escape, the end

>the /who/ schizo
Dr who fans post here?

>the series finale of TNG is le filler
>because well……. Because well they just didn’t have explosions, character deaths and big space battles okay???????

You obviously don't know what "filler" means. Please stop writing retarded posts about it.

For some reason, a mentally challenged tripfag from /who/ has found himself here. If you see sheer unadulterated stupidity in a thread, it's probably him. He loves Trek and Morty (of course).

just call something else if you so attached to the semantics
it is a FOOLER
an episode with no creativity to fill space and fool faggots

Not SLA/VF/Clooney but I play Second Life and every sim is a coom dungeon. We’ll be there quicker than 1,000 years.

>Time's Arrow is not filler, as it expands on Picard's and Guinan's relationship.
racism is le bad? wow

>an episode with no creativity
You see, that's subjective. Your opinion is noted.

yeah racism is bad actually. Star Trek has been doing episodes on the subject since 1966. You’d have noticed if you ever watched the show…

Imagine having nothing of value to say, but talking still.

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There are zero filler eps in TOS because the "filler" concept didn't exist in the 60s. The first Star Trek "filler" episode was TNG: Peak Performance. It's also the only TNG filler episode.

Filler did exist in DS9 and VOY because DS9 and Buffy led the way to serialization of primetime shows, and you had main storyline eps and filler eps.

>that's subjective
nope, you have a franchise, you use the same tool many times, you can make it objective.
They just made the holodeck so time travel shit episodes should not exist, then they have no idea for a plot, lets do Mark Twain doopity doo

If you got filtered by Elementary Dear Data it’s not our fault you’re a dithering retarded monkey. It explores some very interesting philosophical ideas.

yeah yeah faggot
I coined the new word already
half of TOS is FOOLER episodes
and 1/4 of TNG as well
VOY about 3/5 or more

>It explores some very interesting philosophical ideas.
such as...

Imagine be so deep into self dellusion that cannot take hits to your beloved show without seething

Get it through your thick skull, an episode you dislike is probably someone's favorite. Even shit like Threshold, despite being stupid as fuck, is very creative. And I'm glad it exists, because in this era of prestige television it would never get made.
'Filler' or whatever you call it, allows for more outlandish ideas to end up on screen. Not all of it is good, but that's okay. One "Sub Rosa" is better than ten episodes of mediocre overproduced garbage that has nothing to say.

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>p-pls explain Star Trek to me
no. go listen to Mission Log podcast if u want the messages of the episode spelled out for you

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im going to engage you honestly so please don't be a dick.
Filler episodes existed in TV because broadcast/syndicated TV is different than streaming. It was a thing that you would sit down to watch, but could also step away to do other things. Sometimes it was just background noise. So you didn't need to hook and engage the audience the same way, only periodically remind them of what was going on in broad, impressionistic strokes.
Home video and DVD and streaming changed that. While there is plenty of "in the background" television left, it is treated more like a movie: sat down with purpose, paused when you want to take a leak, and watched in binges. Filler still exists but not in the same way when you just wanted to reserve a time slot and were okay with the audience zoning out now and again.

God, I miss Pulaski. Checked.

The other day someone said shore leave was the worst episode.
I liked shore leave, it was comfy and had the hottest babe yeoman yet.

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that is when you distinquish objectivity from subjecitivy
you may like whatever crap for whatever reason, but pretend crap is objectively good is dellusion.
A:E is a terrible episode, no matter how much COMFY you can yell

I like shore leave as well
Kirk fighting the dude from the acadamey was kinda funny

I never once uttered the word 'comfy' ITT. Stop projecting.
Or alternatively stop posting, because clearly you have nothing of value to say.

Let me guess. A recent Reddit letter media episode mentioned Assignment Earth and shat on it?
It’s kino. Cry.

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You don't belong around here.
Wrong neighborhood.

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tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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>Filler episodes existed in TV because broadcast/syndicated TV is different than streaming.
Sure the rules were not the same.
So they produced time travel episode #14 to get into the number of episodes to get into sindication.
You may enjoy TT#13, but they started to get stale by #4, just be realist
and now, we have no reason to get into 26 episodes/year anymore, I can understand lack of creativity of today's writer can be worse of yesterday's filler makers, but the point still stands

It did in fact. In their picard misery dirges.

With Star Trek, you take the good with the bad. And that's okay.

>Star Trek Discovery is BETTER than TNG…. Because well…. Because it has less episodes okay!!??????

unironically I brought this point here months before it

My least favorite episode so far was miri.


>Because it has less episodes okay
If you hate Star Trek, that's a perfectly valid reason.

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nobody said that
but 10 SNW solid episodes is better
than 26 SNW mediocre episodes
no matter how much you dont care about quality, but just to have more time to immerse like a faggot with no friends, just watch old soap, like Dark Shadows

>It's a phoneposting reddit fag ruins the thread episode

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for the smart /trek/ edition, I always wanted to ask,
is stuff like kdeconnect star trekky enough for you folks, or is it already dated?
I don't know what people are using current year, most of the time I'm out of the loop on most things
this. It's the lab coat & glasses combo

Nigger, quality over quantity was never a thing in NuTrek and that's not gonna change with these writers in charge.

>Pisscard has only 10 episodes
>it's only one plot
>it's fucking shit from a butt

what the fuck are you even smoking today namefag?

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I can't think of my least favorite tos episode. I don't think there's one I legitimately dislike.

Time's Arrow was a very idealised version of the past. I don't think Guinan's race was even a problem in Time's Arrow.

Yes, I do. I've ruled /trek/ successfully and fairly as a night-watchman state for many years. You're welcome.
t. RulesChad

Weed, obviously. Happy 4/20, /trek/.

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This empirical reasoning is correct and the furture is not promising, still no reason to have 26 episodes with more bellow average than we get in 10.

if pisscard had 26 episodes we might get to know what chin girl’s personality is like
they’re essentially just speed running through the main plotline

I didn't dislike miri, I just felt like it ran on too long and I started to tune out.
Somewhere around the kids breaking into the lab I was struggling to keep going.

ESL, it's "fewer," not "less."

Why did they drop chinny and Elrond? They were probably the only good new characters.