What episode is this pic of gus from?

what episode is this pic of gus from?

Attached: tqfts98w2pu81.jpg (640x629, 33.54K)

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its not from an episode of Breaking Bad or BCS, its from this commercial the actor did for the Far Cry video game

oh ok thanks

>/pol/ can't decide whether Ukraine is Nazi or ZOGbot

pol are just useful idiots shilling for russia because they're predominantly anglogermcucks and anglogermcucks are Asian migrants just like Russians.

The masses are Nazi nationalists, the elite are globohomo.

Odd mix.

It's just Operation Gladio.
Promoting and coopting far right groups, manipulated them into serving the interests of NATO. Textbook case, which we can observe in Ukraine, involves using right wing paramilitary groups as counter-leftist militias and stay-behind units in the event of Soviet/Russian takeover in Europe. However, Gladio ops typically end up simply managing far right groups to be controlled opposition, or for gay-ops. See Order of Nine Angles.


This unironically. I have no idea what is going on over there or who is good or bad. Zog allies with Ukraine but I'm hesitant to call Putin a good guy, might just be a case of squabbling villains. Let dem fight.

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learn your history, hansdeep nigelwong

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Both sides are unironically ZOG'd and full of Neos at the same time. Ukraine has Azov, Putin has Wagner.

How are Albannaich descendants of Turks?

There is nothing about celts in that image my confused friend. Celts are part of the European natives. Germanics are not celts.

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Cool so why did you call me, a Pict, a Turk?

You quacked like one.

Attached: germanic cope.jpg (750x481, 147.86K)

Alba gu bràth

Very cool!

Attached: nazi fail.png (568x384, 48.72K)

It's ZOG. Jews are using them as foot soldiers and the Azov faggots are either too stupid or too ignorant to realize they're fighting for a puppet state.

The Azov battalion hasn’t been nazi for years now, we understand what optics are

Though I do find it ironic that /pol/fags are upset supposed “nazis” are fighting Russia

Isn’t that your wet dream?

/pol/ thinks that the only humans on earth with any personal agency or interests are themselves and the jews. In /pol/and everyone else is just a mindless robot.

Neither, they're libertarian nationalists

What the fuck is a Naxi?

Why don't people proof-read their own shitty memes before posting them??

North Italy certainly got more GOTHED, BURGONED, and LOMBARDED than Southern Italy which was only briefly VANDALED and NORMANED.
In other words North Italy did get a lot more Germanic blood than Southern Italy, and that has been true going into the past as well, when you consider that it was Gallic territory during the Roman Republican period. Milan is a Gallic city that used to be called Mediolanum. In other words Northern Italians are closer related to Germans/Gauls than you might think. Whereas Southern Italy was at different times colonized by Greeks and Phoenicians and Italy was even invaded by Berber Moors.

Of course, crediting Germany or "Germans" with the Renaissance is ridiculous.

siithe moure naxi phag

Shilling for Russia because Pol is a literal Kremlin brainwashing facility. Chuds are the new SJW

>He doesn't know about the azov battalion

Based Himmler actually caring about actual Archeology compared to Virgin Hitler who just wanted a Mythos divorced from reality.


>he doesn't know about the wagner group

I think the goal was for nationalist groups to kill brown migrants and expel subversive Jewish elites. Wait, I might have that backwards.. In any case, I don't remember a brother war in Ukraine being on the agenda.

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/pol/ will become unironic zionists when supporting palestine becomes the "current thing"

>you can't be useful idiots ruled by globohomo
Ukrainian nationalists ethnically cleanse Donbas so faggy globohomo state can keep the russian clay.

Azov is a group of costumed larpers literally funded by a jewish billionaire named Igor Kolomoyski also they’re very careful never to hurt actual jews

It’s funny because they wear swastikas and throw Romans, which reddit will defend while simultaneously losing their shit when a 90-year-old Alabama grandpa wears a Confederate battle flag t-shirt.

Supporting Palestine is pretty en vogue, and was even more so a few years ago, but they still remain adamantly against Israel
Me personally I think Israel is based since they were sided with my country during the Suez crisis and were total bros with Rhodesia

I am for UK nazis hoping they put their own jew gov and rus kremlin to shit (though this is very unlikely)

And yet it was international jewry that started the massive pressure campaign to destroy Rhodesia in the first place.

/pol/ is a collection for people who can't think for themselves and just reflexively oppose whatever the 'mainstream' opinion is

I do. I was informing him about what the meme meant.

>can't think for themselves
As opposed to the NPCs that support Jewkraine, as if it were a helpless, sovereign nation rather than a belligerent U.S.raeli puppet state?

Russia is a failed state run by corrupt, inept retards. Anybody simping for them because "muh trannies" is a massive faggot.

just shills larping, nothing new

They are fighting for their country, fagwad

>puppet state
Pretty sure they're fighting for their homeland and birthplace, you filthy mutt. You have no understanding or resolve.

Kill yourself on cam.

>ZOG just wants to hewp the whittew nationalists!
KEK yeah right

>nooooooooo you can't just defend your nation from invaders!!!!!!
What country are you from, faggot?


ZOG is just using this as an excuse to engage Russia without declaring the US is at war. How much of a simp are you? And foreign invaders?? Unkranians ARE Russians!!!!

Every military has Nazis in it. Soldiers are literally too stupid to do anything but follow orders, of course they are right wing extremists. They literally hope to rape and murder people with impunity. The only good thing about soldiers is that they murder eachother as much as they do innocent women and children

what's with the influx of Russcels lately?

>soldiers are right wing extremists
>fight for ZOG killing Muslim kids while collecting welfare checks
Fuckin lol fuck militrannies

Ah yes, Putin the white saviour who made it illegal to deny that the holohoax happened. Ukraine should definitely let them invade and destroy their homes, because... ethnically they're similar!

Hope you feel that way about all slavs, not just ukraine, because with your faggot logic Russia should just invade the entire eastern section of Europe. Go fuck yourself you absolute fucking tardhard.

What country are you from, you seemed to have skipped that. We'll talk about invasions after.

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Why do people pretend to care about Ukaine?

Is it just social media virtue signaling?

/pol/cels shilling for a man who invaded a white country with Chechen muslims in order to "denazify" it.
I would never believe this will be the plotline we live in.

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Syria, palastine, etc. Ever since I have been online, they have been the same.
Have you not read 1984 by George Orwell?

Ew. American pizza is way better than your shitty leaf and cheese bread. No tomatoes either because you wops didn't have them until American gave them to you.

btw you're not related to the romans, you're filthy north africans/turks

>White country
Jew run globohomo playground
Keep simping for Soros and AZOG, faggot redditor

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Nazikraine goy

I would. It's been obvious since like 2015 who paid for Yea Forums. And the problem ain't the fuckign jews or any of that retard shit.

Damn the price if the ruble really fell that much

ok tranny

No, as far as I can tell both Putin and ZOG are bad guys.

>Jew run
Zelensky will be gone next election meanwhile Putin who married his daughter to a swarthy jew will be ruling Russia till he dies. Together with his (((oligarchs)))

>globohomo playground
Literally the lowest acceptance of homosexuality in Europe. Btw, wanna guess which totally based anti-globohomo country has holocaust denial laws?

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