
Its kino

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>I submitted to 3 hours of this boring zoomer edgelord fantasy
sohuld have quit at "I am the shadows!" 3 minutes in, like any decent human being


the point of the movie is that the edgelord Batman act isn't working and is possibly making things worse, because the Riddler idolizes Batman and his violent crusade of vengeance

Batman's arc is realizing that he needs to provide hope and be an actual symbol for change instead of just a psycho breaking punks arms


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Downloaded it yesterday, watched about an hour, then browsed on high speed to check if it gets interesting later on, but nope. Deleted from my HDD. Not watching it again, not paying for it, not even pirating it, cause its waste of space.

filtered. The movie clearly makes it clear that the batman and ridder are two sides of the same coin

I think it's a story that went on for too long and tried to explore too many places. They tried to insert more plot lines than a single film could carry. Probably due to studio intervention, this movie seemed more like the installation of a batman universe, rather than a movie that could stand on its own. Too much importance was given to the story of catwoman and the penguin as a character, to catapult him into his own show. The scene when joker appears was pure cringe, too cartoonish for the tone that the movie was establishing.I think the original idea was to show a decadent, drug addict and degenerate batman, but that idea was dissolved by the intervention of the studio, making this movie one of many others, falling into the same old tropes.

It's out on digital. I found an 11GB H264 version.
I would like a 15-20GB but ok.

there's a 32GB 4k version on Rarbg

Don't expect autists on here to get it.
My opinion is sort of like this. The entire third act was studio-mandated. Cut out the capeshit flood and contrived alt-right militia and replace it with a short confrontation between the Riddler and Bayman in Arkham, and the movie would have just the right pacing.

>White Privilege line
Won't be watching.

I am not sure I can see the difference of a 15GB and a 32. To be honest even above 10 I am not sure.
What do I look for? Usually sound ends up being huge but I only need stereo.

not even remotely interesting enough for 3 hours. watch more movies.

>i wanna watch it, but i won't because i feel insulted

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>Falcone is literally the 2nd biggest villain
>hide him from all promotional material

you're looking for HDR, that's a very very big improvement for this very dark movie who suddenly becomes watchable if you posses an HDR screen and knows how to use it.

there's a 20GB x265 2160p HDR version on rarbg

Nothing to be insulted about.
>a woman says a thing
>she actually does the opposite
>fucks white guys
It's normal. Actions matter more. I am watching it.

But how do I display HDR on Media Player Classic? Can a med-high (2060 RT) PC run it?

>Batman and his violent crusade of vengeance
>Batman's arc is realizing that he needs to provide hope and be an actual symbol for change instead of just a psycho breaking punks arms
Why don't libtards understand vigilante characters?
Or do they just associate with the criminals and not want to see them beaten up?

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I'm not sure about Media Player Classic since you need to install a proper video renderer.

I personally switched to VLC for HDR movie who natively support HDR since its version 3.0. In that case you just need to activate HDR under windows display option for the corresponding screen.

Imagine being this triggered

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Damn, that sounds deep.

It’s a shame they couldn’t weave this idea into a film that wasn’t boring as shit.

what sequels?

>vigilante character inspires chuds to be serial killers

Please use real words and answer the question like an adult.

batman knows that morally he should go above and beyond the law to do good.

>Batman's arc is realizing that he needs to provide hope and be an actual symbol for change instead of just a psycho breaking punks arms
So he's going to stop being batman? Yeah, I didn't think so. This "arc"you're talking about is nothing but an empty platitude to make midwits and retards feel like they're watching something smart.

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Okay, but I should add that the HDR version doesn't make Batman Begins 2 any less boring and uninspired.

The movie literally, explicitly says exactly what the user you replied to says.

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In the context of the scene its not that bad. Its funny because shes referring to politicians and other gov workers so if this film took place irl it would be jewish privileged assholes lol. Plus alot of the corrupt villans are mostly played by jews! Theres also more shitting on Thomas Wayne which is lame, but the film is good. Batman and riddler are awesome and both are literally me! But yeah its nowhere near as good as nolan or burton films. As a film in 2022 its the best we're gonna get. I literally haven't seen any new films since once upon a time in Hollywood, and i dont regret breaking my streak for the batman. Also little to no strong wamen shit. Catwoman and all other female characters are weak and stupid so theres a plus.

best post itt

first 30 min are kino, then it goes down hill

>seething over a sequel you have zero information about

I still get goosebumps thinking about this line.

Yes, because they're totally making a Batman sequel without Batman in it. God I hate disingenious capeshitters like you.


Nice argument, rajeesh.

Batman scares criminals but he's also a superHERO who inspires hope in people, he's not the Punisher

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This movie is a confused mess. I cringed everytime catwoman talked, like I could put on a heavy comedic sassy black women from the streets with a lisp accent, and it would still sound less cringe as this quadroon whore reading her lines.

There isn't a shred of originality in all 3 hours of this slogging mess either. They should just rip off BTAS instead of trying to pander to zoomers with evil white people and brave black mayors or whatever.

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>counters with yet another empty platitude
What more could I possibly expect from capeshitters?

>Batman's arc is realizing that he needs to provide hope and be an actual symbol for change

Oh, so he's ripping off Superman.

>the point of the movie is that the edgelord Batman act isn't working and is possibly making things worse, because the Riddler idolizes Batman and his violent crusade of vengeance
>Batman's arc is realizing that he needs to provide hope and be an actual symbol for change instead of just a psycho breaking punks arms
Yeah, that's why the movie doesn't work. All of this is encapsulated in the first major scene.

Batman beats up a dozen armed gang members to save some random chinese guy on the subway.
What does the Chinese dude say to him?
"Please don't hurt me!"

It's nonsensical and forced, there is zero logic to this world it's just the characters reciting the THEMES and PLOT at the audience, instead of it unfolding organically as a story.

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>look you can't understand you obviously grew up rich!
>it's just a bunch of privileged rich white assholes! they're evil!

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It's the typical neoliberal savior fantasy, they're the good whites who save the poor stupid abused browns from the bad whites, thereby making them both virtuous and cool (to non-whites) which is even better than virtue.

tranny logic, they desperately want to be different so they make up a boogeyman so they can be different by fighting against it

>tranny logic
>making up a boogeyman

This is said without a hint of irony lmao

Bat and Gordon spent so much time together, I thought I was watching a buddy-cop film

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I liked the theme song and showing Bruce's mental illness, but at the same time it's a slow slogging mess and put me to sleep.

Movie took a nosedive after Bats captured Ave Maria

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>tranny logic isn't real
>ignore the fact that is is explicitly in front of you in this piece of media...and in every media
seems legit

where were trannies or sexual identity politics ever brought up in the film

I don't get why they all kept calling him Vengeance. Is it from a viral clip or something that spread in Gotham? Did the newspapers call him that?

tranny logic encapsulates many things, race based politics is one, the white privilege line is this along with the obvious casting pandering

it's kind of funny how literally every evil person in the film is white except Batman

also how literally every good person in the film is non white except Batman

it's not a coincidence

Alfred is white

Batman Returns did the same with Max Shreck tho. Riddler and Catwoman sell more than Falcone, same way Penguin and Catwoman sell more than Max Shreck.

"you lied to me my whole life"

And is explicitly shown as a bad father figure, overly concerned with money, covering up the past, and the only actual development he has as a character is to confess so Bruce can forgive him.

Yes, he is white.

He's still a good guy. Catwoman is a burglar ffs.

did Yea Forums become Yea Forums or what, a kino like this drops once every 10 years and they still complain about stupid shit.