Just cover your mouth lmao it's not rocket science

Just cover your mouth lmao it's not rocket science

Attached: FacehuggerA11080.png (1920x834, 1.61M)

>everybody on board is an astronaut
>none of them have helmets or masks

>Not having an egg laying fetish.
I bet you they all coomed their pants when it happened.

did you not notice the choking you until you are gasping for air and have no choice but to get mouth raped?

why didn't he just abort it lmao

So breathe through your nose lmfao

But he was wearing his helmet when the facehugger attacked him

im 90% certain i would easily dodge their lunges

I've been working out for four months now and I'd be able to kick that fucking things ass. if it had one. so watch out

Didn't it spit acid first? Can these things spit acid?

>acid weakens skin
>oviposter punches clean through hand

I always thought those flaps on the side were for squeezing the sides of your jaw, forcing it open?

Seems like that would kills the host

I don't think so, some of the games had Xenos doing that but I have no idea if it's canon or not

Don't they just lay an egg in you and leave you alive? Just get surgery to remove it afterwards. What's so scary about a monster that essentially does 0 harm?

The xeno species is the most pointless species ever, when your entire existence solely relies on other life forms then you're doing something wrong and you're just not meant to exist

Doesn't matter how much you struggle, you WILL be taking that Big Spider Cock down your throat. In fact, it enjoys it if you do, since the only thing it gets to do in life is face rape a single person.

Yeah, they impregnate you alive and then they die, I have no idea why in the all the alien movies the surgery to remove the xeno baby is supposed to be fatal to the host, it can't be that difficult esp with the future technology you have

Nobody tell this low IQ user about viruses


The flaps are little lungs. They help Cain breathe while he's unconscious

>dude, just get raped and impregnated, no big deal haha We'll just cut open your chest and remove the acidic snake monster after haha stop being a wimp

I'm not talking about viruses you cunt

Feel stupid now don't you?

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Woah, no need to get violent there, dumbo

Nobody tell this low IQ user that he consumes other life forms to exist

>he doesn't do his own photosynthesis

The alien hatches and starts growing quickly by feasting on your organs. There’s no time for surgery usually.

I'm vegan

how does it work anyway? The facehugger eventually enter the person's mouth to develop into a xenomorph?

>plants aren't life forms

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I'm Negan

Who said I ate plants?


>Facehugger rapes your mouth and stays attached for a number of hours while it impregnates you (also keeping you alive by feeding you oxygen)
>After the process is done it falls off, dead
>Cut to several hours/days/however long it takes depending on what the plot demands, the xeno is born, killing the host
>Xeno then grows to adult form in a number of hours/days (again depending on what the plot demands)
>Sometimes the xeno is a queen and can produce more eggs of her own

alien 3 and 4 both have acid spitting aliens in 1 scene each
the facehugger is somehow able to melt through kane's faceplate without damaging him. it's just a thing it can do to get at it's host

Cock is part of a life form.

Only your cock baby

Literally just shit out the alien before it bursts out your belly

i dont understand how it impregnates you. technically you are just an incubator. it just drops the eggs into your stomach. does same for all species it attacks. theres nothing reproductive or fertilizing the eggs, so they are ready to be born. the eggs arent attached to the lining or symobiotic or parasitic in any way. it doesnt even make sense to do this. just find something warm to put eggs in since the only reason to do this is if you think the new incubator will not notice and will nurture the egg like a cuckoo bird. they dont even eat the corpse at birth, so not like they put them in there to have food when they hatch.

Would a facehugger attach to my rectum?

the egg thing never really made sense due to where it pops out of the host
i much prefer the dna parasite tumor theory that it grows off of the host itself

user just called himself a buttface kek


I'm pretty sure I remember reading that the proboscis can punch through teeth if it needs to. Also it spits acid. Also it's covering your face, you'll involuntarily open your mouth to try to breathe if your nose is covered.

au contraire. a facebutt

>it's not rocket science
They were on a spaceship, it literally is.

Just bite it bro, it'll get scared and let you go


They're just truckers in space

>in the all the alien movies the surgery to remove the xeno baby is supposed to be fatal to the host
This is never said in any of the movies. The third movie literally mentions how Ripley could remove the chestburster through surgery and the fourth movie starts of with her clone being operated on to remove the one in her chest and Prometheus’ best scene is also the abortion c-section scene. You are a stupid faggot who didn’t pay attention while watching them or you didn’t watch them at all. Dumb faggot

Idiots like you who try to apply overly nerdy logic to movies are the biggest faggots in existence. Go watch some cinemasins videos and read some TVtropes articles, you fucking nerd.

Agreed. Mars has the highest average IQ in the solar system because it’s populated with rocks.

Do us all a favor and snort some hot water

>I rest my defence your honour

The form the alien takes is dependent on what the host organism was. That’s why there’s a dog alien in the third film. It develops by using the host’s DNA.

Apparently later lore/rpg shit answers this. As it's all sourced to the black goo, it's basically a cancer that changes the internal biology of the host. Your organs become an embryo chamber. You'll probably have problems for the rest of your life.

the terrible colonial marines game tried to establish that you still die after it's removed because the placenta gives you super aids

>the black goo
yeah i'm just gonna pretend those movies never happened

Don't tell user that men depend on shooting their projenal essence into a females womb esophagus in order to reproduce. And even then there is only a half chance of it being a male.

*blocks your nose*
heh, nothing personnel

There are wasps that do this, they lay their eggs inside caterpillars and the larvae burst out of the caterpillars once mature. Now granted it gets actually creepier in reality compared to the movie because the caterpillar then starts exhibiting maternal instincts (something it would never do in any other situation) and protect the baby wasps until their deaths

So it’s truck science