Knowing how Hollywood people are completely disconnected from reality and "understand" works of Orwell and similar authors, it's going to miss the point entirely, isn't it?
It will be completely devoid of nuance and truthfulness, right?
Knowing how Hollywood people are completely disconnected from reality and "understand" works of Orwell and similar authors, it's going to miss the point entirely, isn't it?
It will be completely devoid of nuance and truthfulness, right?
Will the CIA back it up again?
They're going to give Napoleon blond hair like Trump
OP probably thinks Orwell was anti communist
cia is based, love how they make extreme lefties AND rightoids seethe lol
It's going to be some retarded take on UK politics and saying that Boris Johnson is some mad dictator just like when he mocked Theresa May
Snowball will no longer be white
Reminder that Orwell was a socialist
so was Hitler
Orwell was an unabased leftist who volunteered to fight with the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. Just because he hated Stalin doesn't mean he wasn't a leftist, and anyone who claims otherwise is a retard who thinks "the left" is an ideologically homogenous bloc, probably thinks Joe Biden is a "leftist" too lmao
After his woke christmas carol adaption in bbc I don't have much hope for this
and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is definitely a Democratic Republic
It'll be about how the pigs are like Trump.
Screencap this.
NatSoc is not SocDem.
well there you go
there is already an animal farm movie and its great
and Orwell was totally a socialist
I read at first that it was a remake of Animal House and got excited for a second. But now I'm disappointed.
Sorry buddy, the social science is settled.
No one cares about your bunkercuck takes
>lmao everyone I like is a leftist!!!!
>but people who make us look bad are all right wing actually, even though I support everything they support
Kill yourself, tranny
''muh left'' and ''muh right'' doesn't apply to people who don't live today. Orwell didn't support people cutting off their dicks, importing niggers, unlimited welfare, believe all women etc. Calling him a leftist doesn't mean anything in modern day context where people who call themselves leftists are completely insane clowns. Orwell doesn't have a twitter with she/her pronouns in the bio so he wasn't a leftist. Period.
What?! Jews... in Hollywood???
It'll end with the animals succeeding and starting a war on the greater population of humanity, making way for the sequel: Animal Nation
Jews are simply of superior intellect and the filthy goyim can't deal with it lmao
Centrists (pedo apologists) get the rope first.
Socialists in Orwell's time are basically Fascists on the current political compass
Welp, it's gonna be
even though it's jews with all the special rules surrounding them legally
dude should stick to mocap apes
>muh left'' and ''muh right'' doesn't apply to people who don't live today.
Correct, bunker trannies are not leftists, they’re neoliberals, slaves to woke capital. Orwell is a leftist in the purest sense possible. Your post is incoherent.
Socialism and Fascism are completely opposite ideologies. Socialism is left wing and Fascism is far-right
Authoritarian socialism is absolutely a thing but anyone who says "socialists are duh real fascists LMAO" have no understanding of the basics of political thought
Ideologies mean nothing. Orwell didn't support total racial population replacement and gender change operations for children so he's a Chud by today's standards
>Le good leftists and le bad leftists and le rightists and le labels
Modern politics is a battle of good vs evil. Go extinct or not? Castrate kids or not? Pollute the Earth or not? Unlike politics which are inherently gray, modern (((politics))) are an outright battle of good, normal people vs suicidal satanic pedo cultists.
Apologists get the rope. Leftist get the rope. Troons get the rope. All the same thing. Rope.
''orwell is a leftist'' doesn't fucking mean anything, you braindead retard. Orwell doesn't support the politics that people who call themselves leftists support
>b-but they aren't real leftists!!!
Fucking kill yourself already. You don't decide what ''muh left'' is. People who call themselves left and agree that they're all left decide what the left is.
Chud is a buzzword not a political ideology retard. Orwell might be a child by todays standards but he’d still be a socialist
It's why they lie and cheat their way to gold
Nah. He'd see how insane Leftists today are and become a Nazi immediately. People aren't married to positions that made sense to them at the time
He was anti Stalinist but yeah, basically a Trotskyist from what I understand, which is pretty pathetic
This. I voted for Obama but I'm not afraid to admit I was very, very ignorant and wrong.
I hate this fucker more and more as time goes on. When he was doing Gollum and King Kong I didn't realise how bad he was. Come Tin Tin I started to notice it and recently he has gotten such a big head they'll need a huge mo cap for his next project.
Don't normally do this but
>Muh animal impressions
Shut up faggot anyone could jump around and still look like a monkey you just open your mouth a few times
>Unlike politics which are inherently gray, modern (((politics))) are an outright battle of good, normal people vs suicidal satanic pedo cultists
You need to go outside, friend. Maybe stop paying for InfoWars supplements too, they might be rotting your brain.
>People who call themselves left and agree that they're all left decide what the left is.
Yeah, all these billion dollar companies competing for woke points and appealing to troons for their cuckbucks are absolutely left-wing. Corporations are all 100% behind the idea of the proles seizing the means of their production and redistributing their wealth amongst the working-class. You really are utterly clueless, your definition of leftism is entirely meaningless.
>billion dollar companies competing for woke points and appealing to troons for their cuckbucks are absolutely left-wing.
Yes. Kill yourself tranny
t. fierce, fierce advocate for trans kids
By your logic, because everyone calls the mRNA vaccines “vaccines” and not “experimental gene therapy”, that means they’re actually vaccines, right?
I’m literally describing bioleninism fucknut, how is that a pro-trans position
Vaccines don't vote and join organizations that call themselves vaccine organizations and vote vaccine in elections
You're a braindead retard
couldn't be a more appropriate time for an orwell film. the orwellian language is getting quite out of control and as per usual it's coming from the right-wing
"orwell would be a nazi because i'm retarded" is not an argument
Why is this guy so fucking famous all of a sudden? His Gollum was mostly cleaned up by hundreds of conventional animators, then he has a minor part in King Kong, and bam he gets an "with Andy Serkis" in the Batman credits like he was a hard to get superstar. Fuck Andy Serkis.
>taking the analogy that literally
Saying “leftists are leftists because they identify as leftists” is a descriptive not prescriptive theory of language. By the same token, you must necessarily concede that trans women are actually women because they identify as women. Prove me wrong
Very based, they would shoot your ass and face no repercussions.
Let's say the point you're trying to make is true, that would make you, a self titled leftist, right wing. See the loop you're making here?
Modern "left" = psycho bootlicking peso troons trying to power up the feds who are in turn turning Earth into a polluted, warring wasteland
Modern "right" = normal, sapient humans
Wtf is that, sounds like a super villain
Worry about political labels and politics and shit after this battle of good vs evil is waged FFS
you still upset that your acting career never took off, user?
orwell was far left and shat on everything chuds believe
>I think that it’s (Animal Farm) even more relevant today than it was in (1945), which is frightening to think about. There’s always been the haves and have-nots, but when you see minorities today getting increasingly less power and less representation…It’s a story that will always be relevant until real change is made.
It did take off but mostly in gay porn.
>that would make you, a self titled leftist, right wing
Point to the post where I said I was a leftist. Go on, I’ll wait.
Oof moment.
pic related, its gonna get woked the fuck out of it
>but when you see minorities today getting increasingly less power and less representation
what the fuck is this idiot smoking? right now the minorities have gotten more power and more representation everywhere, more than ever before
Woman isn't a cult people join, you fucking retarded faggot. Being a woman is biological reality.
Despite what you mentally ill bunkertrannies read on cripplechan there is no agreed definition of ''the left.'' The only consistent thing about this muh left/muh right shit is that it's two teams with opposing views. Which team supports what changes all the time. It doesn't matter what you call it, call it red versus blue. Red states believe this, blue states believe this. We do not need some insane brainwashed troon to come in and say ''actually you aren't red because you voted for the red in the elections, you're actually more similar to a British politician from 200 years ago who called himself a Hufflepuff, therefore you're a REAL hufflepuff and not red.''
This is completely insane. You are a cultist.
It'll tell you something along the lines of
>trust muh institutions
>ONLY blame WHITE richfags
Point your dilator in your dilation hole and kill yourself, troon
Leftism and socialism aren't the same thing was authoritarianism
The point of Orwell's book is that it doesn't matter what type of economic policy the government has if they control everything
Because then the workers would still be exploited by a rich upper class. There's no real distinction between capitalist businessmen and rich socialist bureaucrats if they control literally every aspect of your life
Not a real quote, r-right?
>Woman isn't a cult people join, you fucking retarded faggot. Being a woman is biological reality.
This is Irrelevant. We’re talking about definitions, not biological realities. if someone can define themselves simply by identifying themselves as such, then that’s how language works, it doesn’t change just because the subject matter changes. Unless you don’t agree, in which case leftists AREN’T leftists just because they say they are.
>The only consistent thing about this muh left/muh right shit is that it's two teams with opposing views. Which team supports what changes all the time
All you’re proving here is that it doesn’t make any sense to use terms like left and right to describe the divide you’re noting here. If they’re changing all the time then it hardly makes sense to use political terminology that is no longer applicable. However it makes sense to use left/right distinctions when talking about people from the past, when those definitions actually had meaning that was relevant and useful.
Andy no, is he really just another jewish scumbag? I thought he was a limey.
Then again Harry Potter himself is a fucking kike isn't he.
I’m still waiting faggot, cope harder that your strawman collapses in on itself.