I like Sabrina

But the woke shit just feels jarring and forced af.

Idk but the constant cringe and patronizing writing ruined a good twist on the original stories.

Does anyone like this woke shit? Even if you agree with it, how does it not make it feel cringe?

>Sabrina is cute af tho, my god it helped get me through

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the show was just boring, even without the wokeflix cringe.

Woke this, woke that... I'm sick of hearing that fucking word.

ok groomer.

Stop being woke than faggot.

I'm sick of hearing a bunch of racist sexist drivel by braindead revisionist manipulative kikes

>But the woke shit just feels jarring
Poor baby, can't handle even seeing anything other than the whitest of bland christian whites without it hurting his widdle biddle feewings.

Say, you wouldn't happen to be a white hetero cis male, now would you?

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say, you wouldnt cry when youll get shot by a stray bullet in a war of your making, now would you ? fucking faggot baiter

>stop noticing things
>stop teaching American history to our kids
>stop teaching math too, ban those textbooks

This is just how rightoids process information.

>straight white Christian male

>literally anything else

Their mind can’t handle anything more complex than that. And to add insult to injury, they don’t have as much power as they used to, leading to psychosexual fixation on cuck, etc.

You will never be normal.

go back to r3ddit

they should've made it an adult show instead, Kiernan being raped by the devil and having occult orgies
not showing Kiernans naked blood soaked tits in 4k cost Netflix $100b+

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I don’t care if the wokeness is thematically consistent with the narrative the film/tv show is exploring. Like, Get Out works despite being woke, because it is literally a film about a black man’s discomfort in oppressively white spaces. There’s a reason for it to be there. On the other hand, it makes no sense at all for films and tv shows to force an agenda where it has no place being there. Representation for representation’s sake inevitably does more harm than good, and rather than benefitting minorities, makes audiences turn against them for having to swallow so much bullshit.

Why do you use their words?

It gave us kiernan in a sexy cheerleader outfit so all is forgiven and forgotten

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watching garbage because you're a simp?

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Kiernan peaked in season 5 of Mad Men

every garbage becomes good trash when your waifu is in it

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>*spins in your general direction*

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This is the only Sabrina that matters.

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Jews are overrepresented by nearly 10,000% in American media corporations.

im in love with her

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woke doesn't mean anything anymore so i don't even know how to respond to you. Director is a woman - woke. Main character is a woman - woke. Black people in the cast - woke. Gays in the story - woke. Nazis portrayed as bad - woke. What does it even mean?

Do they still make Sabrina? Last time i watched it i was fifteen and mainly because of the cat, she must be 35 now do they still call her teenage witch?

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Get in line.

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Stopped reading there

inb4 default tranny comeback

he obviously meant rebooted version with Shipka

The actress is fucking perfect for the role. You couldn't have cast her better. But I just couldn't get through it. And I'm saying it as someone who generally rolls eyes at most of the shit Yea Forums considers woke. Most of the time its really gay. But this is woke af and insufferable.

Oh another reboot, at this rate they will make Malcolm reboot too aren't they

This show's moral compass is completely broken.

God I wish it were me.

>I like a show made for teenage girls

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I still want to fuck the shit out of her

it means you are blind

its made retard

another ella hollywood thread

sadly she hit the wall

user, I don’t know if I care anymore…

Man she's so coquette

she still doesn't have enough exposition. we should have a kiki thread on the daily to change that

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Me too.

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dilate you disgusting fucking freak

Nah she just became part of a real life sex cult and witch coven.

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she's incredibly naughty

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Yeah, people like that are perfect targets for membership. Heaven knows what goes on in these elite sex party circles.

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What's with all the Sabrina shilling lately?
Are Shipka's managers trying to spark discussion or her career for her new movie?

And this show is for little girls...?

absolute retard


Who the fuck else is this for then?

It's from a different show.

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explain this then.


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I want to coom on her face

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Looks like I won the argument.

truth. so hot.