ITT: Biggest youtube falls from grace
ITT: Biggest youtube falls from grace
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I love it when the left eats eachother. So fucking satisfying. Cathartic even.
>youtube drama
take your nobodies and your who-gives-a-shit takes the fuck out of here, cunt faggot
Disgusting people.
He fell from grace the second he left the geriatric womb.
Imagine if Hila got raped by a nigger
also he gets more views than ever
i dont know who any of these people are
i just like that bloke who crosses wales in straight lines
seriously their content turned into absolute dogshit
Is he still alive?
What happened
That guy is a fag too
Ethan would enjoy it, literally admitted to being a cuck
a gay youtuber accidentally left their amazon shopping cart and it had adult diapers in it. Ethan said its because he's a bottom and is dribbling poopoodoodoo from his cheeks being blown out and everyone got mad at him.
>loses 10k followers over some stupid drama
Wow he's finished!
Idubbz is the obvious one
>ethan panders to faggots
>becomes left wing sweetheart
>makes fun of faggots a lil bit
>faggots rage
without question
Leafy did literally nothing wrong and made fat stacks, huge disgusting W
RWJ is probably the biggest, Funhaus is probably the funniest
There's an interview with the teens from the teen reacts series and they reveal a lot about the slimey shit these jews did.
god fuck what happened, he used to be a chill uploader in 2016
Why is ethan such a fucking jew that he caters to the left for a year and then to the right. How does he get away with it EVERY TIME
>V Tubers get a board
>But not just YouTube
Who watches this? Seriously. I’m genuinely curious.
nuh uh
steven crowder fans still seething huh?
She looks like she has BO.
they lost heir soul, very sad
moved to L.A, got indoctrinated by literal commie propaganda, made an immense amount of profit when he started propagating it himself.
what about EDP445? he's a serial killer waiting to happen.
he's cornered.
>too white!! :((
literally 4/6 in this pic are brown people
Saving this image so I can photoshop Sohla standing in the shadows
How the mighty have fallen
>grotesque manchild clown makes skits where he acts like a buffoon for cheap laughs
>it gets him popular
>not making enough money so he pads his content with vlogs
>they're boring as fuck but his humble personality and underdog status make him beloved
>it goes straight to his head
>he starts making tons of money
>pretends he isn't, to preserve his image
>starts an expensive studio podcast despite being a moron with no charisma or insight into literally anything
>it's awful
>stops making skits
>chases drama to stay relevant and bait in viewers
>starts two-facing and selling out his friends
>is too stupid to realise it's all clear as day recorded on the podcast
>people point this out to him
>feels bad for obvious reasons, too egocentric to realise why, blames depression
>is now just a soiboy keemstar
isn't idubbz holding a huge boxing event?
>got indoctrinated by literal commie propaganda
>is jewish
>needs to be indoctrinated to make money
based retard
Nigahiga(not really a fall, but he quit)
I just saw that. One is a crack-whore now, wtf?!
2 and 4 are literal whos
>used to hang out with Filthy Frank
>now hangs out with a Filthy Skank
>blames depression
is this the easiest way?
yuck what a gross looking couple
zoomies don't know about Gamelife
Ironically, both 2 and 4 are the only dudes still active on yt
You have a link? This sounds interesting.
Funny how you would never know pewdiepie still exists from the outside, yet he still has 2 trillion subs
don’t you shit on black people for blaming a system they allege oppresses them, meanwhile you do the exact same thing with Jews?
lol at the two boring faggots who rode idubbz and filthyfranks coat tails
does some have the vid were hila wore a bikini?
holy fuck you just made me sad. I forgot how comfy their channel was. I actually remember keeping up with these guys.
I was surprised when I saw how many views he's still getting, given that I haven't heard anyone talk about him positively in years.
As in they made being edgy cool so it'll take longer to go full globohomo-cancel-everyone-for-the-smallest-shit mode? crazy...
you won
I came in here for Hila pics. How the fuck did he land that??
You can't loose something you never had. Like Judas, who was professed to betray Jesus, Chris was doomed from the very start.
If pre-youtube counts it's obviously . If it doesn't it's probably or maybe tobuscus
it's for the best, really. when you think about it, BA was basically just reality tv for people who look down on reality tv
tranette no passto
I hardly know anything about these two other than the guy is some annoying shithead but they look like a gypsy and a jew. Truly disgusting couple
Idubbz sold his soul.
There is some foreboding, very reminiscent of Will Smith's hell, about this relationship.
Faggots are fucking disgusting. Mutilating their own asshole so they can pretend to be a girl and relive getting molested by their 3rd grade teacher so much they are in a perpetual state of shitting their pants.
???? I'm pretty sure I've seen the gray haired lady before but I never really watched her videos. What happened?
Remeber when he shat on the wall with someones gmod furry OCs
Just found out
why do people like ethan and his skeletor wife? yea he made one or two fun videos back in like 2017 but why do people care now?
The pajeet pictured here Made up shit about everyone being rayciss to her so she could boost her career and it tanked the channel
is it really that profitable to pander to the woke scolds? i thought the mantra was get woke go broke
Idubbz is still "active" but only Max and Fat are still doing their thing.
that doing your mom guy
really popular around 08
what's he doing now
not that i spend a lot of time on youtube
i don't know any of these people. I fell like, if anything, i'm winning in this thread because of this.
black rock
Fuck, I would hatefuck her so hard.
isnt she selling pussy pics on onlyfans or something?
>Watching anything but non-3rd world restoration and repair videos
Yeah, I'm not even *that* much of an anti-semite and I always thought he was a cringy and nauseating personality (but yeah, funny sometimes).
Nobody has fallen more then this
>Change the channel.
>Movement to try to bring down Doug.
>Utterly fails.
>Those involved end up bringing themselves down instead.
I wouldn't put NC on the list of biggest falls from grace. He's not as big as he was years ago, but aside from people thinking his humor is cringey, he isn't exactly hated nor is he unsuccessful. If anything, I'd say he's moved up since the years when he tried to cancel NC and do Demo Reel and that shitty gameshow.
when the fuck is brad making a channel? At least claire did and it's decent.
He had a podcast made popular by popular guests.
He doesn't really have fans anymore, he only has a mob who like to listen to nonsense in the background or people who seek people spreading the same woke lies they themselves believe in.
The 2010s were so fucking awful
he looks uncomfortably Jewish
*is incapable of falling from grace in your path*
Surprisingly their problem was that they put out too much content
So? They're wrong.
> no one has posted it yet
Kek. Looks like hes trying to relive his old edgy roots
umm sweaty it was taken out of context
Yeah. But they have a relationship where "they allow each other freedom"
Read: Iddubz is utterly cucked by his wife and is too weak not to enjoy a dormant existence alongside a "strong" woman.
Damn, crazy...
Ngl, this got me.
His how to be a ninja and gangster videos were the first YouTube vids I watched. His skits were pretty good as well
jesus christ
can not stand the girls who wear big shirts like a dress
I never understood this guys appeal. The only food related content I like it's the korean street food videos. Maybe im autistic this way
i heard they did a house tour video in a way to mock how rich they are, but actually it's a giant mansion, i can't find it anywhere
People who say "DA JOOZ" when someone points out a jew, are jews.
Why are you so afraid of us pointing out your ethnicity?
basically pander to general nondescript (left-leaning) kids and every so often you have a totally contrived "drama" with some Twitter psychos which drives more audience to your channel to find out what's going on. It's a tried-and-tested formula.
As far as i remember, she haven't even shown her nipple yet
How has no one posted Spoony yet?
You guys aren't even trying
boogie dies tonight
Woke mob creates a symbiotic relationship.
They transmute your being so that you abandon your being, so that you think and speak their thoughts and words and they will feed you money and "fame" for it.
And if you try to get out of line they take everything away, as will happen soon to Ethan, most likely.
He was always terrible. Content Cop was the only watchable stuff he put out and that was really just piggybacking off of trainwrecks. Pointing out that a shitty content creator sucks doesn't take talent. The jokes write themselves
and people pay for that shit?
white (married a jew though)
white (yep, italian not jewish)
some flavor of middle-eastern, I forget
>yea he made one or two fun videos back in like 2017
just one, really
Miss this nigga
They're justifiably scared people will put 2 and 2 together and another shoah will happen.
Can’t fall from grace if you were always at the bottom
you only now realized that go woke go broke is chud cope?