2000 - 2010

>2000 - 2010
druggy, trashy, old, bad hair, bad teeth.
kino ageless look at 58.

how the FUCK did he pull this one off?

Attached: depp.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:


He looks like shit
Stop being a Depp Dickrider.

idgaf, men look their best from 36- 45. this dude is almost 59 & looks fantastic.

>bad hair

hasn't that always been his hairline? basically the same as Donnie Brasco but longer.


go to bed amber turd

>this looks fantastic

Why do they call her Scamber Turd?

he doesn't look great but it is a huge upgrade from that meth zombie look a few years ago

Book deal for Johnny's memoirs when?

Do you think Jada doesn’t see the opportunity in this kind of trainwreck? How long will it be before we see Will Smith testifying that he didn’t hit her?

>men look best 36-45
Please accept the aging process user, you don’t look as good as you did when you were 25 unless you had some kind of health or medical intervention like massive weight loss.

Attached: 2431F980-6C32-4EF8-ABD7-2BB2648CA5FB.jpg (566x475, 51.81K)

Based Johnny

I look better actually

I could dominate and rape your weeb sissy white ass without breaking a sweat

Yeah I'm thinking Johnny's back

>how the FUCK did he pull this one off?
Drugs and alcohol, stay away from them.

I hope they play that surveillance video again of the female cop laughing when the elevator door closed

>give me the meds.....
Why is this so fucking kino

Huh? What's this?

Is it cringe or based that he's still partying that hard at that age? My Dad just has a glass of red wine with dinner.

David Lynch legitimately looked better 40-60s. He lost the baby fat and youthful chubby cheeks

"I know I can do it", Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. I'm sure that in time, every bit of her will be gone, and that her death will be a mystery, even to me.

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>mr shaky

>one song on a loop
What song was it Yea Forums?

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darude sandstorm

He was quite explicit yesterday that he didn't "party". He took substances to wind down, not to hype up for a big night.

thought for sure he'd say it


he looks smoky and mysterious until he pulls his hair back revealing his weird shaped head and rising hairline, looks like a nonce

>stream's frozen
Oh shit. What did he say??


That’s every man with long hair past 30

with jews you lose

the facial hair doesnt help either. if he wasnt hollywood elite id think works as a line cook in a shit restaurant

please accept not everyone is balding as you 20s-something user, some of us look better with age.

So he didn't do cocaine?

Alternative link if your stream is frozen

CBS news yt is up

Go shit on the bed, Amber

When does Amber testify? I want to see if she will spazz out in BPD rage.

Link it then you stupid fucking mong.

he's a pisshead who tangentially got addicted to opiates. he admits hes done party drugs too but downplays the hell out of it.


Why did she shit on the bed? Is she a demon? Was she drunk? Did they dna test the poop to prove it's hers?

>good one
Fucking kek

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also whenever these hollywood people say they have 'only done a cocaine a few times' you must remember this is relative to their lifestyle. he probably bashed out fat slugs every weekend but wasn't doing it all week like his nonce hollywood friends.

Why oh why did god make my hair start thinning at 25

just checked out ambers poo picture and i have to say she needs a better diet. doesnt look healthy at all.

>Drug time is an agenda item on the wedding plan
Fucking lit

>Could you please out your entire family and friends as doing illegal drugs
Tough spot

i am blessed with retaining my hair into my 30s but cursed with a high hairline. sometimes i think it would be better if i had just gone bald.

Did I miss any kino when the stream went down? I live in a shithole so no CBS for me

Why does Johnny Depp look like someone else is playing irl?

>johnny v amber trial discussion?
johnny v amber trial discussion.

don't say that, user. don't ever say it to a bald man. live, damn you, live!

Is this guy actually retarded?

>Hair is uncontrollably greying, plus have huge honking nose and receding chin

Swear I could pull a chick or two if I wasn't such a nitpicky fag, stop being too drawn into this lookism crap bros

>my drug of choice is marijuana

i started getting more attention from younger girls after i developed a widow's peak.

>communal bag of mdma
I'm going to the wrong weddings.

age builds character for men, he still looks good so why don't you zoomie on out of here and go simp for some brown thing that all look the same no cap

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brain fried from all the nose clams + other substances

i make the most of it for my baldbros but it is a struggle when no hairstyles suit me. or the ones that do require a lot of maintence so my ridiculous hairline isn't on show

>Had a single joint.

Attached: DRUK.jpg (300x168, 9.9K)

they're trying to establish that she's a drug user along with Johnny. they're also trying give the jury the idea that once they were married, Turd turned up the juice on her game of falsely labeling Johnny as abusive.


Yea Forums be like
>alcohol: kino

i'll go to your bed and shit in it faggots

He looks great for his age.

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>worships hunter s thompson
>constantly goes on about beat generation
>"yes your majesty i only smoke the weed"
no one believes this


Why is Amber so silent?

Adrenochrome is a hell of a drug

once you've done it all, weed and wine is a comfy place to land, I imagine. it's retirement mode.

>you licked your finger and dipped it in the bag
>that's like putting your whole mouth right in the mdma

Attached: double_dip.jpg (1200x630, 70.96K)

nah i agree with you but i have serious doubts he dabbles as little as he is trying to make out

TRIGGERING the fuck out of johnny with those objections

cross is going to be a brutal, brutal affair

She's not on the witness stand?

He just spoke about his rehab attempts, it’s not a surprise he’d prefer a joint over zoomer drugs

He admitted to using roxys daily for 5 years


I agree. his comment earlier about asking a new question so defense could object to it was bad.

he's going to have to reign it in, bigtime.

Does she have any money? Why is he suing her?

>I'm not in your will
Damn what a bitch

no, you're not understanding
>weed has always been my thing
is what you say when you want people to think you've never done anything else. he has. loads and loads of coke. benzo's too

To prove a point and clear his name. He doesn't really care about the money. He wants to expose the lying gold digging bitch.


>johnny depp is 58
what the fuck

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Based Johnny, hope he pulls through

As a severe alcoholic i've also had brain troubles. It's the only thing that made me stop for now. I now take b12, cod liver oil, resveratrol pills etc. to try and restore my previous power, but I wonder if it's all just a cope.

both of these are specifically referring to an addiction he obtained through prescription opiates after an injury. if you honestly believe he wasnt doing coke and other drugs ive got a bridge to sell you.

>brutal..... words....

Is that really so shocking? Nightmare on Elm Street was nearly 40 years ago.

warning signs. my ex only cared about her name getting on the deed to our house after she started fucking the coke guy from the gym

>ass kisser for lawyers

Can this nigga speak a complete sentence

i hope everyone is here watching when the cross begins

it's gonna' get so good hope we don't have to wait until tomorrow


All of them look around 75.

yeah the cross exam will be pure kino compared to him spinning his sob story these past two days

Why do you need to hide in 9 rooms? Just pick one and lock the door damn

holy fuck I'm listening to it now while he testifies and it's fucking kinoooo

>...but why did you throw away the vodka?

What could the cross ask that Johnny's side hasn't already? He's laying it all on the table, even apologizing for his texts before Amber's people can bring them up as a gotcha.

>just gets another bottle when amber through the 1st bottle

He peaked in the early aughts.

Your idea of what a 75 year old looks like is off by 15 years

Get your blood tested. You're probably low on vit D.

glad i could be of cervix.

no idea, i just want to see ambers lawyers make him squirm