Literally now black people in this movie, just saw it

Literally now black people in this movie, just saw it.


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this movie should have been 3 hours and the batman should have been 2 hours.

It's not out yet

Black user here, this is nice to know.

I saw it on Saturday. Not a single nog in the entire film, you lying fuck.

It's out.

Both characters kill each other on the volcano.

That's what he wrote you illiterate fuck.

>Literally now black people

Based retard

Now black people

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>Literally no black people in this movie.

The fact that you can't stop to try to reason out someone elses typo for 5 seconds makes you a dumb cunt worthy of ass rape.

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but the lead actress is latin
they were so close to perfection

god I love media where you can just forget that subhumans exist for awhile
been watching freaks and geeks and there has been only a few monkeys only as extras in the background

Good streaming site to watch it?

vikangz were the niggers of the middle ages

literally so mindcucked that you have to worry if movies have niggers, imagine being you. Oh watch out! There is a niggo behind you! Ooga booga! Bix Nood! fuggin pussy

guess that's why it's flopping

Glad to hear that the director put Black people in the movie now.

Does this mean I have a chance?

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yeahhh you're a pussy unless you stare at subhumans all day


>no niggers
brown here, I will now watch your film
It's refreshing not seeing niggers shoved in a film where they don't belong.

>even aliens hit the wall

>100% European blood

Film was kino. 100% white, European film.

>no black people
>movie is a subversive story about how revenge is bad actually
so close to being based

Don't bother watching, it's garbage. The mother is revealed to be the mastermind behind killing his father because of some retarded slavery bullshit and he ends up killing his mother then dying himself while killing his uncle. 0/10 cuck fantasy with no happy ending.

Daily reminder the Northman's viral marketers on Yea Forums are in a PANIC. The film scored under 65 in test screenings which means the word of mouth won't be enough to carry the box office because most people want diversity in their films.

Chuds have been organizing and working with the studio to help the viral marketers shill this piece of shit meme film.

That's not even mentioning the director's message is anti-chud and against toxic masculinity which is beyond any chud's understanding

>RE: And then with this movie, I wasn’t like, “Now I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But as I’ve said may times, nothing good happens when two men are trapped in a giant phallus. So obviously that’s what’s going to happen in [the lighthouse].

>AVC: It does seem very inevitable between them. So, you didn’t sit down and go, “I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But at what point did you start to recognize that that’s what the story is about in some ways?

>RE: When my brother and I got all the way through [the script] the first time, we were like, “Yeah, that’s what’s going on.”

The marketers are SO desperate they are now recruiting Alfonso Cuaron to put out articles for the movie.

>directors close buddy sees movie
>"Hey alfonso, we're struggling with the test scores on our movie. we're under 65 which means bad word of mouth. I dont know what to do."
>next day

It will be interesting to see what Eggers viral marketing team and their pack of chud jannies try next with their guaranteed meme trash flop.

The film is a 6.5/10

It reminds me a lot of valhalla rising. Flashes of brilliance interlaced with long scenes of not much happening.

Let Ubisoft run it for a while. Everyone will be an Indian viking.

Nobody viral markets on Yea Forums you dummy. This is a parochial board on Yea Forums, the audience here is tiny, has no influence and no money

For me, 7.5/10

I saw just got back from it. It's a 7-8/10. Pretty good with some cool visual shit happening but it's not incredible or anything.
I did find it interesting that they kind of explained all the fantasy shit that happens in it as resulting from drugs or dreams, but then they never explained why they couldn't unsheathe his sword in daylight. There was even a scene where one of the villains tries to do it to steal it and can't so he just throws it on the floor and walks out.

The sword was magical wasn't it? Odin was also real in the film because he saved Amleth when he was tied up

That's flipping based

I will let you retards watch it, if I see you complaining about a single black person (besides certified person of color Anya Taylor-Joy), I won't go see it

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A lot of Euro posters on the board have seen it by now
Not a single non white person in the film

Weren't those ravens though aka his dad?

They were ravens but ravens are associated with Odin and I remember Odin himself appearing at some point in the film and I think that was when he was tied up in the barn or whatever it was

> story about how revenge is bad actually
how so?
he gets his revenge in full
knocks up fish eyed girl and secures his lineage
seems like the movie ends with the protagonist getting exactly what he wants and getting the best of both worlds
doesnt seem very anti revenge to me

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>movie is a subversive story about how revenge is bad actually
it literally isnt
the story ends with amleth choosing revenge in order to keep his kin safe, if anything the movie has pro revenge undertones
also its based off an old folk tale thats hundreds of years old so in what way is it "subversive"

reality is that the movie is by a pseud who was worried if he over-committed to "revenge movie" he wouldn't look clever to critics.

so he tries to do both and fails at either.

Here is how I understood the ending

>lineage is important (represented by Amleth's weird ass LITERAL family tree)
>Amleth's dad tells him that he must continue his line no matter the cost but must also get revenge
>When Amleth realises Olga is pregnant he sees the opportunity to do both
>hence the 'I choose both' or whatever it was he told her before he left her
>the ending is a happy ending from a viking age POV because he continues his line, gets revenge and goes to Valhalla
Did I get it wrong?

>testing testing

ive watched some interviews of eggers and honestly he doesnt seem as much of a gay pseud as people try and make him out to be
hes said with the witch and the lighthouse he was just trying to make entertaining stories and that the whole "feminism" and "toxic masculinity" stuff are just interpretations of his films that he actually had no intention of writing into the script

That's the best review i've seen in decades OP. Thanks.

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this is probably what Eggers was going for, but he didn't make it payoff in the Braveheart way (where Wallace is implied to be father to the future king of england) it needed to.

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he doesn't make stories based around logical continuity, though. he's full symbolism-over-plot from his first movie (GOAT IS THE DEVIL BECAUSE REASONS!!1) onwards.

you can prioritize other stuff than straightforward setup-and-payoff, but it really sounds like he doesn't know what he wants. I doubt David Lynch gave interviews where he claimed Eraserhead was just an attempt to make an entertaining film.

what are you on about?
by the end of the film amleth didnt care about the kingdom and only wanted his uncle dead
also it is literally said in the film that his kin will go on to be king, what more do you need, a literal end credit scene of the coronation?
also never mention braveheart here again, that film faggot tier garbage

how is the goat being the devil symbolism over plot?
the goat literally turns into the devil at the end of the movie, that isnt symbolism, the goat in the film is literally satan
satan is always represented as a goat in stories

Can someone explain what the pros of doing one take shots are? I understand it's impressive but what are the benefits? Does it look better?

>Does it look better?

immersion though that's lost if not done properly. also bragging rights.

>Literally now black people in this movie
Where? When?

there's now black people in it? fucking dropped

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fuck you

it's not established that the *literal devil* is even a plot element until then (which you can do, see every Exorcist rip-off). that's non-continuity-based storytelling: you use thematic links and rely on the audience to join the dots.

the movie is called "The Witch", there is a Witch briefly shown, everything else is just spoopy forest happenings until her parents go crazy. setup and payoff would provide more meat, but that also requires cleverer writing.

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Yes i think you are mostly right, except eggers makes its ambiguous whether any of the viking mysticism is actually real throughout or all in their heads. Amleth is using the mythology to excuse his need for revenge. He is fucked up by the PSTD of his father being killed (berserkers were often soldiers with ptsd who placed no value on their lives other than dying and going to valhalla.) and is obsesed with revenge The world/king tree shows both of his kids being royalty with a crown and scepter, which will obviously never happen because his family lineage and power is gone which implies that he may be wrong. The whole plot line with his mother is also proof that the narrative he has weaved in his head can be false. His mother gave the blessing for him to be killed. She didnt want saving. Eggers kind of tries to justify this because Amleth was a rape baby and his mum was a slave but i still think shes evil for giving her blessing for his execution.

She was evil, Amleth himself calls her evil

imagine demanding blacks be in settings that they didnt exist in. Neck yourself redditard