What are you guys smoking on 4/20? Northern Lights here. Fun Fact, today is also Hitler's Birthday

What are you guys smoking on 4/20? Northern Lights here. Fun Fact, today is also Hitler's Birthday.

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I can’t smoke weed because I have a date later tonight and I don’t want to be a sleepy buzzkill

Hitler cake

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>being degenerate
>also being a nazi
Shiggy diggy

HHC and THCO cause my state sucks ass

It's ok, Ivan, nobody cares if you smoke Krokodil

uhh, weed?

Sour Diesel, was gonna chill but now a power cut happened

moroccan hash with tobacco

It's from Bob Dylan the rainy day woman song about everybody getting stoned. You multiply the numbers from the complete song title and it's 420

That's perfect. Meditate, exercise, draw, play an instrument.

I have to go to work "soon", so I can't smoke until after work. I still have some Pineapple Cake in my grinder, so that's probably gonna be it. I do have Northern Lights too

>Northern Lights
nirvana had a pretty decent northern lights. also liked their white rhino
...so bring some on the date...
haha exactly

NS was against drugs and stating that doesn't make me Russian, retard. Shouldn't you be sucking Biden off?

>NS was against drugs
Guy, the SS were literally giving their soldiers meth. You don't know what you're talking about. And nobody that posts >muh ebil nazi on Yea Forums is white. I'd tell you to suck Putin's cock, but you'd probably catch AIDS or something

- Oh I took a two day break for the occasion Jerry. Tonight I'll be high as a kite!
- Two days? Didn't know you had it in you George.

how much do you guys buy when you re-stock

i'm a 3-O man myself

I'm vaping. I made fun of people that vape for years, but at least my clothes don't smell anymore and I don't have to go outside into the cold/rain.

None because I'm not some weed obsessed loser


For me it's edibles

I love that I can get crossfaded and somehow wake up totally fine the next morning so I can get fucked up on weeknights

Yeah, they were, they were against recreational drugs you fucking nitwit. You probably think Horst Wessel loved whores
>muh ebil nazis
I never said any of that you drug addled retard. I was highlighting how you aren't a nazi
like a fucking redittor

Nice choice my dude. I grew some NL this past summer in my yard. Turned out great.

Enjoy the day G!

Hi officer tit dicks

>I was highlighting how you aren't a nazi

OP didn't say he was a nazi, only that it's Austrian-born German chancelier Adolf Hitler. Only commies get upset at the mere mention of Adolf Hitler.

>None because I'm not some weed obsessed loser

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I'm drinking hand sanitizer at work

Oh, I'm sorry, I inferred he was a nazi and wqs nonplussed as to why someone like that would engage in degenerate behaviour.

You post a basedjak but weed increases estrogen levels. It's the most onions drug there is.

This but unironically

Puffing on a Delta 8 vape because I'm trying to taper off for a piss test

Fuck weed, drink Kratom. It's healthier and doesn't making you fucking retarded.



Runtz and Wedding Cake. Not celebrating, thats just what i have

Oh really? Well shit I guess I will go smoke so meth so I am more of a sigma male like you.

what's that some joe rogan shit?

It probably affects your estrogen as much as onions do, which is insignifcant.

I dont get the Kratom shit, its not a party drug its a pain reliever and not like its Oxy

"Hey guys wanna do some herbal Tylenol?"

Some fucking reg I bought off this dude I met in the disc golf course in my neighborhood; but I haven't smoked in a couple of days so it should hit fine. Probably gonna Amadeus, and later I'll watch MXC

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I really should pick up disk golf to find a plug, seems like being a pothead is a requirement to play

>Yeah, they were, they were against recreational drugs you fucking nitwit.
talk about moving the goalposts in you said
>NS was against drugs
how could they be against drugs if they were having their soldiers get fucked up on meth? and that's to say nothing of hitler's meth addiction

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people who smoke weed are literally fucking retarded anyone else noticed this ?

It relieves anxiety and relaxes your body.

What's your favorite MXC episode?

It's a great indicator for

The mind of an addict. One massive fucking cope. Yeah, Hitler was medicated for his parkinsons. Yes, they needed to hop up their soldiers.
You think you'd get your precious retard leaf in the third reich? They'd consider you degenerate and they'd be right.

Lame, go smoke with your date. If she disapproves she’s trash

Tells you how much you know about drug usage.

You are social retards, you are only noticing the obnoxious stoner culture people.

Way more people smoke up than you think, probably a lot of people you know assuming you have any relationships asides from your family.

I don't do drugs. You can't possibly conceive of someone not being a junkie, can you? Useless mouths.
>it probably
Also known as "I have no fucking clue, but I wm addicted to the leafy Jew and need my fix so I'll just dismiss it".
You all should be shot

I think its the other way around

>weed isn't a leaf duuuuuude
I don't fucking care Trudeau

Ok? You lost so cry more about it on a Nigerian basket weaving forum while everyone else chills today lmao

lower iq people generally are happier, ignorance is bliss and all that
t. i'm a certified retard stoner

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I don’t like boring bitches

Try THC-P, I'm in JewYork so can't buy weed at the store yet but THC-P feels pretty much like weed to me.
They say it's "33x stronger" than regular delta 9 thc but I wouldn't say that's true personally.

You are all niggers

Smoking synthetics and "legal" isolates is even more retarded. Stop giving bad advices to people.


>women that don't do drugs are boring
Sort yourself out m8

Posting weed threads on this site is great because you get all the seething NEETs who have a template post of "omg get a life, loser" when it turns out they know 0 people who smoke and have never been offered. If you do nothing but smoke and make it your personality, you're a faggot, but so are the losers who get triggered over some anons having a puff. Genuinely hilarious

No one really likes them but its better than nothing until the federal government gets out of the prohibition era

Just buy it from a dealer like a normal person. You live in a country where acting like a complete nigger isn't even enough to get in prison. Worst that will happen is cops giving you a ticket and stealing your dope for them to smoke it themselves.