/who/ - Doctor Who General

Best era of Who edition


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>Karma police, arrest this man
>He talks in maths, he buzzes like a fridge
>He's like a detuned radio

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NuWho was never canon.

Ok so the whole "TARDIS translates stuff" thing works while you're in the general vicinity right? So when 13 and Yaz fucked off to the past to find the Ji Hun character or whatever shouldn't Dan have started to hear mandarin from the other crewmembers

Yea Forums.org/tv/who

>Keep my species' name out yo LAND CRAWLER mouth

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I didn't see the last episode. I didn't even realise their was currently a series. So is sea devil considered a racial slur now?


>Ok so the whole "TARDIS translates stuff" thing works while you're in the general vicinity right?
yes, in the spacetime vicinity dumbass.

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>in the spacetime vicinity dumbass.
wouldn't that cause issues like
>someone on the sea who is a native English speaker is speaking English to a Frenchman
>Frenchman suddenly hears perfect French

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is Bel's child a time lord


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I wonder what went wrong.

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How would you feel if the R2D era is ambigous about the new doctor continuity?

fockin........a wuz in the tardis right....then a pressed tae wrang button and noo I'm on fockin Skaro right.....pure sputterin

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I don't care. I prefer when the show leaves gaps and room for your own imagination (fuck off, Nick). I kind of want the next era to start like 2005 - a Doctor already in place and running around. And if they never referred to numbers ever again, good, keep it that way.

all writers always assume everybody is speaking the same language, except for those few times where somebody speak another language and it’s not translated with no explanation. don’t think too hard about it, it just werks.

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But what if it feels like is not even the same person?

Cute for a Viet

You could argue Chris Eccleston is nothing like Peter Davison's Doctor - it doesn't matter, that's literally the point of regeneration. I'm sure eventually the new era would slowly drop in nods to the past.

When did you start watching? Were you aware of classic Who? It felt bad to classic fans as much as Eccles was good. Now most fans will have to suffer that but for a longer time.

I started watching in 2006, so I missed the 2005 boat.

I'm also a fan who thinks they should never have bothered showing 8-War, or even 6-7. Time and the Rani should've had the balls to show the 7th Doctor already in place. Fuck "tradition" and stuff. We don't need every tiny gap plugging.

Classic and Nu are already irreconcilable. all Doctors from NuWho have a fundamentally different behaviour than all Doctors from Classic, and muh Time War is not enough to justify it.
true Doctor Who is Classic. NuWho has always been some early equivalent of STD trying to pretend it’s true Star Trek.

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The way NuWho started, I think, was good. You still had subtle references to the past (Cyberman head, "the kind of his own little world" in ref. to Davros, mentions of Time Lords, Autons but without endless continuity infodumping, etc) and the show then started slowly reintroducing stuff. The first namedrop of Gallifrey was a punch the air moment.

Sarah Jane was what confirmed it was same continuity. So it was 13 months we were unsure, it sucked.

My go-to example is the scene with Clive in "Rose". In the lockdown stuff RTD said somewhere that if he did the scene now, the photos Clive shows Rose would showcase other Doctors. I get it, that's fun, but also... that's not what 2005 needed. It needed to be fresh, and cement Chris Eccleston as /the/ Doctor, not /another Doctor in a long line/. These days you would get a montage, or River opening a spotters guide, etc. and the references aren't special or fun anymore. They're just endless fanwank for the sake of a few fans going "omg I remember X"

So I'd love for a completely refreshed era, with very little references to the past. Season 7 only brought back the Brig, and expanded UNIT, and from there they invented the Master and expanded on Time Lords, and even the later two 'golden' years (Season 13/14) only brought back the Master out of all its stories.

Yeah, and McGann wasn't even "confirmed" until his face appeared in Human Nature. But that was also different. The TV Movie was an oddity. If the next era starts X time in the future, nobody's going to be debating the "canonicity" of the last era the way fans were debating 8 and his TV Movie, for example. We don't need hand holding.

For a show that should constantly look forwards and try new stuff, it often falls back on fanwank and navel-gazing and returns.

I don't agree, because people are too attached to 10 and 11. Not aknowledging it is the same person right away will be both pandering to new public and repelling old fans.
Because I don't want to watch a complete rebooted version.
But I don't mind knowing, it feels like a rebooted version to gather new fans, but I know it is the same continuity.

If fans can't get over the fact that sometimes the show has time jumps or gaps in its continuity, that's their problem.

Knowing and have being witness what the Doctor have been through adds to the character.
If is just a new dude that left Gallifrey, just call it the Engineer.

I'm not advocating for a complete reboot. Just that a new era can move on and not constantly back-reference everything that's come before it, the way 2005 moved on without feeling the need to name-drop Gallifrey and show us 8 regenerating to 9, and the Doctor recounting what happened in "Remembrance of the Daleks" etc etc

De-aged Billie Piper as an emo companion.

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The problem is not the time jump, it is fine.
But the lack of aknowledgment may imply a complete reboot / alternate universe.
And I believe that because of the IRL production deals, I don't know any precedence a show was lent to another company and it maintained the continuity.

that’s bullshit. only teenaged RToDdlers ever assumed 8 would not be canon. 8 has been officially endorsed as the canon current Doctor for 9 years at that point.
>inb4 novels and audio don’t count
that’s what you say now, but at the time they DID count. the BBC even did modest celebrations for the 40th anniversary with McGann. millenials who claim we should be thankful to RTD for actually making 8 canon are just delusional retards trying to rewrite History.

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At the time, there were still lots of fans and people who were arguing the Movie didn't count. It sounds mad now, but it was still a hotly debated topic.

Is this canon?

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the name "9th doctor" was only seen in merchandise in 2006 card game, the books say "the doctor", the same card game with errors, so panini was know to blunders
it was sus

>But the lack of aknowledgment may imply a complete reboot / alternate universe.
Spearhead from Space managed just fine, without showing us a literal change from Troughton to Pertwee. The reuse of UNIT was the only element of continuity brought forward. The Eleventh Hour, other than the montage at the end, also acted as a pretty clean slate.

>The Eleventh Hour
was wearing 10's clothes

>UNIT was the only element for 3
only one is enough
his clothes were not that same of 2

everything is canon.

>But the lack of aknowledgment may imply a complete reboot / alternate universe.
Only if you're a retard.

How can you be so sure, faggot?
you can't
suck a dick

Doctor Who is not science fiction.

Hi Judy.

>his clothes were not that same of 2
they were, but we only see them for a split second before he gets undressed off-screen. however that was mainly because Pertwee is much taller than Troughton, so even for that split second they cheated and resized the outfit.

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They even went to the effort of matching up the same tears in the trousers that Troughton had.

>But the lack of aknowledgment may imply a complete reboot / alternate universe.
it’ll never happen. cope and seethe.

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1 - it already happened to be ambigous
2 - it not a bbc production now

Emo Piper > Chav Piper

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Will RTD's first new season have a montage of all of the main Doctors? Or will it hold back from that kind of stuff?

>it already happened to be ambigous
only for retards who believed what RTD said to the word.
>it’s not a bbc production now
ok, you're retarded. not even the TVM who was actually designed to be a complete reboot by another company didn’t actually manage to be a reboot in the end because the BBC execs (who nevertheless still hated Doctor Who far more then than they supposedly do now) would not allow it. yes it could be completely different from the old show and even have a lot of continuity errors (just as NuWho later) but for brand image and management reasons it will always be one Doctor Who.

>TVM who was actually designed to be a complete reboot
with a regeneration within
if think you are the retard

only stories written by Nick Briggs are canon

>with a regeneration within
you never read the Leekley bible, did you, my dear newfag?

not on screen = poop

that’s because Nick Briggs can outlive any other writer. and the last alive wins because only the last retcons counts.

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do you even know what "intended" means or are you really retarded?

I just fucking wish that RTD says next doctor is 14th for fucks sake

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I hope RTD says the next Doctor is the 13th, just to make everyone on twitter seethe.

Why is it that if the finale of Doctor Who was about Twitch streams, Tiktok and Netflix the RTD fags would all get mad and call it cringe, yet when RTD did the equivalent pop-culture pandering of his day (making the finale about reality tv shows) they loved it and would still defend it today?