What happened to television? Just 40 years ago we used to have intellectual discussions and programs on TV...

What happened to television? Just 40 years ago we used to have intellectual discussions and programs on TV. People like Sowell, Walter E. Williams and Friedman were interviewed or had their own programs.

Nowadays, there is nothing like it.

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Department of Education + influx of third worlders has made americans more retarded than they used to be. American Zoomies are possibly the dumbest generation of humans to have ever existed

LMAO Thomas Sowell was even dumber than Jordan Peterson

Also American education is based off tax bracket instead of equal distribution of resources across all schools

but we have jordan peterson. we're luckily enough to be alive to experience the birth of the intellectual dark, this is a much better time for really thought provoking debate.

They moved to YouTube. Television aims at the lowest common denominator to sell ads to, like this idiot

Society is collapsing
This is what things were like just before the Soviet Union fell apart

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I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe

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What do you think happened?

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THEY found out it was alot easier (and to their benefit) if they could just condense everything into sound bytes and "gotcha" moments instead of having an adult conversation. The people who have grown up on gotchayoutube tier bullshit have no real idea on how to have a proper conversation anymore so everything becomes more polarized and radicalized so nobody wants to concede anything.

Absolutely based, I want to be able to buy better education for my kids, fuck this commie equality bullshit.

Sowell On Ice

>LMAO Thomas Sowell was even dumber than Jordan Peterson

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Hilarious you say this because commies are probably better educated than mutts are.

TV and American industry in general used to be much more producer than consumer driven. Basically smarter people curated what you were going to watch and that's what they showed. More competition and the shift to consumer driven markets dumbed things down to lowest common demomenator

Then why do changs flock to western schools?

Declining average IQ.

Your unis are alright, american basic education is trash.
>why do changs flock to western schools?
Because they're spies user. In essence all chinks who live and work abroad effectively are. Have you been living under a rock or something? Fucking retard.

>commies are probably better educated than mutts are.

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i'm centre-right politically but it says a lot about you calling me a commie lol

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

>Thomas Sowell was even dumber than Jordan Peterson
I don't think Sowell is right about everything but he certainly comes off as more intelligent.

Can you make an easy to digest list of the parallels so I can read something that makes me feel smart pls?

Pretty much this. Everything has been test audienced to hell and back.

>Can you make an easy to digest list of the parallels
1. Jews

Democracy was a mistake.

money doesn't matter because the curriculum is utter castrated garbage and money doesn't fix that. a shiny $150 textbook is still gonna to have the same pointless shit in it. the us routinely spends in the top 5 per capita as a percentage of gdp and trades back and forth with Switzerland in total amount per person in k-12 public education. you're basically saying the house isn't warm enough because you haven't thrown enough money in the fire to keep it warm

it’s still producer driven idiot. all that’s changed is what they want to show you

>fellow compassionate progressives, a black man isn't parroting our ideology... is he a white supremacist or a dumb uncle tom right wing nigger?

You can say the same about the music and vidya industry. Amerimutt entertainment is pozzed to shit and back with identity politics to appeal to the biggest low IQ retards.

The US was never a democracy. It's a conglomerate republic run by corporations.

Dumb entertainment as a business is too big to be stopped, and nobody genuinely sees it as art anymore. You'll have TV shows from time to time that actually do want to have conversation, have messages, contain discourse or are comparable to other works within genres... but it's getting rarer and people are being trained to avoid those, to focus on capeshit moments.

>Elanor you ignorant bitch that's wrong NEXT TOPIC
me too bro me too

I meant democracy as a concept or ideal. The ignorant, incompetent masses should not be deciding our future.

We aren't allowed to talk about Sowell any more because his choice to not join the welfare state or rob liquor stores despite being black makes him an alt right transphobic nazi chud.

They don't.

why do you bring up his skin color? What does it have to do with anything? He's dumb because he's dumb. Not because he's black.

How is he dumb?

Would you mind explaining or giving examples of his alleged stupidity?

People with class and balls don't exist anymore. People like Dick Cavett have been replaced by the lowlifes you see today.

>influx of third worlders made Americans more retarded
I'm pretty sure it was white middle america that thought trump was the genius that was going to fix everything. You'd have to go to Africa to find a leader as dumb as him

Americans always were retarded.

All that has moved to the internet. TV is a dying media. No reason to watch it when you can use some streaming service to watch things at your leisure, while everything else can be seen on Youtube

I am informed and feel smart. Thanks.

The implication being that you're smarter than both, yeah?

He was fixing things though

>He's dumb because he's dumb
damn bruh when you put it like that well shit.

like all lolbertarians he doesn't derive his knowledge from real life but instead operates on meme abstracts that sound reasonable at first glance until you compare them to real life and then you see they are nothing but empty formulas and catchphrases. Paolo Coelho tier.

examples here brainyquote.com/authors/thomas-sowell-quotes Pick any and try searching for a meaning. It's not there. He says literally nothing.

The average Russian doesn’t even have running water in his village.

>implying the average mutt does

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>evaluating a man's contributions and intellectual value based on his brainyquote page

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They never did and we still ended up in the gutter.

Tells you everything about the capability of the people in charge.

A real brainy move

>frack my shit up

>It is a way to take people's wealth from them without having to openly raise taxes. Inflation is the most universal tax of all.
This is true

>If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.
yea he was way off on that one, you right 'dumb cuz dumbb'

i didn't do that. I'm only posting examples. I've read whole books from him and they are exactly the same. All libertarians write in the same way.

a smart population is not useful


have you considered the fact that you might just be a brainlet?

This isn't really true at all, America is just ground zero for a lot of the social experimentation/engineering that turns people fat, retarded goycattle. I watched a 25 year old documentary recently called Jeff Towne about a retarded a man who worked at a movie theater. There were interviews with all his coworkers and other people who would interact with him. Literally every single person in the movie (apart from the eponymous retard) was capable of speaking in complete sentences while articulating their thoughts. It stood out to me because I hardly hear anyone doing this anymore, presumably because everyone has let their brain turn to mush and no one reads anything longer than a tweet.

I don't believe you have, user

and where do you have something like that irl? You don't. Stuff like that exists in a simulacra version of the world created in your mind by /pol/ memes but it doesn't really exist in so called real life.

Then why not post examples of passages in his texts which you take issue with, instead of sending us on a wild goose chase through a low quality quote aggregator? If you don't have anything to back your stance just say so.

Then why is getting rid of racial discrimination in universities considered racist?

Remember when Bishop Sheen was on TV?

Attached: bishop sheen.jpg (1206x1184, 749.33K)

>Then why not post examples of passages in his texts which you take issue with
you have it in quotes.
>a low quality quote aggregator?
even you admit it's low quality

>and where do you have something like that irl
idk user, have you considered looking at the state of the current political system? feminism, racial equity, race theory. jesus the president of the usa picked his supreme court nominations based on race and sex, openly. if you say , pick someone based on ability you are a racist.

>can't distinguish between source and subject
I accept your concession.

>based black conservative!!!! He can speak for me any time!!! He can fuck my wife!!! Getting cucked by a boot-strapping black who supports the free market has always been a core conservative principle!!!

Milleniscum were born.