What are the implications of Johnny Depp being a literal retard who can barely speak?

What are the implications of Johnny Depp being a literal retard who can barely speak?

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Like you’d be any better. Nothing wrong with him, he’s just a boomer getting divorced raped.

He shouldn't have drank from the same waterfountain as Bruce Willis.

That's how he always speaks.

Johnny Depp has always been soft spoken and very slow as he thinks over every word and stops mid sentence to think over what he is saying. It always has been like this. The guy is shy and introverted.
It's very different when he is acting and is following a script.

lemme guess

incel: who was in the wrong here?
virgin 2, 3 and 5: the woman, of course
incel 3: why?
all in unison: because shes a woman!!! (snivelling, raucous laughter)

deranged jobless schizo who was not loved by his mother: n - word!!

virgins who would piss themselves if a woman made eye contact with them: rape! rape rape rape!!

basement dweller leeching off social welfare: look at these fbi crime statistics!!!

wow thanks everyone what a wonderful thread on Yea Forums.org just wonderful truly a benefit to society as a whole

He's an old alcoholic what do you expect

Johnny’s fighting for all of us. Hope he’s feeling the love from everyone that’s behind him

I'm siding with Amber.

go back to twitter where they will applaud your woke mind virus


How do I gift this post Yea Forums gold?

Nice of you to visit us between your high powered job as a business mogul and volunteering your time and money for various charities. I know you have a busy schedule.


Did all the cocaine destroy his brain?

Stopping at 80 seconds so far but it seems fine to me in the context except that yes I believe he should've said "accusations" not "acts".

Same. She promised to step on my cock and balls with high heels and verbally degrade me.

Dude looks so broken :(

Stopping at 4 minutes. I've never been particularly interested in this at all and am still not but it seems perfectly fine to me and he even apparently corrected himself and said "accusations".

either he's just lying about everything or he has a pretty good memory of things that happened years ago

>has to testify in court over false abuse claims while battling drug and alcohol problems
gee user, i wonder why?

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it's like a Yea Forums thread bullion cube, just add water and it expands to a full 300 post waste of time

>guy is shy and introverted

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viggo mortensen is a polygot yet if you have seen a longer interview with him he also speaks frustratingly slowly

>has to testify in court
has to? he's the one suing. nobody make him do it
>over false abuse claims
too bad he didn't do that at all. all he did was ramble and ramble about his life, that nobody actually cares about and has no merit in the case eat all.
>while battling drug and alcohol problems
and who's fault is that?

I just assume that all actors are retarded by default. Their only job is to say the lines that are being fed to them, and they get a near infinite amount of takes to do it right. The only thing that separates them for people who bag your groceries is the fact that they're pretty and have no qualms about prostituting themselves to gross jewish men.

>good afternoon mr debit
>drops mic
HAHAHA i love it

>frunk of a civic

Why is this trial all public? Couldn't that affect witnesses or is that not applicable?

it's not a murder trial
it's a he said/she said trial and JD is gonna fucking air out all amber turds dirty bed sheets

hes had his soul sucked out of his penis a million times by that semen demon.

More like alcohol.

I worked for a limo/security company that used to have Depp on as a client, and one of his main drivers that he preferred, a retired paramedic would always say that it was nothing short of a miracle that Johnny Depp hadn't drank himself to death either by destroying his liver or even overdosing on alcohol. Few other drivers would say that working for him was really depressing but easy work because it would just consist of them (the drivers) going out and buying large amounts of alcohol and then bringing it to him, and that the dude was plastered 24/7. And this was back in like 2008.

I recently talked to the one paramedic driver dude and we were talking about this whole Amber Herd thing and he basically said that the only way he could've possibly beaten that chick up was if she somehow assisted him in doing so, because otherwise he wouldn't have even been able to walk towards her. Like that's how much he drank.

Unrelated, I used to drive Norm McDonald around and he was literally the same dude you would see on tv...like that WAS him. Same with Richard Simmons; they were genuine people.

pure kino

post ride

>someone falsey accuses you of assualt/rape
>bro just dont take any action and let everyone in the entire world think that you're a piece of shit
didnt think that one through did you user?

And now he's taken her to court after all he has done, hasn't she suffered enough at the hands of this monster

Women love liberal men so he probably gets a lot of pussy. He doesn't need Amber Heard.

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>t. tranny larping as a roastie

He'd make a great actor then

>source: 7k women from 27 states

This is what happens when you've fried your brain with drugs and alcohol.

You can say "nigger" here. In fact, I'm Jewish and I'll give you a k-word pass.

You need to die.

Oh wow, I didn’t know Andrew—Son of Dob—actually posted on Yea Forums. What an honor to finally meet you!

thats a pretty big sample size user , although the 27 states could have been cherry picked

this one riled them up lel


>Unrelated, I used to drive Norm McDonald around
you drove a hearse?

What are emotions during a testimony?


Kill all Jews
Thanks mate

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He's getting to the abuse.
He's setting the stage.
Apparently he testified for six days in the uk.

>can barely survive direct examination
just wait for cross, guys

If it's 7k from cities in liberal states it's beyond terrible, but I don't know how they did it.
It could be representative of the general female population.

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I never saw oj's trial but this is pretty funny with his mate on the stand. He's not lying, right?

Dude has been hanging out with keith richards, not to mention he was in countless movies all of of which led to him using drugs at some point. Stop being impatient and listen to an actual victim for once faggot

lemme guess

SJW: who was in the wrong here?
SJW 2, 3 and 5: the white male, of course
SJW 3: why?
All in unison: because he's a privileged oppressor!!! (no laughter because they're soulless creatures without a sense of humor)

>Richard Simmons
makes your story so much more real


you can tell he's a great person with a huge heart

consider killing yourself