>le tough and independent black female gets bodied by the white hero who shows that he can easily rape her if he wants to
>she’s instantly wet for him and wants to get bleached constantly
What the fuck did they mean by this?
Le tough and independent black female gets bodied by the white hero who shows that he can easily rape her if he wants to
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I get that kind of jaw?
>What the fuck did they mean by this?
read my twisted world
Such a gorgeous tranny
Do you really think she said to herself "Ayo I'm bout to get bleached"?
its funny when incels get a peek at the female psyche
She worships the white cock off screen as well. Chadding Tatum is currently shooting Magic Mike 3 in London. You know he’s using her to rehearse.
>>le tough and independent black female
gets beaten constantly by everyone
It’s Gael García Bernal
Good morning sirs
that bulb head, lmao
She is Jada Pickett Smith tier. No sane man should ever settle with her
biopic when?
she's so fucking ugly it's unreal. I'd rather fuck amy schumer instead. I wouldn't even fuck her for $1000, she looks like a disgusting tranny.
Elliot's problem was he was constantly fighting the fact that he was made to suck dick. There's a reason he was jealous of his sister getting plowed by Chad.
Stop trying to make this movie based or redpilled or even good. It’s woke but that’s not it’s real sin; what’s wrong with it is it sucks.
Disneyshills leave
>no homo
>small penis
this can't be real
>black is batman favorite color
Vilma Valdabanana
>it's literally her without a wig
user, I...
>When we talk about how reflective The Batman is of current times, Kravitz admits that there’s a thoughtfulness behind this movie, but Reeves never intended for it to be “too literal”. In one scene, Selina simply states to Batman that all the people in power at the top are “white and privileged”.
>On asking Kravitz if that was an important sentiment to include in this modern remake, she nods: “Absolutely.”
>It wasn’t something she had to suggest in the script and she loved that. “It wasn’t heavy-handed; it doesn’t feel like it’s there to check some kind of inclusivity box. It’s just real.”
Imagine liking this anti-white piece of trash "movie"
the movie was good as fuck
seem to me like you are just seething that a black woman who grew up as a orphan would call rich white people privileged
Ok shill
cope and dialate
They're pushing race mixing
That's a racial generalisation
So this was Matt Reeves’ idea…
>racial generalisation
i mean the rich people we saw in the movie were white user
>inb4 jewish
yeah sure but for most normal people they just see them as white
But what is the point in pointing out their race?
None, it was just a dumb woke line and it didn't have any kind of impact on the rest of the movie.
its just a throw-away line user
she is black and an orphan, i dont think its weird that she would see rich white people and think of them as privileged
also Catwoman is a theif who steals from rich people
ok, for a second imagine being catwoman. here are your options for a partner
>crime / mafia guy who only wants you for sex and will likely beat / abuse you
>some balding fat incel cop
>tall, muscular, myterious attractive white man who cares about protects you from the above and is trying to rid the city of the things creating your problems
It was racist
are you triggered?
tranny tranny go and hangy
>some balding fat incel cop
You talking about my nigga Gordon?
the other one that gets blackpilled in the iceberg lounge
That was the DA
>p-please ride home with me
>hanging out with the bros after work
>some qt 50/10 starts talking to you
>wtf is happening
>end up containing the spaghetti and asking her to sit down
>she starts asking a load of questions about my job and missing people
>oh great it's some fucking journo or something
>fuck it
>i'll try and get her home anyway
>she ends up disappearing, see her later outside the club
>work up the courage to offer he a ride
>cold shoulders me, gets in a cab
>fuck this, i'm going home, ordering a pizza and jerking off
>get fucking brain mashed by some incel
>end up getting jihaded for taking for a few bribes
poor nigga
Stopped reading right there
nice to see an actual hot mulatto in a modern film, she might even be prettier than halle berry was in her movie
Plastic surgery, just like she did.
ok and ? fuck off to your country and continent and you wont see anymore white people fucking nigger sandnigger and chink or kike
idk but when you frame it that way it's kind of based
>ok and ? fuck off to your country and continent and you wont see anymore white people fucking nigger sandnigger and chink or kike
death is coming faster than you ever think but youll change when its staring right at your face because you dont have any convictions alone
her face skin looks like a perfect surface. if i nutted in her face the cum would propably bounce right of her with the same speed.
>says batman is probably some rich guy doing a side hobby
>calls out white privileged assholes
>clearly sees batman's white
>acts tsundere the whole movie
>tries to make out with batman constantly
yeah it's pretty obvious she wanted the white dick
If you couldn't see the "subtle" racial undertones in this movie then you're probably mentally retarded.
>Jewish mutt who only has a career because of nepotism chastises white truck drivers about their privilege