Harvey Weinstein was sacrificed so the studios could pretend that was the end of sex for roles in Hollywood. He was portrayed as the eye of sauron in terms in abuse of power in hollywood and when he fell this was the elites plan to paint Hollywood as a "pure and safe" place where real change would be coming.. but in reality this kind of abuse continues to this day all the time.
Harvey Weinstein was sacrificed so the studios could pretend that was the end of sex for roles in Hollywood...
A judas goat?
No shit. You just realized this now?
You guys don't even know the half of it. The truth would rock you to your core.
>n reality this kind of abuse continues to this day all the time
>source: I just really feel it's true Ok???
Same with jimmy savile. They act like they caught that lone crazy guy.
fill us in
I miss my nigga Harvey Weinstein like you wouldn't belive. He was producing kino, since he left all we get is cape shit now. Also why didn't Oprah get in trouble for being Harvey's handler?
That wouldn't be good for either of us
Can I get a QRD.
Let's just say the people in power aren't who you think, and their power isn't either
I look up to big harv if I was in his position I'd be doing the same shit. Bet you half of those women OFFERED his nasty jew dick
Are you speaking of the Central bankers, and the FED?
>and their power isn't either
the fuck does that mean?
That's nothing in comparison to what I'm talking about. They don't just control the money, they control everything.
I can't discuss too much with you but it's bigger than whatever you think it is
how big? we need details.
I don’t even think it’s a bad deal though, fuck a slob for fame and fortune. Fuck me women have it easy.
explain more please, they control god or they are god?
You're seeing so little of the bigger picture
So what? We're dead either way
How can I profit off the great reset that they are planning?
Vague douchebag schizo
Accurate. Now lesbians are enjoying the casting couch.
Because they tried to save Harv but couldn’t so Oprah threw Michael Jackson under the bus to look like one of the good ones when she knows all of the sex offenders and traffickers across the globe
I cannot get too specific but they have everyone on this planet in their fingertips. It's an intricate web and I'd need hundreds of paragraphs to properly explain everything they're doing.
I'm not thinking about my life
You can't, the ones in charge don't even profit the same way we do.
Be Jewish
>rich and powerful abuse their position to get perks
woooah stop the presses.....
This isn’t fun if you don’t at least have some obscure dirt people would be unlikely to find without some digging
there must be way to profit. Please I don't want to eat the bugs, and live in the pod.
The only Weinstein got put out was because he pissed off other jews.
if you are not joking around like a clown I would love to read these said paragraphs, but if its too much I understand.
>Harvey Weinstein was sacrificed so the studios could pretend that was the end of sex for roles in Hollywood
You just caught on to this? Wait till you find out every single time anything is reported on the news it's for the same reason. Everything from Tiger Woods plowing some bitch in front of his wife to Osama Bin Laden hanging out with guys in caves.
It's far from "abuse"-- it's transactional. The actresses and actors fuck for roles because people fuck for professional perks all the time.
The Jews are a cover adopted in the 1400s. That's as much as I can tell you.
> I'd need hundreds of paragraphs to properly explain everything they're doing
Said no one who was being honest ever
The only reason people fall for conspiracies is people like you make them so vast and nebulous as to be unfalsifiable so no one can technically prove you wrong.
but the Jews own the central banking system, what can be more important to control than that?
It all goes back to the DUTCH
I fucking knew it
I could write out everything but I'm certainly not going to spell out all my knowledge for a Yea Forums thread. I'd have to go through how they utilize religion, arts, money, technology, dating back centuries.
controlling humanity itself
all actors are whores
all producers are chid rapists
lmao uh huh, that’s why there’s a Dutch Defense League etc etc fucking retards believing this jidf intern
>I COULD explain myself
>but instead I’ll just vaguely gesture at this broad conspiracy without actually having to demonstrate anything
How convenient.
I have to keep it vague for safety
>certainly not going to spell out
Again, all the more convenient for you.
Does this involve Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Franks or is this a different rabbit hole? Blaming the Jews is extremely reductionist, but Zionists are definitely prominent members of global oligarchy and the most significant US special relationships certainly have Yahweh cults of Jewish Christian and Muslim variety
based master race
how do they control humanity, do I even have free thought?
interesting how at exactly 25 posts they all try to shut down the conspiracy. i guess it's just a coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ better not look into it any further.
guess we all lost tonight
Sone people are sexually attracted to power too, it’s a preference or kink like any other. But it’s somehow not known or just ignored. It’s somehow just inherently abusive to people, they can’t understand the attraction.
Safety for whom, I wonder.
I don't know if you have free thought. They utilize methods of control that are present everywhere. The only person you can really trust is yourself, find your spirit within and realize the control you have. You are your own personal god in a heaven brought down by demons.
The end of Harv was the end of actors writers and directors being more famous and more powerful than the corporate owned brand. I don't care how many celebrities he bent over, he brought balance to the industry, and his removal from the industry is why movies today are 3 hours of shit or big budget versions of toys from your infancy
I agree we need the harvester back, without him Hollywood is shit now.
Interesting how you can spin literally anything to serve your own bullshit, it’s almost as if all conspiracies work through this kind of retarded post-hoc rationalisation.
>someone challenges me to justify or explain what I’m actually talking about? Oh no I can’t do that, I’d be putting myself at risk!
>someone calls me out on my bullshit? Well I guess they’re part of the conspiracy trying to shut me down!
Conspiracies are for midwits
That guy wasn't me
There is a lot of great evil in the world, of many different kinds and even the evil ones themselves have to answer to a higher power
>be such a contrarian you refuse to believe that people can conspire with one-another
busted head man. go to the hospital.
>Harvey was good!11
he wanted LOTR to be 1 movie. he was a fat retard. fuck him. its not like movies only became bloated and awful after he went away. your opinion is shit
What's really going to bake your noodle is when you realize #metoo was an op to shift the narrative from "Heyyyy... isnt it kinda weird that most of these execs abusing women are (((fellow whites)))." to how bad men as a whole are. It stopped being about Hollywood, and the powerful execs there preying on women and started being how men in all jobs and fields abuse their position to be predators. From something actionable that you can do something about, to something completely fucking abstract and worthless that you can do nothing about. And feminism was right there at the forefront, running cover for their money masters, the same patriarchy they claim to be fighting. Fucking astonishing when you think about it.
There's always a fag who pretends to know the truth but never tells anyone because "they couldn't handle it"
There's stuff that some guys know that's like some hard to swallow truth that other people wouldn't believe but the guys that know that sort of stuff don't go around going "lel I kno deh sekret teehee". They usually write something that gets them put in a mental hospital or shoot themselves in the head.
Right, when you can pretty much sum it up in a fucking paragraph. Powerful people use intelligence agencies to maintain a blackmail network where they give our leaders access to depravity and use it to keep them politically in line. Those they can't coerce they outright eliminate. And those at the very top are the bored, idle uber rich who have filled the void with esoterica and Satan worship. And ayy lmaos might actually be the ones running it all in exchange for sharing highly advanced future tech with the deep state.
There, see. How fucking hard was that. Fuck off user with your "Durrr, so many paragraphs guise." horseshit.
If I told you the truth without proper context you wouldn't believe me
If you really believed that you wouldn't be going around telling people "teehee I know a secret but I wont tell..." like fucking peter griffin.
what else am I supposed to do with the knowledge?
>teehee I have knowledge look at meeee but I wont share hehe
you don't have knowledge, you have an attention seeking problem
Even that’s more exciting than reality. People wish this were offworld tech managed by a ruthlessly intelligent cabal. Instead it’s exponential memetic evolution and a global managerial state with principles far less grandiose than get attributed to it, operating off of spheres of self-interest, mass data collection and analysis, and Blackrock and other firms using Aladdin and other super computers for complex risk analysis and then working in tandem with the defense industry
I never said that people don’t conspire. What I refuse to believe is posturing midwits on the internet who think they’ve got it “all figured out”, but end up using the same evasive manoeuvres as every other posturing midwit when challenged on their beliefs. You pretend that you’re important enough that someone would kill you for exposing the truth, even though this group (if they’re as powerful as you claim) could quite easily discredit the things you say without ever needing to harm anyone.