American Psycho

Why does Yea Forums love this movie so much ?

Apart from being a giga Chad wtf was good about this movie ?

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These dubz.

Da memez

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I'm simply not there.

It’s a feminist movie

A better question is why has this been picked up by normies recently? I keep seeing Paul Allen's card memes everywhere all of a sudden.

Dubs and the holocaust really happens this decade. For real.

normies are usually a few years behind cutting edge 4channel memes. i expect sneeds feedNseed to be popular in a year or so.

Patrick Bateman resonates a lot with anons.

Tick tock and other platforms are just recycling old memes. Zyzz is becoming a normie meme now for example

What is it about this nog movie ? Is it the hookers ? The autism ? The autistic music facts ? Murder ?

He didnt even commit the fucking murders ?!

Wtf is this kike shit ? Psy-Ops.

Watch it as a comedy FOOL

>being a giga Chad
he's a mess going into a nervous breakdown

you need to rewatch the film, he's a giga chad getting in to wacky hijinks

He’s not a chad at all. He’s extremely insecure and has mental break downs over peer pressure and judgement surrounding the status of his fucking business cards. He’s a rich violent guy who’s 10 edgy, which is what other insecure status desiring men see as a slick alpha. He takes out his aggression on homeless and prostitutes- people well below him in social status whose lives are treated as largely disposable by the larger power structure- while his peers in high society don’t believe him when he confesses because he neither sticks out nor is taken all that seriously at that level. He murders Paul Allen out of envy and then assumes his identity for the higher status.

Interpersonal confrontations that make him uncomfortable he tends to shut down and run away. “I need to go return some video tapes” after his breakup, that awkward bathroom encounter with his gay co-worked. He’s off-put by any kind of direct confrontation or conflict on any remotely even ground.

Only if it's forced hard enough like it was here.

I figured most this out but the question is:

Why does Yea Forums love him/the movie so much ?

They dont align with nothing about the character except autism.

So in short, he is a incel pretending to be a chad.

Yes and that’s your answer for Bateman is a critique of this insecure status seeking 80s yuppie masculinity and his fans are either people that get it and think it’s a funny movie or morons that aspire to be like him and miss that he is the butt of the jokes

>only 1 dubz

Here let me help

This movie was directed by a woman

and this post is directed by my dubs.

Can't forget that the Dafoe scenes are great and Yea Forums loves Dafoe.

OP here just wanted to mention I'm trans btw

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The movies Hip try not to be such a square.

Lurk more, you need to be 18 to post here

check these, bitches

Im the only 1 with digis and im OP
Im 25
Show dick and tits or stfu

what was real?

It reflects the lack of Human Values (the 5 of them) that Yea Forums users have.

>he doesn't know the meme cycle

Because he's literally me

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This except I'm not young, wealthy, handsome, fit, or insane.

That realtor covered up his murders in Paul Allen's apartment, right?

so the mental illneses and social ineptness without the chad looks or money

Its bussin fr fr

It's legitimately one of the most original movies ever told. The execution being good is only part of it. The main thing is that it has an atmosphere that walks a very fine line between fantasy and reality inside the mind of a deranged narcissist in a way that is both interesting and comfy which is a line most movies can never walk so it's hard to even replicate.

You could say it's the Taxi Driver family of movies, walking alongside a deranged lunatic for the whole movie, but in a way that doesn't disturb you but mainly informs you which makes it comfy which is a very rare thing in movies.

Nightcrawler is a recent example

most 4channers are alienated empty consumerist narcissists who never escaped the teenage edgelord stage, they also fail to have healthy relationships with women or genuine friendships so they can relate with the character. his chad looks and money also offers them a powerful wishful identification fantasy

>Apart from being a giga Chad
But he wasn't a chad, that's the entire point of the movie. He was coping so much because he knew he was not a real chad compared to that other guy.

You are stupid. Narcissists never admit their problem. This movie is mainly enjoyed by memesters who understand the lunacy of the main character and do not want it on themselves (at the very least they are victims of narcissists instead of the ones doing it).

For the longest time I thought this was a remake of Psycho and never bothered to watch it

>It’s a feminist movie
>ultra chad fucks hookers and tells them to use a clothes hanger to abort any potential pregnancies if they should occur
>drops a chainsaw on a chick
Were we watching the same movie?

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>Why does Yea Forums love this movie so much?
If you weren’t obviously a tourist you’d know.
Get the fuck out, normie.

It has nothing to do with genres. It's a study on the mind of a deranged narcissist. Might as well be a woman doing it.

i know a shit one of young men who earnestly say they identify with patrick bateman as a good thing and that's why they love the movie. it's same with scar face where the director was really critique character but you have a buch of teen and college bros with the movie poster on their bedroom wall idolizing him

meant for it has meme potential and history but most 4channers also worship patrick bateman and wish they were like him. elliott rodgers who is a Yea Forums type was basically larping as him

>They dont align with nothing about the character except autism.
>they don’t align with nothing


lol, I thought this too when I was younger.

They don't really. I barely see it here. Bateman fanboyism was biggest on the misc forum back in the day. A lot of people there walked the line between irony and sincerity in how much they liked it. There were multiple posters with Bateman in their user name.

>It's a study on the mind of a deranged narcissist.
>it's literally 2deep4me
Okay, gotcha, user.

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It's funny

Acquired taste

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Because it's made by a woman. Now check these dubs!

Half of Yea Forums is trolling. It's like playing "good cop". They troll you to think they are deranged and then others who are actually deranged may agree with them.

it's one of the only good book to movie adaptations. The author worked closely with the director so that the dark humour came across more explicitly than in the book. When the book came out all the usual suspects got their knickers in a twist because they couldn't see that it was making fun of these people, not glorifying them

Maybe next time user

Thank you Patrick, nice dubs
