Watched this the other day. Not nearly as horrible as I remember people saying it was. There were some dumb moments, but overall it was entertaining. Wasn't worse than Temple of Doom.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
Wait until the new Disney joint comes out
>nazis are…. le bad!
It’s better than Last Crusade
So, why is this movie bad again? I haven't seen it, but apparently this is considered Spielberg's weakest work by lots of peoples.
when it came out it was the worst movie ever, sadly most movies that have came out since are much worse so it looks good in comparison.
There are worse Spielberg movies than this one
>Wasn't worse than Temple of Doom.
Why has Temple of Doom become the new punching bag for redditors? Like Return of the Jedi their hivemind seems to irrationally hate these films that were both received well upon release and are still popular among all other fans except them.
Three worst bits: Mutt's Tarzan scene, Mutt getting hit on the balls by twigs and the ants piling up to eat the soviet soldier.
Remove those and the movie is much better.
Just chuds riding Reddit hate bandwagons. It delves into the Inca/Aliens theories and the whole 50s alien scares. It’s cool. And there’s really nice chases and action scenes. It feels way more of a unique movie than Last Crusade.
Temple of Doom didn't have Shia Labeouf swinging on vines in a CGI forest
Its not bad. Its a bunch of different types of fags mad at it for different reasons. There are religious fags mad that it isn't about another holy relic. There are antifa fags who are mad it isn't about fighting nazis again. There are communist fags mad that commies are the bad guys this time.
I really don’t think antifa/commies have a problem with this movie. You can be a commie and not like soviets.
The first half of Crystal Skull was solid Indiana Jones. it gets dumber later on but it wasn't a terrible movie or shit on Indy as a character
Add me. I just hate the way this movie looks. Colors are bleak, oversaturated light, everything feels like haze dream. Probably fault of digital over film but it makes movie ugly to look at, so ugly I don't give a shit about aliens or commies.
it has a lot of cool scenes joined together by a really weak plot and badly written villains
Same. Somewhere in the mid 90s Spielberg started adding bloom and weirdly lit frames to his movies and he never fucking stopped. Saving Private Ryan, AI, Minority Report, IJ4, War of the Worlds. Fuck it's obnoxious
Yeah. I like it a lot. Indy in the 50s was a great vibe. They need to lean into the new era time capsule idea. Bring him back because Mutt went off and got himself killed in Laos/Vietnam investigating some ancient ruins. So we get a Apocalypse Now/Space Race as Indy finds the ancient people had flying machines and they are trying to get to it before Mads Mikkelsens Russian archeologist gets to it first.
Ants was cool tho
It's not awful but compared to the first 3 it's kind of bland and lame.
>enough years have passed where contrarians are starting the "Crustal Skull wasn't that bad" threads
It started with Ghostbusters 2 honestly
>So, why is this movie bad again?
my mum, god bless her soul, asked why there was a man swinging on vines with monkeys when we watched it.
>Crystal Skull
>Godfather 3
>Aliens 3
>Terminator 3
>Phantom Menace
>Jurassic Park 3 (sensing a pattern here)
>Battlefield Earth
These were all considered terrible laughably bad movies back in the day
But the truth is we were spoiled, and they weren't nearly as bad as a lot of the absolute garbage out today. Unironically, any movie there is better than the likes of even well-received movies like Black Panther or Deadpool 2.
It's a bad movie. It's the worst Indy, and the story isn't that bad because aliens and commies are a perfect Indy type story. There are some good scenes too. the opening scene, Ray Winston is great, but the stupid fridge nuke scene should have stayed cut from Back to the Future. the diner scene really is done well too and almost makes le douche not a total embarrassment.
but god damn are there just a lot of really boring scenes in between and the movie also isn't funny like the others were.
antifa are commies but I hate them all so much yes let's count them twice.
Rlm said so
>you can't use a snake for a rope
what is he, fucking 72 in this story? Ford and Indy are too fucking old to be remotely believable anymore. It's like Clints last movie where he was kicking ass like Dirty Harry wearing an adult diaper. embarrassment. retire the character or do Young Indy movies because I liked a lot of those when I was a kid. Old-ass Indy in a mall was also hilarious. so you can have Ford do that.
The thing that bothers me the most is that in the other movies they go on grand globetrotting adventures with lots of mysteries to uncover and mysterious people tailing them with potential danger all around. In KOTCS there's none of that. Hardly any mystery at all. The Soviets are antagonists, but they don't really do much of anything. They go to South America, check out one site, then they go to the final place and that's it.
The movie gets a lot of hate, but there's still some good things about it. Cate Blanchett is great. It's just a pretty boring movie overall.
- Too much CGI
- Forcing Shia on us
- The fridge survival is monumentally more unrealistic and immersion breaking than anything else in the series and it's not close.
Temple of Doom was the best one
You thought Shia was bad? Wait until Indy passes the torch to le tough black girl in the next one.
It was bad in its time, foe today standards however its passable, even good depending of how desperate you are
I find the concept of the crystal skull as an anicent relic much weaker than the arc of the covenant or the holy grail, considering we know without a doubt they are all hoaxes made of machined glass.
>god is real
>so is brown god
>so is god jr.
>so are ayylmaos
looking forward to indy vs. terminator
It was more boring than ToD. Ot also butchered Marion.
Battlefield Earth is pretty bad though. The cinematography alone is bad. The script takes it entirely another level
>Old-ass Indy in a mall was also hilarious. so you can have Ford do that.
Harrison Ford is a douche.
didn't hewlett packard do a test on that one skull (mitchell-hedges?)and didn't know wtf was going on?
this is literally the only Indiana Jones movie I've seen
zoom zoom
you're not missing much unless you lived through the time(s) when they released.
The nazi chick was hot
she wasnt nazi though
Cate Blanchett (goth gf version) is and will always be her superior version
>You thought Shia was bad?
I was fine with him but others hated him.
>Wait until Indy passes the torch to le tough black girl in the next one.
No she is white.
It’s just not a good movie. It feels like Spielberg barely put any effort into it compared to the other 3 films. It’s really bland and sterile
Oh ffs. Fuck off with your contrarian bullshit. Crystal Skull was a fucking abomination. Also combining it with the “Temple of Doom sucks accshuallly” meme just makes you even more of a prick
I watched all 4 of these movies back to back. This one was completely phoned in. The other movies lacked good storytelling but they were at least extremely dynamic and well made. Crystal Skull is genuinely just a boring film that doesn’t do anything with the cool concepts it has
It’s just one of the many NPC viewpoints that people adopt to avoid thinking for themselves. It’s like the people who can’t hear the name John Lennon without sperging out about how he beat his wife. Just utterly boring and safe opinions endlessly repeated by those that think they are being cool and original.
They consider it racist
He absolutely is missing much. I am struggling to think of a more timeless trilogy that the original Indiana Jones. I first watched them at least 15 years after they were released and it’s my favourite trilogy.
Compared to the first 3, it's kind of lackluster. Still kino (especially with the car chase at the university and the motorcycle) until they go to South America. Then it sucks ass.
I don't like aliens being canon to indiana jones
supernatural has always been a part of the series, but scifi ufo aliens is too far
Add The Mummy Returns also. People hate that for some reason.
It looks like a washed out brown n bloom 2008 vidya game
There's too much goofy cg stuff, but it has actually aged pretty well. The 50s stuff is great, and the motorbike/car chase is a lot of fun.
where did they poo
Why not? It's in the exact same pantheon of pulp tropes Indiana Jones is meant to be a live-action homage to
t. Flight 714 To Sydney enjoyer
>I am struggling to think of a more timeless trilogy
Allan Quatermain
It's just one of those things, I consider aliens and scifi as its own realm of media and don't like it when a series that is well established with no scifi suddenly pivots to include it. While supernatural elements are core to the identity of IJ, I've always seen it as relatively grounded aside from that (albeit lighthearted and comical with things like surviving unrealistic falls).
Taking that established world and then going "oh btw interdimensional aliens exist" doesn't sit well with me.