Yo this season 6 BCS is bussin fr fr

yo this season 6 BCS is bussin fr fr

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I wish you guys were actually funny.


>It's a 15 minute unbroken tracking shot of Mike listening to ASMR egirls before he goes to sleep

why did gus give nacho's location up?

this ironic zoomer shit is exactly the same as unfunny vapegang humor from the mid 2010s and Yolo swag from earlier. Basically 6'1" zoomers with rich parents and perfect clothes got more pussy than you could ever dream of so you try to mock their culture to feel superior. Meanwhile the youth of every generation go out and have fun while you post on an anonymous online image forum that hasn't changed in 15 years.

I think they had it in such a way that the motel was linked with some other organization other than Gus's.

>Basically 6'1" zoomers with rich parents and perfect clothes got more pussy than you could ever dream of so you try to mock their culture to feel superior.
I think it's more of now-adults not realizing they've turned out exactly like their grumpy parents/grandparents who (badly) mock anything teens or kids were into.

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most zoomers aren't having sex, regardless of how tall they are.


no cap? fr?

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>6'1" zoomers
Is it just me, or are (post-pubescent) zoomers unusually short? It's not just the ethnics, even the white ones are 5'9" at most.

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No we're mocking slow degeneration of western culture. Sure the late 2000s culture was bad but holy fuck zoomer "culture" is abysmal, it's niggers mixed with tiktok and trannies.

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case in point, you ended up exactly like your parents/grandparents.

He didn't. Did you miss the part where he went to tons of effort to securely hide the location in a safe?

You're here too dude.

Where tf do you live, even the middle school white girls are like 5'11" these days


Two things can be true at once, yes I'm just getting older but also the culture is dying, gen z has no defining music, movies, celebs, etc.

They do, you just aren't in the know anymore. You're an out of touch old man now.

Massachusetts, middle class white-ish area.

They weren't wrong either tbqh

Name one aspect of zoomer culture that will be remembered fondly in 50 years

I'm not a zoomer, so I can't make that sort of decision, nor can you.

I know what I'd tell her to do

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Fnaf is already the most influential indie game of all time.

They are gay

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Mr.Fring fr fr lemme drop sum shi on u nigga no cap

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no, minecraft

zoomers aren't having sex

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He wanted Juan Bolsa to find him, not the Salamancas. ?

even if that were true, the creator of that game is a 43 year old boomer

You literally can't dispute this.

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I don't understand the duplicate safe scene

>no cap measures, Walter

I don't know what that is now

It was a setup. They planted the safe with the expectation of the Salamancas finding it. Gus basically threw Nacho under the bus.

>craig trying to hide his boner

bcs spends a lot of time trying to show how super smart and strategic gus and mike are so we get scenes like the safe or the warehouse full of german workers.
idk if you are memeing or not but gus set up the hit against lalo using nacho as an inside man, gus doesn't trust nacho so he planned to set him up to misdirect the salamancas and kill nacho, two birds with one stone. gus sends mike to crack the safe, take out anything that would implicate gus and plant something that would reveal nachos location to the salamancas.

You know damn well there will be a bunch of nostalgia nerds who look fondly on this crap, the same way millennials think the shitty 90s were great.

ok zoomer

nostalgia is usually anchored in some social aspect that has been lost, social media has ironically removed that from most peoples lives.
>damn i remember sitting in my bedroom alone watching some tiktoc dance on my phone and then watching a guy play fortnite for an hour.
when people talk about the 90s or any other decade there is usually something socially that was lost to time.
>we would go to blockbuster and get snacks, movies, and a game and stay up all night having sleep overs.
>we would go to the arcade and then go play softball
>we would hang out at the mall and cruise babes.
>we would go to the disco and snort cheap coke all night

It's like they know on a natural level that the hypersexualized and confusing world they were raised in has something clearly wrong with it but they can't figure it out.

Boomers on this board get nostalgic for the mindless media they consumed in the 90s and 2000s too. You're not special, bud.


The Chad making these EPIC Zoomer threads is so amazing. I've never laughed so hard so much in my life.

90s yes, 2000s lol. culture stalled in the 00s, there is no nostalgia for it because it's still contemporary.

>this ironic zoomer shit is exactly the same as unfunny vapegang humor from the mid 2010s and Yolo swag from earlier. Basically 6'1" zoomers with rich parents and perfect clothes got more pussy than you could ever dream of so you try to mock their culture to feel superior. Meanwhile the youth of every generation go out and have fun while you post on an anonymous online image forum that hasn't changed in 15 years.

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>6'1" zoomers with rich parents and perfect clothes
> while you post on an anonymous online image forum that hasn't changed in 15 years.
Oh like you're doing right now? Huh? Huh?

>no kink at pride
It's like a fucking layer cake of jewish subversion that's collapsing in on itself.

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Mike was my second least favorite character in BB right after Meth Damon.

it wasn’t gus it was mike that left the cell number. that way the cartel plans to take him in alive to find out who he works for (gus) and for that reason gus will have no choice but to rescue him, instead of letting him die south of the border as he originally intended. mike will save nacho’s life or die trying, do you fags even watch the show?

Watched ep one and two but it was ruined that I'd forgotten everything that happened in the last two seasons.

nacho very sus
how did the twins let him vibe just like dat?

seething zoomtard

bait? mike was with victor one of gus's henchmen.

as long as you keep seething and coping in these kinds of thread theyll keep getting made, lol.

>t. triggered autistic zoooomie
I saw a group of zoomer friends walking at Knotts wearing shirts that said "Virginity is cool", the cope is reaching light speed

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t. Definitely actually has the broccoli haircut

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why can't Yea Forums refute this?

Lol you guys took my bait like a charm