Why is there no hype?

why is there no hype?

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trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=the northman

no torrent

Sweetie we evolved past white identity

half of faggots here wait in line for whatever disney shits out


no they don't

Why would I want to watch it when I already watched Conan the barbarian?

movies are shit now

sweaty, Yea Forums doesnt tolerate white supremacy

Pandering to a demographic that doesn't want to be pandered to

And those faggots arent going to be in a northman thread. No torrent no watch

They made that mistake with The Green Knight and their bullshit hype action focused trailers. Just wait for home release or torrent.


it has more hype than any eggers movie to date.

millenials are shit eating dumb faggots, at least zoomers are sincere in their stupidity
23-37 year olds like to pretend how they are extra educated and cultured generation down on its luck, but truth is and statistics show it that they are sub 100 iq consoomers
t. 26 years old

What u talking bout bro this movie about viking

Doesn't change the fact that this thing was way more expensive than anything he did before.

>no hype
Were you expecting hype? There have been threads daily on Yea Forums since the trailer dropped a few months ago.

I already have my tickets

I'm expecting kino. Not anything grounbreaking, but just something very well made. Not every movie has to break the mold. It's just conan meets hamlet meets the last kingdom, and thats a good thing.

blade runner
mad max
last duel

these films from the tip of my mind would earn solid number in previous decades, they are not some high art but are still very good films.
All of them bombed, while where generic marvel and star wars trash ranks in billions.
Big budget films are getting dumber and dumber because audience is getting dumber.
This trash world deserves a genocide.

Bladerunner and Last Duel are filth and Mad Max did well at the Box Office. Ever considered the possibility you might be the dumb one?

Blade runner made double its budget
Mad max made double it's budget

Last duel did bomb

there wont be one for months

Vikang fatigue

i imagine a lot of people who want to watch it has given up on going to movie theaters and are waiting for it to come out on vod (i certainly am)

>they speak English

compared to spider man 4 and star wars episode 15 they are dostoevsky

they were loss taking in account marketing budget

Even capeshit is less retarded than whatever abomination Shitley Rott poops out.

im too redpilled to get hyped for anything anymore

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I hate white people

who doesn't?

Looks like a Netfix show from the poster

It has the acting of a low budget Netflix show.

>Double it's budget
Total meme. That hasn't been the break even point for at least 10 years.

It's going to be salt in the wounds for our beloved Jewish media when viewership skyrockets. Turns out in group preference exists and is an evolutionary survival instinct.

There were NO non white Vikings. End of discussion.

So naive, bro.

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Oh yeah I bet Jews are gonna shrivel after so many goys go see their movie

Have you been hibernating or something?

God I hope Anya has a nude scene in this movie. The genre and feel of the trailer seems like it’s ripe for Anya to bare her sweet body

No he's right. This just on Yea Forums nobody else gives a fuck

>more Viking shit after 10 seasons of Vikings and 5 seasons of Last Kingdom
> made by the guy who makes weird, dark poopy movies normies can't into
I wonder why

I am a white supremacist.

she does, pubes and bare ass. I already seen the movie, cant believe its not out in Murica and in Mexico it went out a week ago lmao

You will never be White.

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No it doesn’t

I just imagine the opening night crowd looking like a proud boys rally

Arthoes, soibois and metalfags are into this too.

>more hype than any eggers movie to date
#4 movie on opening weekend in the UK. Complete flop

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Only on Yea Forums
Hollywood Reporter

Because I can already read and watch Vinland Saga and have it done right by a Jap and not a woke-faggot director

>Hollywood Reporter
Paid for


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>zoomzoom got rightfully bullied for being a little faggot
As it should be.

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Paid for hype is hype nonetheless. There is a lot of visibility and talk about the movie.
trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=the northman

You seem weak. Your desperation is palpable.

Funny because your lack of counterarguments is more than a little pathetic. I accept your concession, don't be too hard on yourself, better luck next time

Another Mexican here, I saw it like a hour ago, it was kino.
The user expecting connan meets hamlet has it about right (and that's a good thing)

What about tits?