Does your favorite movie pass the bechdel test?
Does your favorite movie pass the bechdel test?
The creator of the Bechdel Test never intended for it to be used to judge media, but of course when does a woman get what she wants?
>master and commander
no and it's glorious
All women should be raped and killed
watching thread for edit
All women should be sed and fed.
Who cares
>females are so self-centered they think this quirky test is actually an indicator of a movie's quality
if anything, the movies that fail this test are the ones you should be watching. movies about women talking sound boring as shit.
No because the movie was more interested in the plot and wasn't about checking boxes unlike today's shows.
People like this who desire raping and killing, should themselves be raped and killed
Name 479 good movies that meet this criteria
useless test.
useless thread
Does it matter how they talk about the man, or just that no man is involved at all?
>Night of the Living Dead
I don't remember if the women in it even talk to each other.
What is the Yea Forums test?
Recommend me some films/shows that fail the Bechdel test.
something that reinforces their racial and political ideas = good
Fpbp /thread. A woman begs for mercy, other women run in and kick the shit outta her, sad.
why do we need women in film?
The Batman fails
why do we need women in society?
The only good gag reddit and memey ever did was showing how stupid the blechdel test is by having summer and beth talk about their periods.
>women don’t exist
>do they talk to each other?
based schizo
Name a film that fails the test that would be improved if it had more women?
What did she intend it for then? Something pointless?
"movie has a little girl"
nigger trigger
hunt for red october
makes you think about taking up sailing and living on a sailboat dunit
>Apocalypse Now
There's those Playboy bitches don't know what else
Friendly reminder that "Baby Got Back" passes the Bechdel test
Jane Roe behind Roe vs Wade regretted her decision to get an abortion
>Lord of the Flies
Why do people like that garbage? Is it because it's one of the few books people are forced to read at school?
i love girl but hate women
This writing fucking blows (i.e., a woman wrote it)
>My Dinner with Audre
>Definitely possible to stage a similar exchange with women
>The closest the film gets to focusing on a (singular) women (plural)
Maybe if you weren't a dumb fucking illiterate cunt you'd get some taste
a male feminist wrote it
If I see a movie passed the Bechdel test then I don't watch it, because it means it's a piece of shit.
He's still a dumb fucking illiterate cunt
If I were a director I would just have two random female characters meet each other and talk about tampons for a minute long scene, and move on. Checkmate chuds
imagine being amber heard and hitting the wall at 23
Eh, kinda. Only when they're talking about the guy who was kinda funny lookin
incels should die en masse in wars
41% of incels are killing themselves already
Where am I supposed to go to if all the conditionals are true?
then should could just make another one
there is that one native woman in a boat who smiles at russell crowe
most incels don't become troons though
collapse of the western world
For women, the default human prototype is female. So everything you think is ugly about humans is applied to women. All concepts of beauty are lost to cynicism and mockery deceit.
Women see men as something twisted, like a massive birth defect. And it's applied globally. So something on it's own isn't bad. It's only when it turns male does it become freakish and defective.
Conflict requires dedication, as in you can't give birth in the middle of a firefight. Those who do die. Despite all our technical advances, war is still awful. Even if you are at a keyboard in missile command, you have to stay up for days. You develop arthritis and mental illness. If you are built to create life and then have it rip itself out of you, you're not dedicated to conflict.
And all that is arbitrary justification. Without men women would be barren lifeless withered things, failing over and over again until a demi-god lays waste to their uterus and ushers in life.
You make life better by an incredible amount. It's best when men are deferential and give you the spotlight. But make no mistake you don't and never will lead this show.
not all incels are troons
but all troons are incels
>Does your movie have Kurt Russell in it?
The most common trans profession is literally sex work
Extreme Prejudice
Cliff Hanger
The Specialist
Tango & Cash
Money Train
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
The Wild Bunch
Duck you Sucker
On the Waterfront
Three Billboards in Ebbing Missouri
In Bruges
The Executioner's Song
Ballad of Cable Hogue
All the President's Men
>changing my gender is the only chance to get sex
Call Me By Your Name
The Birdcage
Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
>Call Me By Your Name
based, would have been better if the one fag was a girl
yes that's true
you didn't think long enough before making this, did you?