Would this actually have worked?

Would this actually have worked?

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If you kick a dog enough times it'll bite back. Imagine if you encouraged it and gave it hope instead

>Christians were right about Harry Potter
>Christians were right about Marilyn Manson


No, but in fairness to Manson, he made these comments when the conventional wisdom was that Klebold and Harris were victims of bullying, which was the narrative the media was pushing for the longest time.

Probably not. If you can find it in you to shoot up a school you're too far gone for talking about it to help in any way

Am I right in thinking that Harris and Klebold weren't even Manson fans but somehow Manson and his music ended up getting scapegoated

wait so there's a new narrative that these kids weren't bullied?

I still think it would have been good for them to discuss their murder suicidal angst with someone other than themselves. Most people need to talk to someone outside that mindset to readjust themselves

Based whitepilled user

Last I heard was at least one of them was fairly popular and the other was a neutral nobody at worst
Ignored maybe but not ritualistically attacked and humiliated

He wasn't talking about Eric and Dylan, you boneheads.

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Sure if he wanted to get shot

Did harassing Charlton Heston with pictures of dead children work?

lol no

the real culprit was Doom

Manson is a fucking retard

You mean he’s saying the other kids reported warning signs and were ignored?

All the actual evidence seems to suggest that Klebold and Harris were the bullies, not the bullied. They weren't well liked by their peers, but that seems to mostly be because they were arrogant, mean-spirited assholes who looked down on everyone and treated them like shit.

He's clearly talking about Klebold and Harris, you brainlet. His comment makes zero sense if you assume he's talking about the survivors or the victims. His use of the past tense makes it clear he's talking about people who cannot be heard in the now, as they are dead, and it would make no sense to listen to the victims, since they were not the actors.

You mean he's being asked what would he say to the kids that got blown away?
In that case I guess nothing is the correct answer

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Ever since I saw this years ago, it still sticks out as the stupidest thing I've ever heard and it pops into my mind all the time.

Nah this is misinformation. I'm a Columbine autist. People tend to want to paint things as black and white. Were they the bullies or the bullied? Neither and both. There are plenty of reports that they bullied underclassmen but also that they were very unpopular even though they had their own close knit group of friends in the lower rungs of popularity. Just remember your own time at school. There were probably kids who would describe you as a bully or an asshole, some who would describe you as a loser, you probably played some sports etc. When someone is trying to nail you down as some kind of stereotype they can get all kinds of mixed signals because most kids are a bit of everything and not one singular thing.

The most accurate answer is they were unpopular kids but had friends and bullied mostly underclassmen and were bullied themselves by jocks.

The state of zoomers on this board

this sounds the most plausible

Moore literally asks him what he would say to "the kids at Columbine and the people in that community." If you think that means Eric and Dylan you are actually retarded.

Same. I think about this and Wahlberg's 9/11 quote at least once a week.

do americans bully that much?

Couldn't tell you nowadays with how faggy and soft everything is. In the 90's and 2000's it was extremely prevalent.

Actually, he isn't. You've just given away the fact that you don't know anything about that man.

I bet he thought it sounded sooo cool when he said it.

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Please stop pretending that whatever rude shithole you come from doesn't have bullies. You faggots can't even exist online without being rude and unlikable. "Do americans really" yet again, for fuck sake.

>I'd rape them and that's what no one did

ours don't go around shooting people or even stabbing if you're gonna move the goalpost

literally everyone talked shit in high school. the actual cartoon violence bullies typically only existed in the super poor school districts since most of those clowns were often in gangs.

bullying is a natural social phenomenon too weed out fags early and run off retards and pedos

he's obviously baiting you
pretty much everywhere, bullying is the same
t. yuro

He clearly meant Klebold and Harris for the reasons I already explicated. Either address those points or shut the fuck up, retard.

One major reason for the current tranny epidemic are the years of anti-bullying campaigns, that's what "encouragement and hope" get you

Dylan was remediable based on what I've seen. Eric was a psychopath and would've sperged out eventually.

>look like this
>still get bullied

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I like his music but holy shit is he a edgelord


This is the case with like 90% of modern shootings.
The reaction from most the Parkland students wasn’t “OH MY GOD HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?”
It was “Holy fuck, the bastard finally did it

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I'd imagine it'd mainly just be
>Bullied teenagers
>Rural town where everyone knows each other with nothing to fucking do and all the young people are expected to leave it

Dylan is the one who came up with the idea of doing it and the one who, by accounts of the basement tapes and evidence, was the one who was far more committed to going through with it at the end than Eric was. Dylan was ready to die. Eric had regrets, was crying days beforehand, was genuinely remorseful towards his parents in his goodbye speech, and was cut off and urged by Dylan that they "had to" do it.

Eric, despite being commonly portrayed as an unrepentant psychopath, was the much more conflicted of the two of them. He had anger problems but I would argue he was the less "off the deep end" of the two who could have been rehabilitated.

This. Klebold was an awkward kid who showed genuine redeemable tendencies, but Harris was a genuine psycho that got him in his aura. I think every modern interpretation suggests that if Columbine hadn't happened, Harris would have done something eventually

Have sex faggots

That's what a nerd looked like in 1999. That photo conveniently leaves out that he was 5'7, was 130lbs, and had pectus excavatum. You also have to keep in mind that Eric was one of those kids that was unpopular due to manlet, anger, and general dorky autism not being a good combo for popularity.

the media ALWAYS tries to play this angle. like that "incel" that shot up a bunch of people in limey country. dude was constantly ridiculed for not having sex, the media constantly shits on people like him, and suddenly act all surprised when all that anger suddenly explodes.

but then again, people at my high school would joke that i would've been the most likely to be a school shooter. probably because i was an edgelord not afraid to tell people to kill themselves.












If anyone actually gave a shit about you stupid faggot eurotrash, they would have a field day.

You'll never understand because you're obviously too young to remember the way many of the country responded.

Nope. Dylan and Eric were socially active kids who had a lot of friends and hobbies. They even had older girlfriends, and filmed themselves shooting guns with them. They were certainly troubled, but not because of years of abuse. They were just edgelord faggots.
The Virginia Tech shooter was an edgelord faggot who also regularly took creep shots of his female classmates

He was messed up in the head. Bullying had nothing to do with it. He wanted to hurt people.
Dylan on the other hand was depressed and basically got influenced by Eric.

Reported for Islamophobia

That's the dave cullen narrative and it's incorrect.

Quiet simp

Have you read anything from Eric's diary? He was an edgelord who would've murdered sooner or later

I was 24 when Columbine happened.

On the contrary, the tranny is almost by definition a demoralized male. The problem is all education is done by women now, so boys are taught feminine mentalities such as victimhood and self-pity, which are inherently emasculating in nature.

Eric had journals in which he wrote that he enjoyed lying to people, including his own therapist, and made a point to do it when he could. I don't buy it.

Not him but I'm older than you and you are a moron. Manson was referring to Klebold and Harris.

Stop being such a drama queen. Faggot
The classes I've been in had pretty much no bullying, so I just can't relate to these stories. The whole fraternity thing is also completely alien to me. Same with school shootings, your specialty

Learn what the phrase "move the goalpost" means you dumbass foreigner.


Why are you here? Go tend to your wife and kids.

Yeah, I really don't buy into the Eric being misunderstood narrative. If he was, then he hid it from everyone including himself.
Dylan is just a case of self imposed inceldom in a similar vein to Elliot Roger. But he might've been rehabilitated.

>You're too young to have a meaningful opinion.
>Oh, you're actually old? You don't belong here, so I'll dismiss your argument.
Typical midwit response. Why don't you do the world a favor and stab yourself in the face with a broken bottle until you die.