Nighthawks by Edward Hopper (1942)

>Nighthawks by Edward Hopper (1942)

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One of my favorite paintings
Very comfy

Thats peak american art and that is very sad.

>Alister Covax has been expecting you

>"Thats peak american art"
>according to some foreign faggot
lmao wtf do you even know about art?

More than you my seething mutt friend.

I don't find it sad: Hopper painted the character a bit hunched over but there's more because of the supposed night time and leaning into each other.

I work nights, the only people you see are recovering alcys with permanent insomnia and the alcys that aren't that deep in the hole yet

im not a mutt and we arent friends. nobody on Yea Forums is your friend you humongous faggot loser. go be pretentious on reddit.

Did I hurt your feelings that much?

no you autist im just annoyed. there is a difference but since you literally have autism i have to explain that fact.

rent free

tom waits

Not my fault that you dont have any Idea about art.

My drug addict criminal affiliated step father and mother had this and Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party up before they lost our house back in '03.

Before that or maybe concurrently, I can't remember, we still had my grandfather's 70s Matador oil painting in the dining room. Synchronistically enough this can be seen in a frame from Bill Burr's F is for Family.

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Batman Year One did it first.

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you sound like an idiot who cant even troll right.
>im smarter than you because i know art and am not american
that is the biggest pretense to intelligence i have ever seen. i have met art majors who know a lot about art work in retail. selling "fair trade" seashell necklaces. honestly i just dont like stupid people but i hate stupid people who think they are smart because of some naive juvenile pretense about intelligence like regurgitating facts about baroque artists and genius are mutually exclusive.

you can see the diner and the riddler observing from his apartment in this scene

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Embarassing jew nose visage.

oh i figured as much but thanks for the posts. im guessing top is from the comic and bottom is from the animated "year one" movie?

>top is from the comic and bottom is from the animated "year one" movie

that's not a hook nose, that's a roman nose dimwit.

>that's a roman nose
i thought the same thing. that retard just sucks at "trolling"

Get some glasses then.

no u

He means sad in the sense that our “level” of art is inferior to what he considers his regions (broadly European) produced. It’s still untrue as the painting is uniquely American in thematic nature while aesthetically identifiable as not European and not related to the church or nobility. The obvious implication user makes is that simplified nature and focus on mood/lighting is not of the caliber of “real paintings” from centuries past. You and I can look to Hopper as a contemporary inspiration because we as Americans are aware of the strangely profound impact this painting had. Likely it’s biggest strength is the rejection of European glamour and pageantry, there will be no ornate gold gilded frame as that is the kind of ostentatious presentation that would be contrary to the themes presented.

also an underrated 80s Stallone movie

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take that back glowie

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European art is gay.

I see. European painting is ofc superior but comparing is pointless as non-European countries never aimed at the same level of greatness. Hopper or Normal Rockwell did what they did on their own social and commercial context.
And the US excelled in other visual arts such as comics and cinema.

ahh there she is, the painting

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kek based

I once visited the Chicago Art Institute and this painting was like 50 feet away from American Gothic. It was really weird seeing the original instances, The Real Versions of two well-known pieces of meme Americana in such close proximity to each other.

I made a point of staring at American Gothic for a good ten minutes or so (my aunt, who lives in Iowa, is obsessed with it). Basically on the woman's side of the composition there's cues of feminine domesticity (the plant) and on the man's side there's cues of masculine industry (the barn, the pitchfork rhyming with the seams on his overalls).

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holy fuck you are the most onions faggot on this site, no wonder he fucking seethed and left like your dad


i didnt seethe nor leave. learn into reading comprehension.

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british """satire"""

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What she holding? Are those drops?


ITT: Art Appreciation 101

>curved glass

>Thats peak american art

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Me on the left.

This picture should be framed in the living room of every Yea Forums poster

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>dabs on your mona lisa

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Excellent post

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That's the wallpaper on my phone.
The lock screen is the empty street part.

Sad that stuff like this is the exception in 20th century art, instead of the norm.
Why couldn't we get more Hopper and Rockwell and less Pollack and Klee?

I almost bought a framed print of that at a local thrift store.

I see mall kiosks selling these all the time, but I've never them hanging in a house before. Someone has to be buying this tacky shit.

that's a cool detail, matt

One day these will be in museums instead of the pathetic things they call modern art.

ok mutt

Blame the glowies. For real, you can look that one up.

That's not Madame X

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I know they pushed modern art to fuck with the Communists and I'm glad it worked, especially given all the demoralization they pushed at us first.
I just don't understand how it worked, who the hell would look at something like pic related and be inspired to fight for freedom?
Meanwhile, a painting like Nitehawks shows that there's life and love and plenty in America, even in the darkest of nights. How did that not inspire?

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