This is always beat the best film of its genre. Nothing will ever beat it. Ever

This is always beat the best film of its genre. Nothing will ever beat it. Ever

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what genre?

Nothing Happens: The Movie

Seven is superior and far more enjoyable.

the aesthetic and the atmosphere, what a masterpiece

incorrect on both counts

Seven is a terrible movie

I would like to interject that there were two Zodiac killers that the police believed were one person.


Films about the Zodiac.

wasn’t arthur leigh allen the wrong guy though?

Yep. It’s a masterpiece.

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Memories of Murder mogs both of these movies

Feels much shorter than it is(over 2,5h)
Great film

there was no zodiac

He was vindicated by evidence that only came to light because of the movie.

se7en doesn't hold up user. the mood and texture is still comfy but there's literally nothing deep. it's just a straight forward serial killer movie with le moral dilemma at the end

yeah, the dna from the stamps from zodiac's letters didn't match him

Excellent film

i would tend to agree that zodiac is best of genre. i love that they didn't care about coming up with some fake ending

It would be if it didn't have the goofy ass acting that most korean films have

it doesn't need to be deep

>mood and texture is still comfy
> it's just a straight forward serial killer movie with le moral dilemma at the end
and that's good enough

kek that's not true. there's brief note at the end of the movie that mentions the dna not matching

yeah but this isn't a thread for "good enough" films is it bud? this is about best in class

I agree, style and atmosphere carry the movie. like with Drive

was that pedo at the end zodiac the whole time

I prefer watching movies as opposed to reading them. If I wanted to read, id get a book

imagine being filtered by subtitles

Came to this thread to say zodiac is better than se7en. It's like Zodiac's one real claim to being good.

Im obsessed with the zodiac case but haven't seen the film.
Is it worth it? Am i gonna be disappointed?

blocks your path

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Worth a watch, but you won't find it on anyone's top 10 movies

You're missing out

Too long and focuses too much on Jake's uninteresting character.

Zodiac is his best movie. I feel like he constructed something unique and simultaneously outside his comfort zone.

Se7en, Dragon Tattoo, and others are the same. An established genre, detective film, with a passive social commentary.

>it doesn't need to be deep
>mood and texture is still comfy
>I agree, style and atmosphere carry the movie. like with Drive
>OHMYGOD is that BRAD PITT?? and Morgan FUCKING Freeman? Holy fucking gimme a K gimme an I gimme an N gimme an O what's that spell? KINO!!!
movie is fucking trash, dimwits

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the last quarter of this movie being about the shitty reporter sucked. his character wasn't that interesting to me, his story wasn't compelling, and it was filled with a bunch of fakeout horror and literal jumpscares

Literally does not need to be deep. Being deep is not the only metric that defines if a movie is good or not.

>i like movies that require zero thought and i can just get high and watch with glazed eyes

Zodiac was actually pretty refreshing to me with it's villain. There wasn't some retarded personality gimmick or wasn't trying hard to make it some morally grey character. He was just a crazy guy and it works.

But it is kinda deep, it talks abouta mans obsession with an unsolvable crime

might sound odd but
To anons who watched both Zodiac and The Ring (2002 remake)
Give a thumbs up or down for both of the movies. I'm curious

Have any good recommendations that capture that similar feeling of David Fincher's films/shows? I can't really tell what it is that I like about them but there's a certain flow to the dialogue and overall mood that I really love. True Detective's Season 1's the only that kind of had a similar feeling although it lingered on the dreariness of it all a bit more than my liking if that makes sense.

I like both, but I rewatched the ring recently and it wasn't as much fun as I remembered.


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I agree. I have to say though, I have seen Zodiac probably 4 times now, and I've seen Se7en . . . I've probably seen that at least 15 times. But I could still watch Se7en again, but when I return to Zodiac it is just so fucking boring to me now.

the average Se7en fan everyone

Never heard of it, I'll check it out. Thanks user

Se7en was an okay watch but the acting just feels... off
anyone else feel this way?

probably the only scene in film that really portrays the bizarre out-of-body feeling when confronted with a sudden life threatening situation

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the virgin one-time-watcher vs the chad multiple-viewer

theatrical cut only. The DC can be found in bargain bins, for good reason.

So the movie gives the idea that there were multiple people working together to create the identity of the Zodiac? Has anyone ever looked into the validity of this?

first half was kino, second half was boring AF

is this the next marvel movie?

>villain bests the heroes


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Great cinematography, all star cast, boring movie. I can't blame them that much, though. It's more the material/script's fault than anything else. The truth is the Zodiac killer was not a particularly interesting killer and it was moreso the cryptograms that generated a ton of interest and buzz around him. But you can't make a movie around puzzles, it just doesn't work. Film watchers can't solve a puzzle in real time so it always boils down to the characters just providing answers.

So once you get rid of the cryptograms, what are you left with? A guy who shot one group of teenagers, stabbed another group of teenagers, killed a taxi driver, and then disappeared.

A killer like Son of Sam makes for a much more interesting movie both because he was caught, the types of letters he sent, how they found him, etc. With Zodiac, there's nothing. The killer himself is boring and there are no real suspects. He left almost no evidence. As far as serial killers go, he was pretty boring(he just shot most of his victims and fled). There is not much of a story there.

I would say that about all of Fincher's movies but it's kind of what I like about them. Characters in his movies don't really have conversations at a normal talking pace nor the natural pause people take to gather their thoughts before speaking but because of that, there's so much information being said that it's hard to lose interest in what's going on. It's not "realistic" but it's the reason you see people say they watch his movies and don't feel like they're that long despite being 2 and a half hours.

Memories of murder is godtier cinema, exceptionally well made, pretty goofy too.

Combo of Bong Joon-ho and Song Kang Ho equals guaranteed kino.

There are a few notable problems with Zodiac:
>RDJ ruins the film by acting too happy
>Dozens of 10% developed plotlines & characters
>The payoff scene (Gyllenhall visiting the hardware store) barely even registers for most viewers.
Se7en however is perfect except for how fucking ugly Brad Pitts wife is in it. More disgusting than the Sloth dude.

Pajeeves wishes he could've made a movie on the same level of quality this one has

the offbeat pacing and underdeveloped plot threads give it a real character. it's like a classic 70s movie in that way.

wasn't that gwyneth paltrow?
yeah, you're right.

Watch Prisoners, mate, it mogs everything Fincher did and i like Zodiac. You will love it, especially if you like TD.

>RDJ ruins the film by being too happy
Garbage opinion. He was entertaining and the next time you see him, he’s on the brink of suicide. Commit sudoku.

It’s not about the Zodiac dumb dumbs it’s about Le Society, obsession, and people living at their jobs to get away from unhappy marriages

I agree. It is the best serial killer movie of all time, followed by
Memories of Murder

>Implying the zodiac killer was a one man operation