Patty and Gal are writing Wonder Woman 3

Patty and Gal are writing Wonder Woman 3.

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That's great. Everyone loves Gal's WW.

yeah patty has some fat tits

WW2 was super shitty because Patty Jenkins wrote it and directed it, she is not a good writer, so i don't have my hopes up for this one, what ever happened to the writer of the first one?


>more gal gadot cringe kino
Couldn't be happier


It is oddly compelling

Well that's bad news.

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It'll flop like WW1984 did "because of coronavirus"

she has a weird shaped head


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Why does Ghoul Gadot get any input? Is she a writer? She's barely an actress. What the fuck.


Fuck off, Mohammed. Settle for owning 95% of the middle east instead of 100% that you somehow think you need. I'm not even Jew and even have a largely-unfavorable view of thanks to people like Soros and Kalergi, but think Muslims whining how they "need" more of the middle east is complete bullshit.

Her and the director are clearly close at this point so she gets lot of input on the script.

no u

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If they get someone to direct the action scenes it might be salvageable
>Geoff Johns

Her WW "acting" is her twitching her head while twirling her gladius. Zero range. She's too one-dimensional for DC which is supposed to be kino capeshit.

Also that head profile for that haplogroup

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>>Skeleton, literal tranny body proportions.
>>Can't act.
>>Can't even speak proper english.
>>Dumb post-2010 girl power.
>>Enpowered by Koch brothers.
flopped hard.
>>Mogged hard by her stunt.
Speak only for yourself, faggot. Despite the good renewed WW1 costume, rest is pure shit. Antje and at least 10 other actress would be better than her.

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Hoo baby look at that sternum

It doesn't matter. Patty Jenkins hates action, she doesn't like WW having a sword or fighting, so she kept it to a bare minimum. The first movie was clearly not her thing.

another 1984 tier shitshow awaits then

Didn't WW84 bomb harder than Segway?

Trainwreck incoming then. i cant wait to not watch it.

They need to bring back Lynda.

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Segway was successful until "hover boards" that were significantly cheaper killed it. WW84 was never successful.


I liked WW84 more than the first film
Only bad part was Cheetah being lame

>patty jenkins directs wonder woman
>it's good
>patty jenkins directs AND writes WW1984
>it's a disaster
this is NOT good... someone stop her

Cheetah being lame was a dealbreaker for me desu

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Those niggers FUCKED it up last time! They cast some old bitch who can't mog the skeletal Gal Gadot and then they leaned heavily on Chris Pine to carry them through the film because they don't have any originality and having a girl romance problems is all these bitches care about. This will be more of the same. Not like I paid to see the other two anyway.

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I wonder who wrote this scene

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if only that was the problem with WW84

kek the gall

She still mogs Gal

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they already confirmed she's in it

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now here's some more good news
>Gadot is currently in London filming the live-action Disney film Snow White, where she is playing The Evil Queen. When I asked Gadot how her filming experience has been going so far, she answered with a playfully sinister voice, “I love it (laughs)! It’s fun, I get to do something different. I get to sing and I get to dance and I get to play the villain, which is something that I’ve never done before - and it’s the first Disney villain ever.

Wtf didnt 2 fucking bombed?

it under-perfomed, but didn't bomb.

top home video seller of 2021
people are that dumb

gal gadot can read/write in english?

That's what I'm saying. People go to university to write. Directors go to tell that story on film. This is DC so I don't understand if its a budget reason.

WW raped in the last movie. However you look at it she became a rapist. Maybe get a writer who won't write a story where the hero rapes someone.

It bombed, it's just that the whole DCEU still exists solely because WW2017 kinda happened after the disastrous Whedon League. Even if it cratered, you're obligated to make more WW unless you're sexist or something. You're not sexist, right, WB?

>what ever happened to the writer of the first one
he once basically said in an interview that writing Wonder Woman beyond her origin story is a nightmare

We'd better fucking get Giganta this time.

>wanting fun things
don't you know it has to be some boring warrior shit to be good?

uh they were good friends for 2 minutes

>school play
>you're cast in a non speaking part
>you're going to give 1000% in that non speaking part.

Will they make forgettable movies with WW on it? Of course. Will it profit the studios producing it handsomely? That too. WW is pretty much unfloppable. It migth do barely less than expected, but you need to try very hard to fail it.

Each of her tits are the size of gals head.

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He has a point, the Carter Tv show suffered from this when they tried to explore WW's mythos further which is why on that show she would always only figth a bad guy and that's it, that's the most you could do on live action with WW.

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>Imagine being Han in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Gal Gador, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your plank body and horrific egghead oval face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck literally any other girl on the beach. Like seriously imagine having to be Han and not only sit in that chair while Gal Gadot flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her lizard skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that walk. Not only having to tolerate her grotesque fucking body but her broken english as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, ISRAELI SUPERMODELS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been watching nothing but a healthy bunch of blondes and supermodels and eye-candy extras for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in China. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her bony non existent ass as she sways it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person on this beach before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Han. You're not going to lose your cool over this. Just bear it. Eat your snacks and bear it.

Giganta is a/the villain

Ryan Choi shows up and we get the All New Atom arc going in the background with WW being jealous and refusing to believe Giganta could stop being bad. Circe is revealed to have been manipulating things manipulating emotions until people turn into wild animals

Fucking greek gods punching each other.

still delivered non-origin kino

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Look at all those jealous roasties. lol

Pandemic. Its getting a free pass for that.

Also because DC has so much instability with every other property. Aquaman has Amber Heard drama attached to it. Batman just swapped actors. Superman is in the process of changing actors/rebooting. Flash isn't even out yet and Ezra is a media liability. Gal might be a shitty actress but at least she doesn't attract pointless drama that self-sabotages and seems content to just churn out films. Building the brand needs more people like her and momoa, and keeping her is worth it for that alone even if the movies only barely break even.

>Gal might be a shitty actress but at least she doesn't attract pointless drama
not at the same level as the other DC criminals, but definitely does

It would be more fair to say she isn't causing it I guess. Gal doesn't do stupid shit that stirs up the media like Ezra or Amber.

At least they are using Snyder's for story treatment again.

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Lois learned Superman's name when she met Zod and hologram Jor-El in MoS, WW met Lois when Superman died

uh oh

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She was embarrassingly bad in Red Notice

I'm rewatching ZS's JL cut and it's fucking KINO. That's it. That was the post.