What are some simpsons jokes you didn't get the first time?

What are some simpsons jokes you didn't get the first time?

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Its like the hoover dam right? Like she squirt so hard she leaks like a dam?

I knew that one right away.


It's a well known fact that Herbert Hoover is the only US president with a background in engineering. He was complimenting the craftsmanship of her bed.

Chuck's Feed & Seed Co., Inc., a Corporation, Appellee, v. Ralston Purina Company, a Corporation


Or maybe she's a tranny. Hoover liked to dress like a woman behind closed doors.

>on multiple levels
people always say this when it's usually one level and rarely two. it's a fucking pun.

Still, it is pretty amazing that "Ten years in the future, Lisa's teacher will suck Bart's dick with remarkable skill and agility" is something that was actually written, voice acted and made it onto television


>Charles (formerly Chuck)

I thought it's because she was good at seeding cock

he was known as the great humanitarian for his efforts to feed europe during WWI. bart was referring to sucking her titties

it's a reference to feed, not seed

Took me a minute. Well done good sir.

Hoovers Boobas and Fubars

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They had to step their game up to compete with the Family Man

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I hate how they refuse to end the series for good or at the very least age up the characters but there are 2959295492 episodes that take place in the future....

>there are now episodes that portray Homer as both a 60's kid and a 90's kid
just fucking end it already PLEASE

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>have no fears...

I thought it was because she offered him a new deal since he's a regular

What will they do when the actual voice actors died?

Just looked it up, last week's episode (where Lisa meets Bleeding Gums Murphy's long lost son) is officially the first Simpsons episode in history to dip under one million viewers.

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And they used the episode to debut an official Bleeding Gums Murphy NFT!

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Use deep learning voice synthesis algorithms

Voice ai

>this nothing but dead white male bashing from a pc thug!
>it's women like you who keep the rest of us from landing a husband!

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Vacuum cleaner brand, she sucks like one.

That or she sucks like a Hoover vacuum. Multiple levels man.

The Simpsons has already
>recast Carl
>recast Dr. Hibbert
>recast Bumblebee Man
>removed Apu
and nobody cared

At this point Homer and Marge either already are or are very close to being 00's kids.

yeah no shit it's clickbait

She fucks and sucks like a hoover

The "Homer grew up listening to Nirvana" episode is itself from 15 years ago

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kek forgot about that one

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I was watching softcore porn on tv when I was 8 in the 90's. I may have ruined the innocent phase by being too horny.


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worst episode ever?

Why do they all do those faces?

Hate crime!


Makes them sound discerning

>hiring a random deaf guy to voice the son

Because Indians are absolutely unhinged madmen

Subhuman quirk

Technically hes the nirvana. He didnt grow up listening to it, he was making it.

You're posting here but don't understand the concept of a meme? Lurk moar

#7 will make mom freak!

Since we call vacuum cleaners hoovers in the UK we got this one immediately in fact we would probably think of a vacuum cleaner upon hearing her name in general

The comment is a subtle joke. Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States, whose term was notably marked by the stock market crash of 1929 and the beginnings of the Great Depression.

Herbert Hoover gained a reputation as a humanitarian in World War I by leading hunger-relief efforts in Europe as head of the American Relief Administration. From there the Republican moved into the post of U.S. secretary of commerce and spearheaded the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Hoover Dam. In 1928, Hoover was elected president, but eight months later the stock market crash of 1929 occurred, ushering in the Great Depression. Hoover’s policies could not overcome the economic destruction and despair that resulted, and he lost his reelection bid in 1932.

When President Coolidge decided not to run for another term, Hoover was nominated as the Republican candidate in 1928. He ran against New York governor Alfred E. Smith and won in a landslide. During Hoover’s campaign, he famously said, “We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land,” but less than a year later the stock market crash of 1929 struck, and the worst economic downturn in American history was upon Hoover’s administration.

As the Depression worsened in the 1930s, causing severe hardships for millions of Americans, many looked to the federal government for assistance. When the government failed to provide relief, President Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) was blamed for the intolerable economic and social conditions, and the shantytowns.

During this period, many things were nick-named after Hoover including the Hoover blanket (a newspaper used for a blanket) and Hoover flags (when a person turned their empty pockets inside out). When people used cardboard to fix their shoes they called it Hoover leather.

>people always
Is more retarded than anything that ever followed those two words together.

I read a couple words of your post and decided you were a faggot unworthy of being listened to further

good old Dick Sneed.

Thank you for this. Much easier to read.


That makes no sense dams don't leak they are designed to keep water back. It's definitely the vacuum cleaner people are just morons

Fun fact: what you posted is not true. It's a very common misconception which was started up by the mafia and jewish newspaper men

its implying she ate his ass out like j edgar hoover would do with his gay boyfriend, which the mafia knew and was the reason why they were able to blackmail him

>What did you kids get?
>I got this cool pencil holder

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same thing south park did with chef

It's the BOULDER DAM you fucking pieces of shit. Fuck Herbert Hoover, he just slapped his name on it after it was already done. And the fine people in BOULDER CITY, NA (henderson county) who built the damn thing called it the Boulder Dam. Get it right

*NV, fuck I am high. Bicycle day

>When Ickes spoke at the dedication ceremony on September 30, 1935, he was determined, as he recorded in his diary, "to try to nail down for good and all the name Boulder Dam."[71] At one point in the speech, he spoke the words "Boulder Dam" five times within thirty seconds.