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>black on black violence in 2062

>Friendly fire will not be tolerated!

Attached: 1631841512495.webm (1280x640, 2.15M)

Whose idea was this

this scene only exists to be edited into a brapp

what is this shit from

Attached: download.png (2409x4284, 957.4K)

>pool's closed

Motherland Fort Salem

Is this Scanners for trannies?

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>disinterested black kid

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they really held onto that scene for far too long

Menbros... How can we compete with such stunning bravery.

This legitimately reminds me of something that would have been in a Channel Awesome skit like a decade ago, like the reviewer's friend sacrifices himself so he doesn't have to keep watching the shitty movie

tfw no femdom space negress gf

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>What a charming negress

Attached: st-savage17-740x555.jpg (740x555, 70.62K)

>woman's superpower is they scream at you

Attached: 1635329678213.png (976x850, 49.79K)

Post the Charlie’s angels webm, you know which one

how did it stay ignited wtf

what in the fuck is this?

>Make remake of Mulan with an emphasis on historical accuracy to appeal to Chinese audiences
>Make her a generic Marvel superhero that is nothing like what Hua Mulan is like in the folktale

It baffles me to this day how much this movie managed to miss the point of the animation.

wtf is this real

Why didn't they shoot her?

I thought it was an out of frame toilet

Nice trips but the movie is always confusing because it doesn't know what it wants to be. It's too serious to appeal to the people who liked the original animation (no Mushu/jokes etc) and too Marvel campy to appeal to people that wanted a more realistic take. It just has no audience at all.



Is this halo? lmao how did they manage to fuck it up so bad?

they strove to make it as shitty as the games

Do foids really like this shit

Its hard to believe this actually happened but it did.

Gay Niggaz from Outer Space?

Not particularly, these basically exist for a small Hollywood clique to launder money and praise each other

Chinese people think they actually used to be able to fly.

In the animation she is a weak girl who joins the army to spare her father and eventually earns her place among the men through hard work.

In the movie she's a fucking super hero from birth, with magic kung-fu powers.
I do think this was done to appeal to the chinese audience. Most chinese wuxia movies are power fantasies where the protagonist is a super sayan who can do anything and kills all the villains without breaking a sweat. There is something about chinese culture and wanting to be the best without struggling for it.Usually the power are inherited or not explained at all.

Attached: wuxia.jpg (611x862, 112.37K)

many such cases!

I always wondered what the context for this scene was

They used to charge at gunfire, thinking their magic kung-fu made them immune to bullets.

Another one to add to the compilation.

>Skin ripped off face
>Sunglasses sitting just fine

Dam what the fuck are they made out of

Okay I admit that can be cool but Mulan was never that kind of character, either in the folklore or in the movie. Imagine if we had a John Henry movie where instead of dying he built the whole transcontinental railroad and then lifted the hammering machine and threw it into the sun

I unfortunately paid for this on day 1 because my mother wanted to watch it for some fucking reason. Once this scene played I knew I was in for 2 hours of Marvel shit.

> There is something about chinese culture and wanting to be the best without struggling for it.Usually the power are inherited or not explained at all.

Its a narrative pushed by the state, for the same reason it was pushed by kings and emperors in the past: the people on top want you to STAY in the position you were BORN into. If anyone can advance themselves through hard work, that implies that those currently in power might not be there forever, because someone else could rise up to challenge them.

But if you can only ever achieve greatness through being born special, that obviously doesn't apply to you so you are stuck with what you have and should accept your lot in life. You already missed your chance, sorry not sorry, better luck next time.

They really looked for a guy who looked like Xi didn't they?

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advertisement placement

>I'm acting!

Gay Niggers From Outer Space 2 is looking good

This is capeshits fault but unironically

Look at how stiff the face is, how lifeless and unfocused the eyes are.
It's likely a CGI face made to look like Xi.

>that wire work
It NEVER looks like they are jumping naturally, it ALWAYS looks like they are floating

Attached: kanye%2520lil%2520pump.jpg (1179x660, 106.21K)

>shooting a woman

Attached: cringe.webm (1280x533, 3M)

So brave...


>soiface makes people explode

That makes sense. It's not even like "the girl trained her whole life to achieve such status that she can fly and use magic kung-fu", the characters are either born that way, or the powers are passed on by a master, also through magic, no training required.

I think it's also part of the strong family tradition in china. Your strength is always inherited, you don't build it yourself.

because that would be really misogynistic

somehow they did a worse job of this stupid gimmick than game of thrones lol

Can I get a QRD on this? Did they pussy out of having to do real Sci-fi by making the hunter worm colonies mindless drones instead of intelligent colonies?


>Scream throws the mooks in the air and even moves the cars
>The girl stays completely still.

So her powers include super strength and gluing her feet to the ground?

China is a weird culture, being born special means you have your place ready for you as the Heavens wills it.

Hard working means defiling the Heavens so evil people work hard, like cultivators.

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Sweaty, it's the magical power of their divine femininity!

Tranners? ...Xir thoughts kill

Baby Necromancer? Or Baby Sindel?

After all this build up wasn't she completely fine?

>this scene only exists to be edited into a brapp

It's incredibly hard to mimic real jumping since the body movements required to jump with your own strength are vastly different than the ones required to balance yourself in a harness and then have the appearance of jumping.

>woman hero
>slowly walks towards the camera screaming/grimacing "intense" face
Is this really that common?

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Did anyone ever edit pedro's face onto that poor creature?

Her nose is weird, real military would have shot her first.

>tell women like her I'm a Scorpio so she stays away from me
>am actually a Taurus

Attached: LiterallyMe.png (1024x1200, 587.77K)

Describes me perfectly except for Leo sign and League of Legends.

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>A culture where you must accept the social position you were born, as mandated by the gods. Hard work is defying the will of the gods.

Oh my, how convenient for the government that rules these people.

they really didn't think this idea through before production, did they? how did nobody realize that having basedface screaming as a superpower looks fucking retarded?

Required Secondary Powers trope.

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unironically giggled like a schoolgirl

lincoln ruined the planet

Harpies have existed for thousands of years and always looked like this, the only thing new is attempting to be subversive and make it a cool superpower

clown world

you mean banshee. harpies are bird chicks

You know. Looking at it this way, that explains why eastern cultures were so big on reincarnation.
Much easier to accept you were mandated by heaven to live in poverty and squalor as a peasant when you believe this is just one of many infinite lives and maybe you'll be reborn as a king next time.

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