What did he eat

What did he eat

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My ass


soi and veggies

S01 leaks:

>T-Rex had feathers had seasonally. They grew a thick coat in the winter and shed them in the summer
>Spinosaurus was hermaprhoditic. It could change genders at will.
>Dinosaurs from Africa had larger brains and more advanced social structures. European dinosaurs were barbaric and oppressive

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Whatever he wanted to

>>T-Rex had feathers had seasonally. They grew a thick coat in the winter and shed them in the summer
Nanuqsaurusisters… we won

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Leaves, but only the Vegan kind


I want to pet the scary dinosaur.
I want to boop the snoot.
It would be but a mere boop on its' noggin.

Theropods look better with feathers. Even the big ones.

Correct. And it’s not like scalies don’t have all the cool ancient aquatic animals to satisfy themselves


Black people

barbecued tits

Beat me to it.

zero rpoof for that.

> we want to make trex very boring because……. reasons

Lets be honest their day to day life must have been boring to watch, it's not like they were roaring and hunting all day long.

Found the marvel fan

Whatever it could fit into its dinosaur gizzard. The notion that it was a pure scavenger is so tarded. There is no such thing as a megafauna that is a pure scavenger.

>90 minute long movie
>literally zero dialogue
>long, sweeping pans of primal landscapes
>follows a trex from birth to death
>just it wandering through the woods, drinking water, searching for a mate, fighting for territory, gaining notable scars, hunting, etc

get the jews on it

The marvel fan is this post , I didn't complain, I do like documentaries where dinos are starving and walking all day, it's more accurate.

instead you should scoot to redit

everything by the looks of it

What was his tax policy?

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if fossils and evolution is real can you explain me why dinosaurs have tails? It seems like such a waste of energy to have

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I know you're trying to be a troll but i'm pretty sure its for balance. They'd fall over because they'd be too front heavy without tails.

baby turtles

scarier than scales
went to the zoo and saw a cassowary walking towards me looking straight at me and it creeped me out. Imagine seeing this motherfucker coming at you

triceratops, apparently

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Nothing because dinosaurs are made up.

this activates my primal fear neurons

Vegan blueberry milkshake

>be large predator
>be rainbow colored
No wonder these retards went extinct.

the lgbtsaurus-rex went extinct after a pandemic of prehistoric aids

>BEAR MODE T-rex is somehow boring
>Lanky anorexic fuck is somehow interesting

what's next grizzlies are boring and lame because they've got a good amount of meat on them?

What he wanted to.

why is it so hard for reddit to accept that dinosaurs walked alongside man?

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This user summed up pretty well why some people raise their eyebrows over the feather thing and how it goes beyond 'nooo i want them to be heckin cool like when i was 11!'

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Was reddit always this overbearingly faggy and humourless?

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reminder that the belief that earth is 6000 years old is exclusively rightwing

its just an obvious joke, why are they so upset?

He is a chicken though.


>be predator
>eyes are on the sides
shit tier evolution
no wonder mankind conquers all

nuts, fruits, legumes and occasionally scavenged meat

why is it so hard for you to grow out of contrarian schizo shit?

i'm rightwing and like feathered dinosaurs. cope

there are more evidence that man lived alongside dinosaurs than they didn't

Reality is boring.

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Always has been

Bruh you have me in tears in my history class lmao.


Look at how ridiculously short those arms are.


The T-Rex:
>was an apex predator
>roared at 10,000 decibels with a magnificent SKREEEEEEEEEEEE-ONK
>rippled with more muscles than the most roided out wrestling champion
>killed a thousand other dinosaurs a day, sometimes to eat them, sometimes because they just pissed him off
>had epic anime battles with other T-Rexs that each had cool distinctive scale colors and scars
>could beat up your dad

Prove me fucking wrong. Hint: You can't.

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that's a big owl

pay attention slacker

>T-Rex had feathers had seasonally. They grew a thick coat in the winter and shed them in the summer
Featherfags need to off themselves.
Literally caught buying fake Dino fossils from China because they are so desperate to prove “Muh feathers, Muh missing link”

provide some, with sources, genuinely curious