Was it kino

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It was basically just another anthro crimefighter show, a genre that was popular in the 90s.The writing was the usual Saturday morning faire, but it had nice animation, especially when they started outsourcing the second season to a Japanese studio. That's about it. I prefer Pirates of Dark Water, which actually had an ongoing plot.

Let's be honest here. Most people only know of this show because they masturbate to Callie Briggs fanart.

For me, it's the Turbokat.

Attached: Turbokat takeoff.webm (640x480, 1.76M)

I want to ____ Callie

I mean it had jets and cool weapons and shit, there was definitely some stand out stuff in it. Also Callie, which I only started liking later in life, not during when it originally aired. Shes icing on the cake.

Fucking loved it as a kid

For me it's Felina

im no furry but turmoil could get it
sucks it got canned

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I'm surprised Ann-Gora doesn't get more love.

>Indians are doing the needful and making the reboot

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It was kino as fuck.

I remember running a mile from the bus stop up and down a massive hill to my home just to watch this on time.

I don't really remember it. I preferred TMNT, Biker Mice from Mars, and later on Street Sharks.

Was hannah barbera the best western animation studio ever? I would have bet money this was done in Japan before I looked it up.

TMNT, Swat Kats and Street Shark were all my jam when I was 4 years old.

>outsourcing the second season to a Japanese studio.
I KNEW it. Every good looking cartoon from the 90s was made in Japan. Compare He-Man to Thundercats, it's insane, the quality discrepency.

They outsourced the actual animation to a Japanese studios, like almost every worthwhile animated show during the 80s and 90s. Same people that animated Aeon Flux as a matter of fact.

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The blonde-haired catlady secretary who was the main girl of the show. Basically most of the Swat Kats fanart revolve around her.

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Ann Gora > Callie

Attached: Ann Gora.webm (640x480, 429.52K)

>decide to try watching an episode after many years to see how it holds up
>at one point, some radioactive-looking creature is attacking one of the Swat Kats and some civilian lady on a cliff
>the Swat Kat cat throws the civilian lady at the monster, knocking them both off the cliff

He did rescue the lady with a grappling hook afterwards, but still.

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loved this show growing up. particularly i loved the vehicles used in it. i would take out the cushions from the family sofa, lay them on the ground and then arrange other pieces of furniture around it pretending i was in their plane or car or something. don't remember much else about it but it's a good memory. i jerked off to the cat lady from this about a year ago

>Ever since the space-faring 'humans' had arrived to Megakat City, the two cultures had not seen entirely eye to eye. The humans were full of endless questions. What is the name of your planet? Why is there only one city on your entire planet, aside from a vaguely specified Japan-themed island full of Siamese cats? What is the name of your species? Do you think your women are genetically compatible with our species? Why is there a single F-14 Tomcat on your planet that keeps coming out of a garage that no one else notices despite being outlandishly loud and incredibly obvious to anyone with eyes? Did you know human penises don't have barbs? Why is there a lizard man T-Rex scientist in a giant lab coat stomping through your city as a court jester with magic powers uses a tabletop d20 die to judge the moral character of your citizens? The endless stream of questions that any B grade animation producer would consider to be beneath their time occupied the length of any conversation. It was quite tiring. Eventually, it was deemed necessary to put an end to these misunderstandings with a series of interviews with city leaders in the field of politics, science and philosophy. And the adult entertainment industry. Humans seemed particularly compelled to investigate that. As soon as the latest human expedition returns from their bi-weekly trip to the red district brothels, both parties will have an amicable discussion and reach a lasting peace. And perhaps they will have some insight to the recent mass disappearances of supermodels and college sorority girls throughout the city.

Why would you do Ann-Gora dirty like that?

He's a hotshot pilot. It's in his nature to be a dick.

Attached: Dr. Viper Callie.webm (640x480, 1.25M)

You magnificent bastard. I thought I’d never see it again.

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Ok…she cute

Attached: Callie mad.webm (640x480, 391.08K)

It's a miracle he didn't crash into Callie too.


Anywhere to watch this show?

how is that not an anime girl?

what happens next?

He used a jetpack to save her. Eventually this happened.

Attached: Speed of heat.webm (640x480, 1.4M)

The episode with the sludge monster that straight up devours busloads of people was fucking brutal for a kid's show. Still remember being freaked out when I watched it.

It was a subway train.

Attached: Bacteria monster eats a subway train.webm (640x480, 2.77M)

i miss drawn animation so much

For me, it’s Callie

there are some streams on cytube that play old cartoons, they come up on one called cartoncartooncartoon often

Best girl was Molly

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She basically is.

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The show had several characters get brutally murdered.
I was legit shocked when I saw it as a kid.

>Molly and Mac get betrayed by old gang when they were alive

>both die during a prison break
>brains put inside of killer robots
>return to old gang hideout
>straight up slaughters their old gang members

That's XCOM, baby.

My favorite episode of SWAT KATZ was when one of the Katz unloads his side arm into a charging chimp holding a knife but a bystander filmed the entire event which was clipped to only show the Katz only shooting at an angle that didn't show the knife. Episode ended with the chimps burning the city down in a peaceful protest.

Christ, that’s funny.

Is it available to stream anywhere?

I hope if they rebooot it they pilot a Veritech.

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Actual kino passing through

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>it's just one Chad cat and his self loafing luggage



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