Star Wars

Who was worst

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I don't wanna rub my nose in jar jar's sweaty asshole, so jarjar


Jar Jar was based and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.


I bypassed closing my jaw!

This. Chad Chad Binks was unironically less insufferable than Rey.

or r2d2. jart jart is underrated

Rey was the worst AND daisy Ridley a bad actress with no expression

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dellow felegates

Jar Jar mostly fucked off after the first movie, after being only a mildly annoying comic relief character. No such luck with Rey


nu luke, rey and pink hair were all worse than jar jar

Jarjar was alot worse but atleast didn't ruin the franchise. I mean the problem honestly isn't with Rey it's that they didn't understand the basics of storytelling.
Finn was completely useless in 7, kylo was a weakling and rey too overpowered but the actual problems came with luke not acting lile luke Skywalker to a point that even Mark Hamill complained how this luke was a completely different character

Rey because she had less character growth than Jar Jar and way more screen time.

I don't want to defend the Disney movies. But make a super cut of all the emotions from anyone in the shitquels, especially Anakin

I'm not that user, but having a range doesn't mean you can act
Christopher Lee was a great artist and could act for real and had a literal stoneface most of the time
Emilia Clarke have alien tier eyebrows that make her pull crazy emotional range, but can't act for shit.
Take Jim Carrey. He makes a lot of funny faces but his best "actings" are the ones were he performs the character, not the faces

Anakin and Hayden >>>>>>>> Rey and Daisy

>with no expression
>posts several expressions

They are the same

You would say that about your own grandmother, idiot, that doesn't relate to their characters.

The ex CEO of Disney said that Daisy has no emotion


here's the poll


One is the most kino character in Star Wars history, the other is Rey.

is Jar Jar a guy or a girl?


Jar Jar was like an homage to Charlie Chaplin. And kids like him. Rey is nothing, based on nothing.

Yes it does retard I literally fucking said the character names in my comment how fucking stupid are you

There's like 3 tho, have it

Rey,at least with Jar Jar Bink's character progression, it makes sense. Nothing about Rey makes any sense. It's just force is female and you have to deal with, also somehow she's Palpatine and also Papa Palpatine is back... She should've been Jaina Solo, and Darth Plagueis should've been main villian in then Jaina's brother Jason Solo becomes the big bad for the final episode 9 film for Jaina to fight after he becomes new dark lord and Plagueis is perma destroyed by Luke in Episode 8. I'm not even trying here and I know this would've performed better in box office and made more money form merchandise all together. I don't care if a film or series is female centric, all I care about is if it's good, and the story is good. I'm pretty sure that's all your average person cares about too when it comes to this stuff.

>I'm not even trying here
Well, they didn't try also

I just realized what those chompers reminded me of.

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Clearly. But my take is better is it not? Thematically it rhymes like how George would want it to, it makes sense to the lore and raises the stakes for our characters, it answers the origins of the Skywalker lineage. I would've had way more fights. But clearly you can tell I'm someone who loves to emerse in the lore of this shit, you don't get that feeling from these movies. You don't even get the feeling that Jar Jar Abrams or Ruin Johnson are even that passionate about it when they're being interviewed behind the scenes!?

why does bottom right look like pic rel

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Pretty sure that fucking frog turned my cousin gay, same with that Alien dancing and singing that weird spanish tiktok dance on a cgi mars

Jar Jar has better teeth


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Based on what? A giant faggot lmao

The prequels are masterpieces, get fucked boomers/zoomers

That little CGI Muppet motherfucker they insisted on inserting into the Max Reebo band. Jarjar only irritated me because I couldn't understand what he was saying half the time. The CGI muppet arouses irrational hatred in me.

Neither, actually.

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MaRey Sue was fun if you just want an adventure. Jar Jar is shitting up boring dialogue with his antics. I enjoyed watching Rey more. (III is the only good prequel) the sequels are nonsense but at least they're all fun. CW and ROTS are the good prequel content.
She's extremely emotive

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This bitch was trying to emote way too hard.

Jar Jar.

Rey was fine as a character despite every part of the story letting her down.

>B-But she was a mary sue.
Eh... It's Star Wars. You could argue she's worse than Luke. But I would say nothing she does is as ridiclous as Anakin in Episode 1.

but the xenomorph was never in star wars

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Honestly, I thought his face acting was pretty fine. Yeah, he had the stoic Jedi face. But at least it looked like it was one bad day away from cracking most of the time, which is all I really expect from Anakin. Some of his silent moments in Revenge of the Sith were honestly pretty great. It's just that nobody can make his dialogue sound good.

She needs to close her mouth

Jar-Jar ruined a movie, Rey ruined a trilogy and the legacy of Star Wars (I don't blame Daisy Ridley, she was just the 'unlucky' guinea pig).

Easy. Baby Yoda. Who else has produced this many onions-faces?

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at least by the episode 2 Jar Jar stopped being a major character

>Pretty sure that fucking frog turned my cousin gay
If cartoons can make kids furries can they not also make kids gay? More people need to consider this.

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Jar-Jar's actually not bad when he's just allowed to be a character. Sure, he's goofy and annoying, but he's fine as a comic relief character. What kills Jar-Jar is when the movie STOPS so we can focus on how goofy he is, like when he steps in poop, or gets a droid corpse stuck on his foot. If they would've cut all those "HEEE'S WACKY!" moments out of the movie, I don't think Jar-Jar would be hated anywhere near as much as he was/is.

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At least with JarJar Lucas realized it was better to just take him out of the picture, Disney on the other hand kept trying to make people like her with each attempt just making it worse since you had even less reasons to care

One was an ugly animal with horseteeth who couldn't act and the audience hated. And the other was Jar Jar.

Can't believe Ben shit solo is going to kill that little shit rat and that's why Luke goes all suicidal depressed and gives up the force and is about to kill himself off the great Jedi Ättestupa at end of Farce Awakens b4 Best Girl Rey Somehow Palpatine shows up to hand him dad's lightsabter that he tosses over his shoulder like how you supposed to do spilt salt at a diner... Its all just so much fucking bullshit guys. I just wanna burn down all disney parks. I wanna shit on their shitty rides.

Honestly the bar is so low that jar jar is a sane choice now

I don't think Rey even counts as a character (she could've been a cardboard stand-in and it wouldn't change a single scene), so Jar Jar.