When will they learn
When will they learn
The fuck is a woke T-Rex?
Am I to assume T-Rex was slightly bigoted & voted republican?
It identified as a compy
>The fuck is a woke T-Rex?
Brits trying to use american slang and failing
They said they wanted to show the Trex in a well rounded way, not just when it was being predatory.
Like how we get documentaries about sharks that include mating, social interaction, etc.
The Sun added the "woke" part
>Am I to assume T-Rex was slightly bigoted & voted republican?
They lived in a world where they had to work to eat. They didn't depend on the government for a damn thing. Of course they were Repunlicans.
It seems like every conservative opinion piece these days has the terms "woke" or "cancel culture" in them.
It's like the right's version of "toxic" and "problematic"
Is this based on that scene where the male T-Rex doesn't go hunting for food for a day in order to teach his offspring how to be T-Rexes? Just seems like typical animal shit to me.
Evolution is just a theory.
Guess nobody wants to hear about feathered dinosaurs after all.
It was gay.
But then again, all British are.
its pretty ironic that even when the Jurassic Park dudes did their research into what the Spino actually looked, they still got it wrong cause of all the new info we have.
Pic related is the current depiction by scientists of the iconic guy.
>it's taking the fun out of our beloved dinosaurs
Lol never go full manchild.
Holy shit that actually looks fucking scary now. Before it looked like a shitty little Iguana with a T-Rex face.
you want kids to look up to this fat fuck as king of the land before time?
you made this exact post like 2 days ago in a jurassic park thread, almost word for word, I see you, and I value your autism
Exhibit #874,000 showing how conservatives aren't just skeptical about scientific discoveries/inventions, they're blatantly anti-science. They hate anything that spells change. It's fucking mental.
>inb4 gender bullshit
Yes, a very small percentage of liberals are very irrational when it concerns gender.
>I'm walkin here
Because "gender is a social construct" is a theory thought up by some kook who wanted to experiment on kids by chopping off their balls and watching them fuck their siblings. Look up Dr John Money if you want to see where all this gender retardation came from. Sex is biological fact, gender theory borders on being a cult.
My jungle.
My planet.
My prehistoric world.
the T stands for Trans
So giganerd bitching about normal nerds liking stuff.
Many such cases
>"woke" version of the T-Rex
Politics today is verbal nihilism. Words don't mean anything, they're merely tools to illicit emotion, which guides everyone's political leanings today.
Yes, that includes you and the people in your screen who reinforce your worldview.
Why do people get so up in arms about T-rexes having feathering when it's the literal fucking birds that have always been the most terrifying creature?
Has that Hippo energy. For those who don't know Hippos are some of the niggerest motherfuckers in the animal kingdom.
Manchildren gonna manchild.
Even tigers are like cute pussys that will still fuck everything around them. Cute, bright and deadly are nature's combo, people need to get over it.
Attenborough has been a real fag lately
>Manchildren gonna manchild.
weird flex on Yea Forums but whatever
God dinosaurs are actually really lame
Both him and the queen will be dead any day now. Bongland will fall apart.
>The Sun
Everyone ITT is trolled.
Seethe scouser
Just accept dinosaurs are fake. They walk upright, breathe fire and get to pal around with humans.
>when you nutted but she's still going extinct
>God dinosaurs are actually really lame
thats what they want you to think
get woke, go extinct
No animal is lame, how can giant animals be lame lol
>a very small percentage
Whatever keeps your political identity from collapsing, little guy.
The minute he 'realised' he had to keep warning us about climate change was the end of the Attenborough era. It's his TV ghost we see now.
built for million pity
Based Sun always looking out
Pic made me think of something I heard the other day about how someone who wrote a book about how things scale up said if a lizard was as big as Godzilla it would basically, structurally, have to be like a foot with a head on top.
>Spend decades having cool Harryhausen dinosaurs
>Steven Spielberg chimes in and turns everything to shit
How'd the guy who dressed it even know it was male?
If you honestly believe a significant % of liberals believe gender is just a social construct, you need to leave your conservative echo chambers once and a while.
I live in one of the most liberal cities in the country and literally 100% of my friends throughout my life have been liberal, and I've never known anyone who believes gender is a social construct. I've known a lot of people who will gladly call everyone by their preferred pronouns, but that's about it.
>. I've known a lot of people who will gladly call everyone by their preferred pronouns
Every lefty you know enables trannies. The fact you think "that's not that bad!" is proof you've been compromised, too, very sad
This is hilarious.
>Black woman with an afro in a cosmetics commercial. They know the rest of us hate it"
It's like a parody.
Nah, don't fall for the tiny number of activists trying to convince everyone that they have any real support.
I live out in the middle of nowhere and liberals are still caricature clowns. I've been "DID YOU ASSUME MY GENDER" three times, and every store around me employs boys in skirts and fishets and girls in rainbow baseball hats.
why do you care what some random fuckwit wants to be addressed as.
what is "woke" even supposed to mean anymore, wasn't it meant to be a dumb person's version of "aware"
kek if you think "conservative" describes anyone sane these days, you need to leave your... mainstream programming echo chambers. Conservatives will suck tranny dicks to not be called transphobes.
And I don't know many leftists who would dare go against the program on tranny ideology. This isn't just based on "echo chamber" feedback, this is just "experiencing life in America" feedback. Even TERFs get ostracized by the rest of you, and tranny shit is like 75% of everything leftist sources and communities talk about now. I seriously doubt you found the secret oasis of the few leftists still standing who don't kow-tow to trannies. Why don't they do so publicly? The only one that does is J.K. Rowling and she's been canned.
>enables trannies
No, more like they don't want to create an awkward situation when it's completely unnecessary.
People who think they're fighting the good fight by obstinately refusing to call someone by their preferred pronouns are morons.
I'll call someone by their preferred pronouns. Just don't ask me to believe that taking hormone pills and dressing like the opposite sex makes you magically turn into the opposite sex.
>Woke T-Rex
Holy fuck, conservatives just latched on to that word like a suckling baby, didn't they? And it's ironic how they're complaining about woke dinosaurs when half of the GOP voting base doesn't even believe dinosaurs existed.
Sorry, no one falls for that anymore. 10 years ago we let gays get married because of that reasoning, and all the things you promised wouldn't happen since have happened, perhaps even worse than anyone was expecting. Certainly a lot faster.
"Why do you care what they wanna call themselves lol" turned to "Punish him because he called me wrong thing!" ages ago already.
>Just don't ask me to believe
Yet there you are dancing like a monkey because they told you to.
How old are are you?
I'm 39, and I've noticed the younger generation is a lot different when it comes to this stuff.
>Kills the T-Rex
You already cucked your entire movement by being so passive. Trannies are what your movement is about now and you're only too content to sit in the corner and masturbate to it.
Different how. Don't just say shit and expect to bait people with your special needs.
Yeah Republicans are bigoted...good one.
>woke T. rex
>is the largest it's ever been by mass
This "woke" real T. rex is a chad that would bulldoze the JP T. rex
Refusing to call someone who's clearly suffering from a mental disorder by their preferred pronouns doesn't make you a soldier of reason – it makes you a fucking asshole.
But good for you, man.
>Just don't ask me to believe that taking hormone pills and dressing like the opposite sex makes you magically turn into the opposite sex.
But that's already what they're asking of you lol if you voice this opinion publicly, your entire side of the political spectrum will cast you out. Don't try to rationalize your cowardice, user.
What things were promised that "wouldn't happen" as far as gays go.
Not giving a shit about what other people do includes not egging them on to commit ACK user, typically egging on suicide is seen as a non-bro move.
>Trannies are what your movement is about now
This is basically right-wing propaganda. You guys obsess over this stuff to a pathological degree for 2 main reasons: 1. you're whiny little bitches whose lives lack purpose, and 2. you're using it as ammunition in this absurd culture war that's being waged.
The belief that gender is a social construct is much more common among gen z.