It was the perfect time

Snyder's Watchmen was too early. And it was not that good. But this one, this one had the perfect time. MCU at it's peak. DC reaching hard. Just like in the 80s, when Watchmen appeared out of nowhere, and shat in the superhero genre so hard it destroyed it for decades.

But nooooo, they fucking ruined it. What the fuck was Lindelof thinking?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What the fuck was Lindelof thinking?
"How do I piss off white guys who like Rorshach?"

It's kino and the only reason Yea Forums doesn't like it is because it deals with topics outside their ability to understand.

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Yup. It was very ahead of its time in many ways too. But it really captures the weirdness of modern life in that Watchmen esque way. It becomes truer and truer with each passing day. Great soundtrack and aesthetics too.

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Why did Regina King's son kill himself?

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>"I'm a communist"
>star of david necklace


It was dogshit through and through. Cope harder.

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>What the fuck was Lindelof thinking?

It has nothing to do with Watchmen. Fuck off.

>it's bad because... well... i-it just is!! OKAY?!?!!?!

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Why would a Jewish man be against vaccines? Kinda anti-semetic, user.

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This was a terrible show regardless of your political views. Completely misinterprets the characters from the original comic.
Lindelof is a hack. He's just like JJ Abrams where he's all about that stupid mystery box storytelling, then never gives any answers.

I liked it. Only bad part is that I never got to find out who the guy who slipped into the sewer was.

It’s equal to if not better than the comic

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Wasn't there some weird cult of people that wore rorschach hoods? Were they supposed to be the KKK or something? The ads for this show look like it was going to be so cheap/unfaithful to source material so I skipped it

He was the Dale Petey

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Yeah you really sound like you watched it. And please spare me your Wikipedia synopsis.

Nobody liked this, you just want (You)s

I do. And I’m not thread creator but fully appreciate a thread about Watchmen (the show) any time!

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I watched the whole show faggot. There was a bunch of shit left unresolved and the characters were completely misinterpreted. Lindelof didn't understand Watchmen at all beyond the fact there was a political backdrop.

>It was the perfect time. Snyder's Watchmen was too early.
both this and snyder's watchmen are timeless garbage

Keep repeating it bro. See you in the Green Knight thread where you say the same thing about how it totally doesn’t understand the source material, but you the chud does.

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those masks are working great I can't tell it's tim blake nelson


Always thought it was weird to make a pro-police officer show in the middle of BLM. Exactly who were the good guys again?

green knight is kino, this is pure garbage
to be followed upon in the next seaso...ack!

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I haven't seen Green Knight and it's not political. The show doesn't understand the character of Ozymandias, Dr Manhattan, or Silk Spectre.

It’s not really pro-police though. Both the police and the domestic terrorists are corrupt. The conspiracy goes deeper for both.

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>the new cold war doosmday clock is le racism in murrika! the world is holding its breath!

I liked it.


>Exactly who were the good guys again?
the HBO subscribers

he was thinking about black penises

>Exactly who were the good guys again?
That's the entire point of the show you fucking retard.


>Shame! Shame! Shame!

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>it deals with topics outside their ability to understand
>People no longer understand the storyline they’ve enjoyed for decades because limpwristed gender confused zoomies say IPs are only good if we hamfist negros and fags and women into previously interesting characters.

You softcunts are truly worthless

You can keep pretending like you know characterization better and that the evil wevil show with the black man is actually bad because of how it “didn’t get the source material” but we all know you’re just a seething chud trying to scramble for a legitimate excuse.

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>Yes I defend jewish propaganda online for free, how could you te-

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>Regina King's son
Just looked this up.
The black HR director character from the Big Bang theory is an (((Oscar Winner)))


(((Oscars))) are truly an amazing milestone of excellence and a great award given strictly due to merit lol lmao

>troon doesn’t know what this word means

Just kidding. EVERYONE KNOWS. And they know men can never become them

Hahaha every single time

>this homosexual user is a fan of nuWatchmen AND The Brown Pajeenight

My sides. Thanks user

You’re welcome anglogermcuck

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Even Alan Moore couldn’t write an origin story this kino

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The main problem with this show is that it's nowhere near as smart or intricate as the original book. It's got a dull, slow beginning that at least promises something a little complex and ambiguous, one kino episode in the middle, and then it rushes towards a ridiculously simplistic ending that delivers on none of the earlier promises, misuses almost every character, and proves that Lindelof didn't actually understand the original Watchmen.
There's the smallest germ of a decent show in there. The set-up at the beginning is alright, with a good contemporary evolution of the original's setting that follows on logically from the ending. Looking Glass is a great character played well by Tim Blake Nelson and gets a great hour of TV centred on him. And as points out, the NiN soundtrack is good and aside from Manhattan's Blue Man Group look it captures the aesthetics of the comic pretty well
But that's all the praise I can give it, cause the plot is complete fucking dogshit.
If you wanted to make a contemporary sequel to Watchmen, then the social politics of racism would probably be the best possible stand in for the geopolitics of the Cold War. Problem is, Lindelof isn't smart or nuanced enough to pull that off. The ending is offensively simple and black-and-white in a way that's completely opposite to the original's ending. He doesn't ask any questions, he doesn't offer any other positions or viable alternate views on the matter. Not only is the attempted theme completely ruined, Lindelof also completely fucks over some characters. Remember how Looking Glass had the best episode of the whole thing? He doesn't appear in the show again until the finale, where he gets 5 minutes of screen time to knock out Ozymandias and do fuck all else. Meanwhile, Ozy becomes a temporary idiot so he can get whacked on the head by a wrench. It's a stupid, ridiculous finale that goes against every narrative choice that the original book stood for.

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And that's not even getting into how badly they butcher Dr Manhattan. Moore understood that there's no way to have such an omnipotent/omniscient character in the narrative, not to mention the tricky writing needed to pull off his perception of time, so he sends Manhattan off to Mars early on and doesn't let him come back to the main plot until he can't affect anything.
Lindelof, on the other hand, makes Manhattan completely essential to the show's climax while also fatally misunderstanding how the character's view of time works. Which is why Manhattan ends up letting himself get stupidly, easily captured and killed simply because "duhhh I saw it happen in the future so I have to do it". Plus, they don't even have the budget to make Manhattan glow and have blank eyes like he's supposed to, so he ends up looking like some shit tier cosplay in episodes centered around him. How fucking stupid is that?

TL;DR the show has a handful of good aspects but they're completely outweighed by how stupid, simplistic, and rank fucking amateur the main story is. Plot threads and characters are dropped outright while the ending completely lacks subtlety.
Sorry for the two big effort posts that nobody will read but I really love Watchmen and the fact that this show turned out so awful in the end offends me. I've thought a fair amount about it and where it goes so wrong. Every single thing DC does with the Watchmen name just keeps proving Alan Moore right.
At least the soundtrack was good I guess. I like the Life on Mars piano cover

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Looks like we’ve reached the wall-o-cope stage of the chud seethes.

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Never forget that Snyder's version was the least bad thing we could get from live Watchmen.

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lmao Watchmen film was shit and you’re the guys that say Lindelof didn’t get the comic lmao

Glad I’m not a chud

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Gypsies aren’t human bro

Good thing I’m not an anglogermcuck then ;)

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I love the bit with Hooded Justice on the TV show in...episode 2, I think? It's an overblown, overdramatic gorefest which is basically exactly what the movie was, felt like Lindelof was dabbing on Snyder directly


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Haha you’re right that’s actually something I haven’t noticed before but it makes absolute sense.

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Reminder that the faggot that makes these threads is a schizophrenic leftypol communist tranny that defends niggers and promotes the Tulsa Massacre conspiracy theory
He's in other threads calling europeans asians and trying to sow dissent

>felt like Lindelof was dabbing on Snyder directly
He was, he literally shot that scene to take the piss out of Snyder, slow motion and everything.

dear god what a retarded shitfest that show was
we're never going to get a live action Watchmen closer to the source material than Snyder's movie.

>still doesn’t grasp that using this fake and gay term unironically outs him as a plebbit going troon

Nice try Hansdeep Nigelwong. Thanks for reminding me to post the Tulsa Massacre collage.

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It's ok bro. HBO was shit and got canceled. It's over, there is no need to be upset.

I agree, there's no need to be upset.

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Snyder was driven by admiration for Moore.

Lindelof was driven out of spite towards Snyder.

>user calls faggot out
>faggot confirms everything user said

>muh Anglogermcuck
>mommy mommy! My super clever word I made up... I-I posted it again!!1!

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Yeah it's pretty obvious that this is some seriously lame bait, he's clearly just here to troll and have an ebin internet fight. The samefagging is even more blatant cause of all the iPhone filenames.
Can't believe I put actual effort posts into a troll thread.

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>schizophrenic leftypol communist tranny
Ah no! Young blade! That was a trifle short!
You might have said at least a hundred things…
By varying the tone. .

Oh, this show got canceled?
So it sucked?

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lol he admired Moore so much he changed the ending and did nothing with the story with the film medium.

Lindelof understands the comic much better than Snyder. Lindelof's has the same story beats as the comic. Starts off with a mysterious murder, has an underlying narrative about mysterious disappearances, a megalomaniac building some kind of plan no one understands until the end, a society-shattering event brewing in the midst. All the beats are there. Snyder had the entire storyboard and OST planned out in the comic itself and he STILL fucked it up lol

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I read them fren

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First half is correct to good, with a very good episode.
Then it quickly ruins itself in the 2 last episodes.

>Lindelof understands the comic much better than Snyder.
So that's why at the end the very good guys won over the very bad ones ?

I think he's actually schizophrenic, i've seen argue with himself and discuss watchmen by posting the same links, pics over and over again and pretending he's having a discussion with another user, it's the same pics and links copy and pasted back and forth, either he has some retard baiting with him from leftypol or he's genuinenly schizophrenic