When did Hollywood start demonizing the 50s?

When did Hollywood start demonizing the 50s?
Earliest anti-50s film I can think of is Pleasantville

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this didnt exist in reality

>When did Hollywood start demonizing the 50s?
Since the mid 1960s. People that actually lived through it didn’t care for the attitudes of the time at all.


Yeah the 50s were so great! With, ya know, the xenophobia, racism, paranoia, bigotry, ignorance, and constant fear of political dissidents! Yeah, weren't the 50s great?!

The Stepford Wives came out in the mid-70s.


People get so triggered by Rockwell. Then they say it’s not art

>The Stepford Wives is a 1972 satirical novel by Ira Levin.

This exact scene has played out just as pictured multiple times in human history in many different places. There's nothing new under the sun.

Imagine thinking commercials are reality.

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If you're going to rant about the Jews, remember that Goldwater winning would have delayed America succumbing to the rot for a good 20 or so years and LBG and the Kennedys spearheaded the immigration act that has been so disastrous for America's demographics.

>xenophobia, racism, paranoia, bigotry, ignorance, and constant fear of political dissidents!
That what makes it kino though, also nigger :DDDDD

>When did Hollywood start demonizing the 50s?
The 60s, mainly. That's when (((they))) gained enough control over Hollywood to start pushing subversion hardcore.

That being said, there were some severely anti-50s movies made during the 50s. High Noon (1952) is probably the best example. Absolute anti-American faggotry from beginning to end.

>Pleasantville is a 1998 American teen fantasy comedy-drama film written, co-produced, and directed by Gary Ross.
>Ross was born in Los Angeles, California, the son of Gail and Arthur A. Ross, an Oscar-nominated screenwriter (Brubaker). His family is Jewish.[4]

>and constant fear of political dissidents
Completely valid concern - McCarthy did nothing wrong. Also, if bait, then well done, because you really nailed the tone of a swarmy sarcastic reddit faggot

why are right-wingers on this website so obsessed with 1950s aesthetics?

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Rockwell was a hard-left-wing faggot. If he were alive today he'd have pronouns in his Twitter bio.

nobody is holding you back. you can start a white family with white babies any time you want

>That's when (((they))) gained enough control over Hollywood
They literally founded Hollywood

if you actually watch movies from the 1950s it's pretty clear that a lot of people didn't like it much at the time.

Look at how clean everything was: youtu.be/n77NxU0CHPw

This always happens with cynical assholes who missed the boat and are left behind. Hippies in the 60s thought the 50s sucked even though it was awesome, just as edgy teenagers in the 90s thought the 80s sucked.

Another shitty movie that shits on the 1950s is Revolutionary Road, one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

Wasn't Hollywood literally founded by (((them)))?

because it doesn't look like the hellscape we're living in rn

>why are right-wingers on this website so obsessed with 1950s aesthetics?
Because Brown v. Board of Education and the Great Society program ruined America. The 1950s are the last decade that was unaffected by that shit.

What, picnics?

LA sucks now because of city "planning" laws that were literally written during this period.

>xenophobia, racism, paranoia, bigotry, ignorance

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>High Noon is a 1952 American Western film produced by Stanley Kramer from a screenplay by Carl Foreman, directed by Fred Zinnemann,
>Kramer was born in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City. His parents were Jewish,
>[Foreman was] born in Chicago, Illinois, to a working-class Jewish family,
>Zinnemann was born in Rzeszów,[1][2][4][5] the son of Anna (Feiwel) and Oskar Zinnemann, a doctor.[6][7] His parents were Austrian Jews.[8][9]

Name one movie made in the last 39 years that didn't depict the 50s as sexist mysoginistic and racist, or at least didn't mention women being housewives and civil rights regardless fo its relevance to the plot.

>oh no there's a gay/brown/non-white person over there
>my life is ruined

is this really how you choose to live your life?

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It would probably make for an interesting history book if entirely honest. From what I gather the kikes, wops, and mics all jockeyed for influence. Jews got Hollywood and film but wops/kikes dominate certain East Coast institutions. I'm the guy that literally brought up Goldwater elsewhere but a totally honest book about the Jewish element in Hollywood would be interesting, because their preponderance is there. I don't have to want to suckle Adolph's nipple to see that.

huh now that i think about it, nothing has really changed in that regard

True happy families did not exist. I learned that in movies :^)

>going on a picnic with your family never happened

Racism is a byproduct of immigration and multicultural societies. The left destroy political dissidents.

But it wasn't until the 1960s and relaxation of unpozzed government oversight (caused by a series of Warren Court left-wing SCOTUS decisions) that (((they))) were able to push propaganda and subversion in any meaningful way.

I'm sure (((they))) wanted to make subversive shit long before the 1960s but they had no meaningful opportunity to do so, with a few notable exceptions like High Noon.

Pretty sure that artwork isn't by Rockwell.

Probably because it looks pleasant, comfy, and idealistic. The issue isn't admiring it; the issue is thinking it was it was the reality instead of something aspirational. Of course, the problem with modern life is that having a happy marriage and healthy family isn't even an ideal for most people anymore.

>this is evil
what is "this"?
a propaganda poster? evil, no. misleading, yes.

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you saying the present day isn't a hellscape?

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Wrong, that started in 1935 by that Democrat faggot FDR: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Utility_Holding_Company_Act_of_1935

its pretty good if you avoid social media

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There literally existed tranny celebrities in like 1920s Hollywood. Devon Stack talks about this in his Pawnnbroker video

I guess it's pretty cool if you ignore the news and the prices too. Just ignore it bro!

>Name one movie made in the last 39 years that didn't depict the 50s as sexist mysoginistic and racist
Blast from the Past (1999). Arguably also The Shawshank Redemption and Star Trek VI: The Voyage Home.

i cant afford a house

>Pam_the_past_is_identical_to_the_present_The_Office_photo selection.png

>if something is on da TV it can’t also exist in real life

Take me back

That sort of shit is what motivated the enactment of the Based Hays Code. That's what mainly limited (((them))) from pushing degeneracy.

This comment is powerful

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no, im not a doomer retard. and a lot of my friends are non-white, and i have a gf

so yea sorry fag

Literally the 50's

Possibly the most influential movie when it comes to demonizing America's golden age. Absolutely devillish piece of work. Everybody had to watch it in school too, as if it was important to understanding how to hate everything white

Is this bait or this board went to shit already?

Best Rockwell

What does breaking up private power trusts have to do with LA becoming a disconnected suburban hellscape?

>it's the governments fault I cant get a job that pays more than 9$ an hour

I can feel those 258 comments arguing about how 50s were actually LE BAD from here

>LA sucks now
Good joke. It's always sucked, you were just too young to realize.

Meant to say 20 years. So your thing doesn't fit.

It's literally Luciferian, as in, it subverts the garden of Eden apple symbolism. Watch Black Pilled's video on it

>oh no I can't put my dick in some man's ass with kids watching at the library
>FUCK YOU 1950s
All leftists should be gassed.

With the release of Easy Rider, they started attacking American values after a changing of the guard in Hollywood.

it is literally the government's fault that houses have inflated by over 1000% since the 70s

LOL you cheated me, user. But I agree with your general point. 99% of recent portrayals of the 50s are bad.