satisfying deaths

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for the low quallity. I had to compress it because the maximum file size allowed is 4 MB

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>don't touch me maaaan
This terrified me as a kid

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When hiro is gonna upgrade this site? Is not longer 2006 for fuck sake

Matt Damon in the departed
Lester Nygaard

Robocop is a perfect movie.

Attached: RoboCop.1987.Director's.Cut.Remastered.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264-HDH 01_21_54.534.jpg (1920x1040, 871.68K)

someone should start a perfect movies thread. I'm sure ghostbusters and temors would be in there.

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Cant Believe they killed him off like this lmao

Amen brother

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And Gremlins too, right Jay? Or is this Mike? or you just watch RLM videos and take everything as Gospel? Fucking pathetic sheep.

Man, my toxic waste vat got destroyed the same way. A punk in a box truck crashed into it.

Jay and Mike go away

Should've just had him slip on a banana peel and hit his head. Better yet, just give him an brain aneurism and have him die on the spot, not explanation.

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Did he turn into a melty man also?

I just like those movies. You fags are corrupted in the head.

Nah, he just grew tits and became a tranny.

Youd better be Im coming for your ass faggot you dare smite my eyes with this ?

Sure, right ok, you shill

Is that the actor that played Leland Palmer?

that must be the worst feeling
>at your most desperate point ever
>your friend is terrified of you and abandons you

I wasn't even sure if he actually died or not here first (and only) time seeing this and was just going to resurrect at the last moment Super Shredder from TMNT-style for one last fight scene or some dumb shit

Ray Wise, yeah.

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My man! Was rather chuffed when she bought it ngl

Jay and Mike are their imaginary friends. Borrowing their speech patterns heightens the friend simulation immersion.

The Wire season 5 spoilers
Sopranos last episode spoilers

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lol Leotardo's death always cracks me up it's so over the top ridiculous.

The entire movie they establish he walks really slowly like a robot would until this scene where he does a quick ballerina twirl and a fast lunge. This ruined the movie for me

Honestly, clarences death was a lot more satisfying given his role thru out the movie more than dicks.

20 years from now we'll hear the inside story of how they all actually hated each other off-set

Attached: old mike.gif (540x496, 2.44M)

Back when Hollywood did a thing called "trying".

best extra from anything ever coming through

Attached: 1631754384917.webm (1920x1080, 2.34M)

>the melon cracking sound
>new guy in the corner puking his guts out
>the "oh shit" weird looking guy
read the section
>Calculating the best bitrate to fit within the size limit

kek god i love the sopranos

Based Slim

>Should've just had him slip on a banana peel and hit his head.


Anyone else a little sad at that scene?
The childlike glee from Leon cut short...

They'll fix him
They fix everything

I prefered the original version before they had to edit it

>Bane stands above Batman about to deal the lethal blow
>"I'm afraid this is the end"
>Cannons fire and he's blown away
>As the smoke clears, it's C.I.A riding the Batpod
>"For You"

I dig it

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What about Masketta man death?

this. why the fuck can't you upload sound or better videos
it's fucking retarded how restricted this shit is

just have to link from /wsg/ or another site I guess
this board and Yea Forums should have audio

this pose. Was he having gay sex prior to his death?

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gochu kek

Attached: Dead Heat 9mm lol.webm (702x378, 2.97M)

>file name
Gets me every time

Bye-bye, pop. POP.

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Attached: almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.webm (720x1276, 1.81M)

>movie is rated R
>lots of horrible violence, icky deaths and bad language
>sell millions of toys
Good clean wholesome fun.
My favorites both involve Gene Hackman. Heist:
The Quick and the Dead:

Nah. All baddie mooks in Verhoeven films are the same. Cackling sadistic maniacs. Seeing 'em die screaming is great.

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Back when they leave the Dutch guy work in peace