Political Correctness is an American phenomenon stemming from Puritan thought: index of forbidden words; obsessive...

Political Correctness is an American phenomenon stemming from Puritan thought: index of forbidden words; obsessive control of words, thoughts and behaviors; saints (minorities) vs. demons (western men); sexual and cultural control (who can have sex with who, who can use a particular cultural expression); witch hunt with the cancel culture.

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Brazilian schizo from /int/

>stemming from Puritan thought
It's the jews.

>saints (minorities) vs. demons (western men); sexual and cultural control (who can have sex with who, who can use a particular cultural expression); witch hunt with the cancel culture.
Every culture has some expression of these. You are the dumbest gorilla nigger on this website right (rn).

>saints (minorities) vs. demons (western men); sexual and cultural control (who can have sex with who, who can use a particular cultural expression); witch hunt with the cancel culture.
oooooohhhhh so it's the American left that's Puritan, not the American right, who constantly talk about returning to the foundational values of a country founded by the actual Puritans
I see.

Of all the political tales I’ve read in the last year, this might be the dumbest.


It is an American phenomenon, but it's caused by our technology. Offensive humor doesn't work if your audience is made up of the offended group, and in the social hivemind era it always is.

Cancel culture isn’t real. My friend simulator assured me if this

actually this has bern debunked

>Average Argentinean of Spanish descent vs average Argentinian of Italian descent

What about the ones of German descent?

They all look like Thor or fat middle aged sex tourists, no in between.

It's pretty clearly both. Constantly fighting over who gets to censor who.

You are a retarded nigger ape.

If the shoe fits, wear it, leftcuck.

So stupid you think a "leftcuck" would refer to someone as a "retarded nigger ape". It's time to end your life.

>Political Correctness is an American phenomenon stemming from Puritan thought

Attached: jben.jpg (1920x816, 468.3K)

You're clearly not a right-winger by how stupid your post was and your inability to follow a conversation. Not to mention how easily offended you are.

You are the second dumbest gorilla nigger rn (right now) on this website after OP.

You can't even come up with a second insult and you're calling other people stupid.

Jesus is this the most BRUTAL mogging ever recorded?

If the shoe fits, you must wear it.

why does he look like he is about to burst into tears at any second?

And now the best you came up with is to steal my line? Leftcuck confirmed. Fuck off back to plebbit.

He's a broken cuck who does hemorrhoids ads

He has to live in Argentina

>my line
If the gorilla costume fits, you must wear it.

Sad day

Attached: MeIrl.png (384x512, 227.2K)

nah bro other countries have it bad too
holocaust denial isn't (formally) illegal in the US

And right back to gorillas. You must be obsessed. What a waste of trips.

Yea Forums actually believes this too

Nigger nigger sneed nigger sneed nigger sneed sneed nigger, you're a nigger!

Thank heavens the US has the first amendment. Too bad they got rid of civics classes with 'no child left behind', now we have a generation that doesn't value freedom of speech beyond the first amendment.


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Any random kpop idol will mog him.

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Not him but this is actually the most retarded OP I've seen in a while.
Oh yeah sure, progressives are actually the puritan ones despite heavily involving themselves in sex and other forms of hedonism. The even sadder thing is that I've seen people on this website that unironically think like you do.

Europeans spent a thousand years murdering each other for semantic arguments about Jesus


Attached: 2KGAY.jpg (457x187, 24.7K)

You must be thinking of progressives from over a decade ago. Modern progressives abandoned kink at pride in favor of Rayathon floats and Monsanto sponsorships.

You're clearly more intelligent than the other guy, so tell me - who's primarily pushing censorship these days? The left, or the right?

You stupid nigger.

damn bro didnt know the USSR was American Puritans

Still seething, leftcuck?

the left easily
the right didnt ban 5 of my twitter accounts and 3 or 4 of my reddit accounts for not lining up with their views

Attached: you are being studied.png (1422x659, 224.39K)

The left obviously, but their motives for why they do it and what those censored pieces of art are replaced with instead is completely different.

Those behaviors are present in every society dipshit.

Anyone whose actually familiar with America knows all the good culture is regional because the predominant culture is a Frankenstein’s monster of clashing ideals, norms, et cetera. Yet all of it stems from the Puritan way of going about things


>Yet all of it stems from the Puritan way of going about things
There are no puritans left in America

Can you hear the sound of bongos? It's the call of your home.

So why is it so much more advanced and unchallenged in Europe then, you braindead Marxist nigger piece of shit?

This is completely correct

He's is a braindead nigger, but it's really not more advanced and unchallenged in Europe, except maybe the UK.

USSR didn't care about sex or race

Yes, the contemporary americal ''liberal' 'left'' is essentialy puritanic, all about regulating and sanctioning identities and sexuality
Its also procapitalist, as it openly exists in a symbiosis with the corporate system
All that follows a set of purposefully manufactured discourses, 'left' and 'right', designed to divert and dictate oppinion and prevent articulation of actual problems or any demand for structural change

Even uk is turning from it

is that why Jews killed tens of millions of ethnic Russians there?

I dunno...

>stemming from Puritan thought
what exactly is puritan thought?

So 4plebs and the like are actually research storage for the government to study us?

Just different flavors of the same shit. Both groups of censors think they're doing it for moral reasons and for them and only them it's justified.

Yes, exactly.
Not in the sense of the religious movement, but their ideals still live on in our modern censors. Wrongthink must be stamped out, even the slightest exposure to it can warp your mind, and even one transgression is enough to damn you in perpetuity.

And then there's this moron, still at it.

>Not in the sense of the religious movement, but their ideals still live on in our modern censors.
You are a braindead nigger.

jews were some of the first people expelled from the USSR you stupid /pol/tard