He looked exactly like a /pol/face chud

He looked exactly like a /pol/face chud

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I miss Phil Hartman

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a what?

Doreen Ford thread?

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>Hard worker
>Snaps one day because society is unable to identify ignorance




>dont work for the man
>have you got a job
>I also work as an admin for free
Jannybros, I don't feel too good...

cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller
it's from an 80s movie where a bunch of dark-haired men in glasses say racist things on the internet

Because that's the universal white loser face. Basically the subhuman caste of the white race. Weak chin and jaw, no unique racial characteristics like light hair and eyes, weak frame, small. /pol/acks, twittertrannies, discordtrannies etc all look like this which is why they cope.

All Simpsons characters have no jaw.

He has a son.

Attached: reddit chuds.jpg (630x443, 42.98K)

>looked exactly like a /pol/face chud
>hates nothing more than a successful white man
checks out

Lol and he acts exactly like /pol/cels too

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What's the universal black loser face? Please don't get mad at the question.

>Be wrong about everything
This one's objectively wrong.

Name literally one thing any "red pilled" /pol/tard has ever been right about. Go ahead, I'll wait


>What's the universal black loser face?
A face that is black in colour

What about them? That they exist? Wow good job /pol/tards, you know that black people exist

Trannies are not women.

You know exactly what they weee right about you disingenuous troon. Also chud really doesn’t have any punch I hope you know that.

all of them


Nice projection
>have no friends
I made more than 20 good, dependable IRL friends through white power and WP-adjacent groups, obv many more online
>never have sex
>make minimum wage
one of the skinhead guys helped me get a trucking job making well above the average wage, try again
>be wrong about everything
literally the opposite, /pol/ is almost always right about everything
>live with constant anger
>waste your life on the internet
idk, everyone spends hours a day online - only difference is whether you do it on political sites or normie sites like instagram/facebook. couldn't be me lol.

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too bad his wife didnt

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It's uncanny

Also had a similar life. Just an impotent, mediocre failure who's forgotten before he's even dead.

For me it's Lisa

Attached: Lisa.png (805x788, 238.72K)

I thought it was going to be a placeholder until they came up with a good one

Then why does it trigger you so hard, chud?

He acted like one too

Correct, some of them are men and some are neither :)

words words words

>twitter made me retarded

The woman who nuked the entire chud campaign with no survivors

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Chud cope
She looks nothing like the /pol/face meme

Lab-leak theory
Hunter Biden laptop
SJW entryism and takeover of all major positions of power in academia, HR, and moderation


If I were a bunkertranny I would be livid that this man destroyed two years of hard work in three minutes.

He will never be a real 'jack

chud-sisters, we won... r/antiwork is no more
back to the bunkerchan cave

they even have the same lips, lmao

>Lab-leak theory
>Hunter Biden laptop
>SJW entryism and takeover of all major positions of power in academia, HR, and moderation
Paranoid schizophrenia

Tell me more about these chud-sisters, user. Are they in the room with us right now?
Tell me more about this /r/antiwork, user. Is it in the room with us right now?
Tell me more about this bunkerchan cave, user. Is it in the room with us right now?

Has there ever been an instance of somebody sabotaging their own cause this much because he wanted his 2 minutes of fame on the boomer tube?

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Still using your made up words tranny?

meds, now

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>Paranoid schizophrenia
Observable fact

Do you think FOX would have interviewed someone well spoken and put together? They went out looking for the most disreputable 'spokesman' they could find.
If only they'd put that effort into debunking intersectionalism and SJWism, but they only really care when billionaire profits might be threatened.

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The guy came to Fox himself and offered to be interviewed as he held a postion of power within the sub. He asked his fellow mods and they all told him not to do it. Yet he still went and sperged on national tv.
Imagine having one of the fastest growing communities online and finally getting exposure to the nation and you see this guy. kek

Sandler bros...

shes beautiufl

>WP, skinhead

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Lets be honest here, no one from a place called antiwork would have done a better job.

I literally can't believe a single image broke the minds of so many incels

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Fuck life really is a meme

Idk, but he just so happens to look like the meme leftypol/bunkerchan try to force. What are the odds, must be 1 in a million?

It broke jannies too

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lol more like 1 in 20 maybe.

nobody posted the edit yet?
It hurts because it's true.

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transphobic post, reported :^)

So he was a plant all along? Piggy's really got all the bases covered.
It wouldn't be hard at all to do a better job. They have to have at least one person on team who can talk like a human being, and actually held down a real job at least once in their lives. Not to mention practicing with friends, expecting tough questions, taking a shower and dressing well before the interview; basic stuff even the average Yea Forums troll could figure out.

>It hurts because it's true.
>Trannies can't even look in a mirror without feeling dysphoric

>They have to have at least one person on team who can talk like a human being, and actually held down a real job at least once in their lives.
user, they were looking through a group of insane teenagers who spend all of their time online. I'm not saying this place is much better, but come on.

>he sucked so he was a plant
peak delusion. Was gorbatschow a plant, too?

You're right.

The resemblance is genuinely uncanny.