How come vampires in movies are always wealthy?

How come vampires in movies are always wealthy?

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Life insurance.

Aren't they hundreds of years old?

There was one where they were poor which was logical, because in real life they'd be ostracized and always on the run living like criminals.

robbing people? long term investments?

That wouldn't cut it. Murdering people would catch up on them, especially after the ~1960s when surveillance is cheap.

Prior to the digital age, no doubt they could fraudulently “die” and succeed themselves, consolidating wealth over generations and generations. That, and theft.

Old money works cause it's old. Compound interest is insane.

Yeah just like pedophiles irl right
Hahaha right

Good business acumen

Old so amass wealth over time and few expenses

Should I dress like that? why not?

yeah and how come their noses are so funny lookin?

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>seduce rich dood
>get money
You don't even need to be a vampire to do this shit

Yes. Fopp 'till you drop.

You're gonna look like that.

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Shalom brother! The elites are not literal vampires killing and eating children that's a myth!

not the same sort of clothes

Pre surveillance, it would have very easy to accrue wealth through manipulation, murder, theft and threats. Then they just need to stay out of the limelight and let wealth grow through business investments and such.

They're supernaturally powerful with mystical abilities you fucking retard. They would be rich today, nevermind when literally zero surveillance technology existed.

They can turn into bats and fly in and out of bank vaults carrying one gold bar at a time

these look amazing. what movie??

Ancient vampires usually are.
>be a vampire during the pirate/sea voyage era
>acquire some dubloons, cheap paintings or some shit
>buy the cheapest plot of land after working on some sea voyage treks (plot of land that would be considered huge in modern day standards)
>live a nice vampire life for a while
>seduce a nice noble lady at some point with vampire prowess
>she drains you of semen, you drain her blood
>if you were playing the long game you could've probably had her buy you shit but let's assume you're a lazy casual vampire so you just steal some of her shit before dumping her drained corpse somewhere
>it's now 20-30 years later
>you never really went after many members of the nobility because prominent characters of society disappearing all the time could draw suspicion but you did get a few and you got some of their valuables
>people might start asking questions as to why you still look the same so you decide to move
>you sell your plot of land, house, some of the valuables acquires of the decades perhaps and gain a good amount of profit
>move elsewhere, bring some of your favourite paintings, buy some new paintings from some dude named Van Gogh or some shit
>acquire weapons, put your mementos/souvenirs you kept from your sea voyages on display
>fast-forward to modern day
>everything you own has historical value and the money value has shot through the roof

You would honestly have to try very hard to be a poor vampire.

>link to some fag review channel and not a trailer
kys shill

>Promise some king eternal life
>work in the shadows of said empire until it falls
>still be fucking rich

Wait, vampire was always a metaphor for 'them'?

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If a swallow can't carry a coconut how is a bat going to carry a fucking gold bar

This nigga having revelations


Somebody post that werewolves vs. Vampires (jews) info pic

I think they were a metaphor for aristocrats in general.

It's as simple as seducing your way in a single wealthy family then taking it over

Compound interest.

They are generally a metaphor for the outsider, the stranger. At some point, the characteristics got consolidated into, well, that. Just like witches.

In traditional folklore, they were probably a metaphor for the dangers of the night and the importance of maintaining proper burial rituals.

vampires were just people with rabies from bats

I've always thought vampires were metaphorically sociopaths who have no self awareness but dress up good for their prey only. The mirror thing is the indication they can't self reflect and learn. they just continue sucking up the soul of anyone around them.

Medieval Europeans are trying to warn you about (((them))) through vampire stories..

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Vampires were basically the old time version of a NEET.
Like i'm sure the whole mythos started because there was some rich socially isolated hermit who lived up in a fancy house, never went out in the day which gave him super pale skin - to the point where he'd get bad sunburn when he did.

Long lifespan to accumulate wealth.

Tax policies

Because the original vampire story features a count and it's also a story about modernity clashing with the he old ways. The heroes use these fancy technology to fight Dracula. Also nobles being superior and above common folk was a normal belief before the Enlightenment. Vampires see humans as lowly creatures that exist to serve just like nobles saw the serfdom. (Yeah nobles had duties too towards the serfs). This is why Lugosi's Dracula is so iconic. Guy has this aura of arrogance around him. That makes you feel believe that he believes he is superior to you. Americans simply don't understand the concept of a social and they only understand that "le vampires have a lot of money."

> watching trailers to get an impression of a film
> not the whole movie

They're extremely autistic so they never part from the pretty things they own.

Because they are a metaphor for Jews.

>killed by sunlight
I mean theirs dumb and then theirs you

vampires are supposed to represent jews

vampires are invisible to cameras, like reflections

>get put in prison
>turn into a bat and fly through the barred windows
Your move, warden.

Not in most movies. They are supposedly too smart and evade capture. That's just not happening in the real world anymore or at least not if they murder multiple people a week (hell even if they were invincible they would be detected indirectly).

They would just kill or capture the bat then, it would never go on forever, especially if they murder daily.

If you know what you are doing, you should be getting richer every year.

yeah but i'm talking irl. no footage, no dna, turn to mist to escape, centuries of experience

no they're not you brain dead goyim

It's just not possible to be done forever. Imagine if a big city with 2022-era surveillance has a murder every day with almost the same MO. They may end up using a net or just throwing a grenade during the act or whatever.

nfts, duh

Yes, it is possible. Surveillance exists and yet Jews commit crimes every day unnoticed. Any vampire worth his weight would join their local synagogue.

Basically this. People always focus on vampire physical superiority, but that's the least of actual advantages a vampire has.

Not always.
But when they are it's a mix of hypnotism powers, being a noble/rich as the reason they were turned in the first place, being old and having accumulated wealth and properties over time, possessing old things that have become more valuable, etc.
Or just plain old murder/loot.

if you're not memeing, seek psychotherapy.

I agree, that's why this movie, cheesy as it was, gives the answer to how modern day vampirism would work. No more hiding, No more fucking around. You just start farming humans.

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I expected antisemetism and I was not disappoint.

maybe you're right. but i think that no vampires have been caught lends weight to my theory

>In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into vampires.
Nice. I was looking for a disaster movie because I hate humans.

All the vampires get turned back

Notice the necklace.

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How am I meme'ing? A vampire could easily prowl the gaza strip and feast on Palestinians for an eternity without any repercussions. The Israeli army already does it.

Everyone itt should rewatch Midnight Mass where the vampire is literally an ancient Hebrew. I mean it's not spelled out, but the priest goes to the Holy Land and is bitten by a vampire in some ancient ruins. What other ethnicity could the vampire be? Then said vampire goes on to usurp a local community by means of religious subversion. It's pretty obvious once you notice it.

What about it

Idk if anyone said it but basically Vampires are supposed to be anti-capitalist satire, in popular fiction they're just metaphors for wealthy people, literal bloodsuckers who don't age like normal people. That's why they're always depicted as rich, it's all a class thing. All the modern interpretations of animalistic/poor vampires are just taking the literal monster out of the context of its original purpose

yeah bro I fucking hate those greasy blood-sucking 'capitalists'.