How do you save the Alien franchise?

How do you save the Alien franchise?

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Recast the creature as Leslie Jones

>im a woman now

let it go and come up with anew idea for a movie

Letting it rest in pieces

Everything after 2 was Sigourney dreaming during hypersleep or whatever. Sigourney and Newt wake up on the Sulaco, aged significantly.

Now write a good Alien movie.

Yeah, I'd fuck that

There is no franchise to be had. Kinda like Ghostbusters. No one is interested.

Make a sequel to Covenant; that movie was really cool.

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Alien theatrical re-release 2029 for 50th anniversary. That's how I save the franchise. Best movie ever made, and all the rest are just trying to recapture lightning in the bottle.


Alien Tranny

Have the xenomorphs actually used as a bioweapon by some corp, then have it backfire.
>intro has them slaughtering enemy soldiers
>blowing past all expectations
>xenomorphs start building weird shit thats never explained
>turns into more tyranid version of xenomorphs focused on overwhelming dread that the corpo has no idea what they are fucking with

Imagine owning this figure.

Yes this.

>Have the xenomorphs actually used as a bioweapon by some corp, then have it backfire.
There's like a dozen comics that do this. I'm honestly surprised none of the movies have tried it yet.

I like this premise, but what if it went even further? What if Earth is rendered uninhabitable by an outbreak of Xenos that were supposed to be shipped to a rebel planet, but they got out on Earth, during transport, and now humans have to leave Earth.


I just make a nasty little cheap, idiosyncratic horror movie.

Stop making movies.

This even though that's a shit starting point.
Or this, except have the xenomorphs just do unexpected shit we haven't seen before. They don't necessarily have to build anything or have intelligence.
Hell, just steal some of Ridley Scott's old designs and have them be "unexpected developments in xenomorph biology" or whatever.

Prometheus was the right idea. Ditch the xenomorph, which is a one-note monster that already reached its potential in the first movie, and focus on other stuff in the same universe. Scott just fucked up the execution.


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Imagine writing a Ripley-xenomorph-hybrid-baby-thing with an inflamed pussy as the climax of your film.

And then imagine hiring a fucking frenchie to design it.

And then imagine filming it in your movie.

>I'm ready to settle down now

You could easily make a Jurassic Park ripoff with Aliens. Have the movie start in a state of tentative control. Humans can control the xenos, and capture them, keep them in captivity, etc. but hubris causes us to lose control, and we see all the perfect order spiral into chaos.

alium pusy


Agreed, and Prometheus was still pretty cool, if flawed. It was so much better than Covenant, though.

This is a generic but sort of okay idea.
This is Hollywood.

Im still mad that the guys who make maps in the movie got lost.

stop posting, your wound is closing up.

The game was good. Let those faggots make the next movie or something, I don't care.

Fucking hell user

make the alien skull in predator 2 canon without AVP retarded timeline shit

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Yes and no, Prometheus dropped the xenos, and arguably did something even worse, it tried to expand on the Space Jockey, a literal prop from the first movie.

Make them infest minds instead of bodies.

Only two flaws are how long the falling spaceship scene lasted, and shoehorning Alien into it. Everything else makes for a pretty solid sci-fi film.

Ridley should've just added some flimsy explanation for the crew going full retard. Maybe a gas leak in the ship or something.

Holy shit, lul

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I make a colonial marines trilogy where they are engaged in a war with the Engineers and the Predators, stoked by David. We see the pred tracker hounds from Predators, the predbeasts be from The Predator, new Engineer creatures, etc. Literally no Xenomorphs even mentioned until the final movie, when David tactically releases eggs/facehuggers in each race's territory and it becomes a desperate struggle by all three groups to fight them off. Alien variants we had never seen on screen before (praetorians, ravagers, whatever unholy hybrids made out of facehuggers on various animals), old alien types like the dog alien and predalien making a grand return, and an ungodly sized alien queen born out of an Engineer.

I don't need marines, predators, and engineers working together at the end, I just need David & the planet nuked from orbit by a Bishop android. It's the only way to be sure to end this franchise.

I could never watch a movie where scientists immediately remove their helmets, and get infected with an alien pathogen. The sheer stupidity captivates my mind, and I cannot focus on anything else in the movie.

All the shit Ripley had to go through in Aliens just to save the girl and then Newt and Hicks died off-screen at the start of Alien 3 felt like a kick in the balls.
Can't believe this gay robot is the main protagonist of the prequels, weren't they planning to make 4 pre-Alien movies?

we have as much right to post in this board as you have

They do the same type of retarded shit in Covenant. Was human society completely degrading, to the point that these are our brightest people? That would be terrifying.

James Cameron didn't like it either.

You don't. When a horror franchise already revealed the mystery, there is no reason to save it.

Makes absolutely zero sense and shocking it made it into the film. Who's fucking idea was it?

Yeah I was freaked out when this homunculus appeared, the skull-shaped face and black eyes were off-putting. It got worse when it tried to act like a child.

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I did. I used it as a proxy for an Alien Drone.

everytime you post here, your "vagina" closes 1mm

The crew from Alien was more efficient and smart at handling the Xeno fucker than an entire team of supposedly peak scientific expedition.

Bring Geiger back to life

Make a new Alien vs Predator

Colonial Marines movie. It has nothing to do with Xenomorphs.

You jest but this is exactly what Hollywood will do one day

What about a sequel featuring a multicultural team of scientists, soldiers, engineers, businessmen, and an android. The leads are a black guy and white woman. They all go on a space adventure to another planet (during the trip we have a shower scene featuring our leads) where they encounter... an alien! Then most of the team dies. We have the android refer to Greek/Roman/Persian/Egyptian mythology to add some depth.

Is there cunny

make a remake of "Aliens" with modern effects and a new cast

that's it.