If Breaking Bad took place in Canada.
If Breaking Bad took place in Canada
that doesnt make for a very entertaining show
Walter did it for his ego, the medical bills were never a problem because Walter had rich friends who said they would pay them, honestly one of the worst additions to the story as it completely removes any ambiguity about whether Walt is wrong.
Or Norway, or Finland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Cuba, or Australia, or New Zealand, or Germany, or Russia, or… you see where this is going, right?
13 years and you people are still falling for this bait
didn't walter have insurance being a teacher? he just wanted to leave his family with more money if he died though
>Russian health care
>This would solve inoperable cancer
>Still the breadwinner of the family with a retarded son and daughter on the way
Redditors are retarded
If you want to make fun of America for BrBa go look at the war on drugs
Realistically Walt would be waiting in line for years and die of cancer anyway, free healthcare doesn't work
>Cuba health care
Canadian health insurance is shit. He would have died waiting to get a doctor’s appointment.
I just wanted to bitch about BB's writing
>didn't walter have insurance being a teacher?
He would have, yes
He would just die since it takes 1-2 years to get an x-ray in Canada.
pre or post covid
We get it you watch shapiro and crowder
Then you people clearly don't have any idea about how our Healthcare works. Yes we have public Healthcare in Denmark but people end up dyeing while they wait for treatment. It's not like you can just show up and get fixed. Depending on the severity and a myriad of other factors people can end up waiting for Months. There is a very good fucking reason we still have Private Hospitals and Schools. it's not unreasonably expansive and often it's league above the public sector.
The number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US is medical debt. That’s not the case anywhere else in the developed world. Please shut up.
Why do people when they make these stupid things not remember the entire plot and Walters reasoning for doing what he did and dint just boil down to his medical bills.
yeah its even free there. what the fuck is your excuse, burger?
I haven't seen the show but I thought that it was about the dude making money to support his family AFTER his death, not about medical bills. So this doesn't solve that.
Or maybe I am wrong, but in that case the plot is retarded because why would you even bother with expensive medical treatment if your death were inevitable anyway?
More like
>you have cancer
>let's schedule for appointments
>see you in six months
>dies before the first appointment
The Rockefeller Medical Industry in the US is shit, but the socialized medicine is little better especially considering it's still placated on allopathic treatments that only keep you coming back for more money to be taken from taxpayers.
No, it doesn't.
it's about the only thing they got right
>bleed out on the operating table because the surgeon ODed on krokodil in the middle of the operation
Americans are also obese retards with heart problems, most people in other countries never need to use healthcare until they're elderly
to bait /pol/tards into embarrassing themselves
And medical misconduct is the third leading cause of death in USA.
A recent study revealed that the 3rd-leading cause of death in the U.S. is a medical error. It is a form of medical malpractice, following heart disease and cancer
no it's not you fucking idiot
you would be treated by a fucking nigger and die anyway
yes, he's exactly right
Notice how the truth gets no replies from shills like ? HMMM...
No, he's objectively wrong.
I live in Ontario and both my parents have appts for what could be cancer and they are both currently waiting. 2 months for my mom and 5-6 for my dad. Shit takes forever in canada, its not a meme. Were relatively well off and i wish we lived in the US because they could go to specialists quickly. Not paying directly is nice for sure but our taxes are also fucked
>The number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US is medical debt.
That is literally propaganda: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The study that everyone loves to quote said that claims over 60% of bankruptcies were medical? It just counts any bankruptcy that happened while someone had at least $1,000 of medical bills, usually not much more than that, and didn't factor in lost work due to hospital stays.
If you're already deep in debt because you're bad with money, then you get sick and can't work, it doesn't matter if you have "free" healthcare or not: you're going to have a bankruptcy
Because it’s nonsense.
I saw a map of all the nations with "universal healthcare" in the world colored in with one color and then the U.S. with a different color.
I audibly laughed when I saw Mexico labeled with universal healthcare
>Mexican health care
Damn that sucks. I live in Australia and my mum's friend had cancer, she got chemo within a month of being diagnosed.
That's why Canada sucks my anus
They're having a sale on free sunglasses?
Most of /pol/ doesn't care they think the systems in Europe work because the people using them are white and not brown welfare queens
America is a weird half in, half out situation. It's half the healthcare industry (free market choice) and half the health care system (a universal socialist one). Government getting all involved in American healthcare is what really, really fucked it up, made it pricier, etc.
You must be taking the piss user. If you can't see the correlation right in front of you then you are truly retarded
Lol they made her wait a fucking month to get treatment for cancer? What the fuck is wrong with people over there?
How does government provided healthcare result in longer wait times? This sounds like a supply issue.
>he doesn't see it
most people don't know that hospitals are generally not allowed to charge people beyond their means, almost every hospital (unless they are explicitly for profit iirc) has some disclaimer on their website or in their policy stating this, but very rarely do Americans take advantage of this. There is a whole foundation dedicated to helping people realize and take advangate of this to reduce their medical debt to practically nothing.
Oh, and American politicians basically reversing everything Jefferson did regarding taxes so Americans have less of their own fucking money to pay for healthcare.
What are you trying to imply here? Why are you retards incapable of making a specific point?
>he systems in Europe work because the people using them are white and not brown welfare queens
that's eaxctly why it works. funny, the more niggers are flooding European countries the higher the costs go because they dont give a single fuck
Lol just under half of Americans can’t financially withstand a sudden medical emergency over $400.
But it does hinge on a persons wealth. A rich person.
>why does he wear the dark glasses
>it's because he's blind
It was a couple of weeks
The US' system isn't even bad on paper, giving free coverage to poor people makes sense just that it's so reliant on insurance it's so fucking dumb. Imagine your health care being tied to your job, shit is fucked.
And walt ends up dying on a wait list as you people get high on your own farts on how it was free, while paying 40%+ in tax
Bros I have 40k saved, is it enough?
>Pay 60% of your income to the gov
I am not reading all of that.
Too much. Give me some.
>make up a statistic
>post a random word after it
What a compelling argument.
>All the pozzed nations
Yeah, I see exactly where it's going
>Yes, the US govt. is corrupt, inept, crony, inefficient, and wasteful; and, yes, I also entrust it to run a nationwide healthcare system without issue
What do people mean by this?
>pay in while young
>system collapses before you get ill
>thanks boomers for voting to give yourself my income before I was born in a system I will never take from
>same with pensions etc
i'm mad af
Its more like 40% plus like I said but you chose to point out a guy that exaggerated a bit. How telling
> but the socialized medicine is little better
It’s measurably better in outcomes and also costs far less. The US system manages to be the most expensive and one of the worst in outcomes in the west.
Oh and you’re also “socialized” because you will be billed for every paperless hispanic and insurance less nigger in their ER. The difference is that you’re not only screwed by socialized costs you also have 10 layers of middle manager jews who exist only to fleece money off you. But the absolute best part is that Shekelstein and Goldberg get the average american to try to defend their bullshit - and you do it for free.
Look up the difference in outcomes and cost efficiency yourself.
Next look up what the US system looked like prior to the for profit deregulations around the 70s.
Next shoot yourself in the head for carrying water for backstabbing kikes who ruined your healthcare.
>Government getting all involved in American healthcare is what really, really fucked it up, made it pricier, etc.
Pretty much, the government expanding the system more instead of red taping everything in the private sector would've been preferable. Not perfect but better than now.
>while paying 40%+ in tax
Between income, payroll, and sales tax, most U.S. citizens pay just as much and still need a solution for the Insurance/Hospital collusion.
>have other 40% stolen for thinking car horns are funny
incorrect, he would die waiting for treatment
plus, he didn't want treatment at all until his family pressured him into it
all he wanted to do was make about $700k so they could live comfortably and go to college
That public schooling clearly failed you
It's not a "slight" exaggeration and stop acting like you know the exact percentage amount we'd pay in taxes if we implemented single-payer.
Yeah, like obviously there are real problems, like suppressed wages due to immigration and inflation due to government ineptitude, but I don't understand why people think taxing us more and giving the money to our corrupt government is going to fix it
you're the 98% of retarded posters
>Why are you retards incapable of making a specific point?
>Why are you retards incapable of making a specific point?
I'm just going to keep posting this until one of you dipshits makes an actual argument.
Definitely a nordic here
>private healthcare doesn't exist alongside national health service
I just told the NHS I wanted them to pay for me to go private and I was being operated on at my leisure. I got my own room and nurse service in an NHS hospital, I felt bad for all the boomers dying in the shared space across from my room but i had speakers in the ceiling connected to the telly. I agree with you, if you're going to put your life in the hands of the state, then you're a fucking idiot.
Canada has one healthcare "administrator" for every 1,415 citizens.
Germany, who has probably the best healthcare system has one healthcare "administrator" for every 15,545 people.
>if you're going to put your life in the hands of the state, then you're a fucking idiot.
better put it in the hands of soulless private insurance bureaucrats who profit off misery instead :^)
yes, everything works better in the private sector, money is a motive. how do you not know this?
Wages being suppressed by immigration is a product of not having a simple and fast immigration policy. If you make working in the US impossible legally for immigrants, you create a black market of workers paid under the table that are forced to work for whatever price companies are willing to pay them for fear of being arrested or deported. They can’t join unions, they can’t effectively negotiate for higher wages. In actuality it’s the suppression of legal immigration that drives wages down. If they could just come here legally the black market would have no power and cease to exist
none of those south american shit holes have any freedoms though
>yeah its even free there.
and it fucking sucks. Literally and unironically everything is worse in Russia than America.
>t. American with russian gf
If the government is paying for your treatment and getting you an allowance to buy supplies, they can cut down on doing so as they please. The taxes will still be high, though, no worries about that.
most retarded post i've ever read on this website, and that's saying something.
how could you! do you not know what she's doing to Ukraine!!! Drain her bank account and kill her.
That's because it's Russian not because it's free.
you must be the retard then
>private insurance never denies coverage
Why is the guy a nigger
why dont you just go to a private doctor instead of just hoping the public sector will be fast enough?
Cool. So in this universe, Walt still would have died of his terminal cancer, and the only difference would have been that he would have spent his last few years going back to his empty, beta lifestyle as a teacher instead of fulfilling his potential and building a lasting legacy. It's actually the bad end, and yet the comic author completely missed that point.
name a single example where a government didn't achieve the opposite of what it was trying to do with monetary expenditure
>do you not know what she's doing to Ukraine!!!
She's against the war like the majority of Russian people who want to be free of the lecherous oligarchy that robs them. She gives me insight into Russia.
>Drain her bank account and kill her
I'm going to pump her full of kids and marry her.
So basically every decision made in Canada in regards to a patient's personal health passes through 11 times as many bureaucrats.
Health insurance isn't much different from taxes really.
Look, I pay for my own health insurance. But due to a severe skin condition, I go to the doctor every month and probably cost the insurance company more than I pay them. So where does the money come from? From others who pay into the insurance system.
I'm a leech to the health insurance system. But it's okay because I pay for insurance. Right?
nah i'm just in awe at how you could make such a wildly retarded statement so confidently. it's almost impressive.
It's funny how republicuck jew cocksuckers give up every cultural battle that matters but getting assfucked by the medical jew is the one thing that will not go.