I can't believe WB thought this would make a $1B.
I can't believe WB thought this would make a $1B
wow, an r rated movie is more interesting to adults with money than kiddie shit? what a surprise
lots of international markets are nowhere near what they used to be
I don't see many people talking about The Batman. I mean, Letterboxd and Twitter maybe. But even Youtube videos about it are basically low, unlike other movies, from both DC and Marvel. Are people getting tired of superheroes or is it just this one movie?
R rated movies don't normally make that much money, since you're making it more difficult for people to watch it.
does the world really need 17 Batman movies? be glad you got $750 mill you dollar chasing prick
It was the best capeshit to come out since infinity war
750m is fine nowadays, people are just used to like 2018-2019 or so when everything was making a billion. Now only big event type movies are making a billion really. You know like marvel movies with multiple heroes and cameos.
People are getting tired of superheroes unless there's some nostalgiabait.
Do basedboys really just spend their time talking about production companies bottom lines like it's a sports event? These discussions are so pathetic.
Move on from Batman and Superman and try something different. Make a Martian Manhunter movie.
It's amazing it made as much as it did sense the market has introduced streaming. Theaters are dead.
Spider-Man: No Way Home did $1B. Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness will certainly make $1B.
>The superhero craze is gonna die down. Any- any year now!
t. 2006
Maybe people are tired of rehashing the same characters over and over
I hope they don't take this as meaning Batman needs more swearing, sex scenes, and gore. But it inevitably will if they decide they need an R rated Batman.
The Batman was an MM movie in disguise. He just shapeshifted into Pattinson.
They are the new sporting events since sports themselves are fucking boring.
I hope so
This. I honestly rather go to an r rated movie then pg-13, knowing only R films have enough room to push boundries. Pg-13, they are basically saying its soft or it was censored for the masses.
not really, $1B is only like $700M in pre-biden dollars
It is and it's nothing new. I remember the IMDB message boards when The Dark Knight came out, and all the discussion about opening weekends.
I didnt go to watch The Batman because I find its interpretation of the riddler boring and lame, also race baity.
This whole idea of "batman's setting has to be mundane" only worked with Nolan.
There was no way that peice of shit was going to do better than Joker. Lmfao
I know that’s what I said. Marvel movies with many heroes and cameos to get people to show up. Those are event movies like Civil War was. If Doctor Strange 1 came out today, it’d be like a 450m type movie. Even during non pandemic times it couldn’t break 700m. Batman did on his own post Covid.
This post-Covid nonsense is pure cope.
>This whole idea of "batman's setting has to be mundane" only worked with Nolan.
it's better than nolan's garbage and you're a retard.
I noped the fuck out when I saw the runtime
no it's not
Joker was an actual idea, nobody wants to see reheated pg-13 batman
It is, do you really think consoomers would let covid stand in the way of their consuming?
No Way Home showed that if people want to see a movie they'll pull up their masks and go to the cinema. You can say that the movie baited people with nostalgia and whatever other excuse you want to pull, but that's not different from any other Hollywood movie from the past decade. How many Rocky and Rambo sequels we have had? We're in the age of IP remakes, reboots, and sequels.
The Batman itself is another soulless remake, the only difference is that nobody cared enough to go see this one. That's it.
There were no sex scenes or gore in The Batman you fucking retard
I thought it would hit 1 billion. I guess I didn't realize how much the DC brand had been damaged over the last decade. I thought a new Batman movie in the Nolan mold that so many love would be a mega hit.
I would say this represents a shift in audience taste back towards the adult cinema of the 70's but then I realize No Way Home was the highest-grossing movie of the year despite the story being a series of literal magic asspulls and realize this is probably just due to The Batman being 3 hours and coming on the heels of one too many DC disappointments
The only reason they rebooted batman twice in five years is because the brand is ruined. People really act like the snyder era never happened, then wonder why interest isn't as high.
The Batman shows acting purely out of spite toward Zach Snyder was a bad policy for WB.
I know i didn't watch the reboot precisely because it is not the Ben Affleck's project nor connected to the Zack Snyder's movies. The movie black-washing the characters i care about and pushing woke propaganda also didn't help shit.
Maybe, just maybe the movie looked awful on a conceptual level? I mean, if the brand was damaged the Todd Phillips' Joker movie shouldn't have been the success it was, after all Jared Leto's portrayal would have damaged the "brand" right?
That's the same excuse WB shills used to explain why James Gunn's The Suicide Squad bombed, or why Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman 1984 bombed;
Oh, the previous movies damaged the brand. It's not that the recent movies looked awful and were bad. No, it is the brand. Let's blame the successful original SS movie, or the successful original WW movie. It can't be because the new DC/WB regime is retarded and they're green-lighting unappealing as fuck projects.
Both can be true. This movie wouldn't have been made if the snyderverse was any good, but it also wouldn't have been made if Joker didn't crush the box office.
>This movie wouldn't have been made if the snyderverse was any good
This movie was originally supposed to be the Ben Affleck's project and everyone in the know is fucking aware about what went down. This movie was made because DC/WB current regime is dumb as fuck and spiteful towards anyone involved in the Justice League debacle that they themselves created. That's why this movie was made.
The DC/WB current regime is so dumb they didn't even want to make the Joker project. The fact the same guy that tried to bury the Joker project now wants to copy that shit in the most soulless way possible is ironic and funny as fuck. The guy really thought his soulless Batman project would do the same kind of money. Too bad his shitty decisions poisoned the well.
wow best posting sir. Good morning.
Shut the fuck up, shill.
>This movie
They're only the same project in that they have the same name. Affleck's "The Batman" was going to be his same long-established Batman in a fantastical universe going up against Deathstroke, not Year 2 Fincher/Nolan knockoff against The Riddler.
yes, also, it literally wasn't released in russia
it made less than endgame though
It didn't work at all with Nolan. The material was constantly at odds with itself after the first movie. Despite claims of a grounded take on Batman, Reeves' depiction is a much more stylized reality.
I am aware that the project changed. I am also aware that the project, as it stands now, is nothing but a soulless copy of what Christopher Nolan and Todd Phillips tried to do before. I am just saying that the reason why the Affleck's project never happened is because of DC/WB's fuckery.
Zack Snyder is intellectually disabled, Ben Affleck was a terrible Batman. It makes me feel ten feet tall to know that some not only can't perceive it instantly, but actually look up to them. It makes me feel like I'm meant to rule over people like you.
It costs me more in gas to get to and form the theater than to buy the ticket. Why would I spend that much to see a shitty cape film about the origins of Batman for the 9th time?
No fucking thank you.
>Ben Affleck was a terrible Batman
As opposed to? Depending on your answer I'll tell you whether you should objectively feel that way or whether you can rule in the context of a court jester gathering.
China doesn't support Hollywood anymore, and they're welding people inside their apartments again. The 2010s era of $250m domestic/$1b WW are apparently over. A movie has to be a really big hit, $450m+ in North America, to crack a billion WW
capeshitters are MENTALLY ILL
China was on almost full lockdown when this movie was getting released
China has never cared for Batman movies. It wouldn't have made any difference. You're a fool if you think China would have helped this make $1B.
I don't think ANY live-action Batman has captured the character. However, here's a ranking:
-power gap-
>Zack Snyder is intellectually disabled, Ben Affleck was a terrible Batman.
Better director than Matt Reeves, better Batman than Robert Pattinson.
He would have brought a billion
That's not the point. The argument was that "China doesn't support Hollywood anymore" (which by the way, BASED china), but it was also on full lockdown during this movie's release.
Whole lotta words to say DC sucks. WOW
They should stick to one-offs or the Nolanverse
you got me there
This is WB trying to replicate the Nolanverse.
>Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness will certainly make $1B
X to doubt
Well you're more than welcome to rule the court jester congregation I guess.
Keaton's Batman was neither comic accurate nor something that stood out as being a whole lot better than Nolan's takes or even the Pattinson movie.
It was an interesting performance, but it works solely in the context of it's own world.
There really isn't a night and day difference between that, and Batfleck which you're under the delusion was totally off the mark.