/who/ - Doctor Who General

Super Mario edition

previous shite:

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I would like to formally apologising for complaining about >muh rose back in 2009. I had no idea how much worse it could get.

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>There would be no eulogies for Chris, no photographs of his era would be sold in sci-fi stores, no people would crowd the streets in the rain to see his series premiere, no biographies would be written about his run, no children named after him, no one would ever pay twenty-five pence to stand in the rooms he wrote in. The show would ignite, and the fandom would scream, but Chris Chibnall would only lay on the ratings floor and look at the ceiling, the shit going out of his pen before he could find the right words.

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This is where I lost absolutely all hope for this episode and what was it? Like 4 minutes into it?

didn't watch, did it add anything to the lore and overall arc?

young master adam mitchell

Isn't it funny that Chibnall's become the new Pip and Jane? They were the only ones that could be depended on to turn a script around in such a short time, regardless of the quality, which is why they ended up finishing off The Ultimate Foe. Chibnall gets brought on for the same quality... and we've just seen what comes of five years of that.

Rusty, I'm sorry for ever doubting your gay agenda and common people shtick
Moffat, I'm sorry for thinking that your bullshit plots and twists and fetishes were so awful

I just watched the new episode. That was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. It looked like shit and Chib pussied out on giving us the lesbo kiss.

And bringing back Tegan and Ace? That's your big selling point for the grand finale? October can't come fucking soon enough.

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Sure, why not. At this point, anything goes.

>you are totally the best person ive ever known yaz, better than all my past companions for sure
I really won't miss the "characters keep trying to convince us of something in the hopes we'll believe it despite it clearly not being true" trope.

doctor and yaz admitted their Feelings!!! they're totally going to kiss next episode!!!!!

that's it

We've said it so many times but the trips confirm
He's become what he once hated. He must be a broken shell of a fan

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What's the ratio of Murican to Bri'ish on this general, f you had to guess?

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what a joke

River is in the special

I never blamed them for anything

Only true men of the Empire are allowed on this general
septics can fuck right off, they've got their own "special" BBC to think about

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I don't think that's why Chibs was brought in, I'm pretty sure there was literally no one else.

Apparently Gatiss was offered the position too but he was always strongly against the idea because he knows his rare 1 episode person season jobs were all utterly average and he was well aware he'd be even worse at showrunning. If only Chibnall had the grace to be aware of his own failings.

It was only because of Broadchurch that they picked him

>utterly average
That's fucking generous

i'm off to bed, might watch a classic episode to cleanse.

goodnight /who/ bros

>kills 13
is he /ourguy/?

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Would a Toby Whithouse run have been better?

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Are they going to reveal that the Master is literally Rasputin?

>davies returning
oh boy cant wait for the plot of the finale to be solved by the doctor or assistant turning into an actual god again

It's pretty telling that they've had to resort to roping RTD back in (under very favourable terms, what with the production shifting to Julie Gardner's company and all) rather than finding someone from the current Who talent pool
Because really, who else is there now?

Would you prefer having a literal red shirt coming in to save the day by sacrificing themselves and saving the Doctor at the last second?

Christ probably

Chib's individual episodes were shit and he couldn't meet a deadline for anything
It can only be that no one else wanted the job after Moffat

Maybe? He wrote a load of duds personally, but maybe he'd have been better at cultivating other writers and script editing

Fucking hilarious how The Curse of the Black Spot, one of the Moffat era's most phoned-in efforts, still managed to be a much, much better pirate episode than this. And to think this was originally meant to be Jodie's send-off too.

All of his episodes were great, it's a shame that they never chose him.

Whithouse, Gatiss and Jamie Mathieson all voiced that they were available. Somehow, the BBC went for Chinballs.

And it managed to look immensely better, too. Better edited, better visuals, better sets. And it's from 2011. How do we explain this?

I don't give a shit about plots. I watch the show to see a story with people either engaging in watchable drama or doing cool scifi shit. People written by the current writers behave like the most boring and generic people in the Milky Way and there is no message being sent across. It's just a specter of DW.

I can at least imagine a child liking Black Spot

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smarru covid pandemic, prease understand

Yes, Chib was the worst possible choice as showrunner in hindsight.
Yes, bringing back RTD is an act of sheer desperation on the BBC's part.
Yes, the new RTD era will still be woke.
No, it probably won't bring the show's popularity back to the glory days.
Yes, it'll probably be a lot better than the last few years.

>in hindsight
only retards thought Chibnall wasn't going to be bad.

Fucking bring it on I say
I don't care any more
Whatever RTD's got, WHATEVER he's got, I'm ready

More leafs and aussies probably post here than muricans

still off the drink, didn't even realise this was on the telly, just gave it a watch and i don't remember what happened (still off the drink remember)

so Dr Who is now a lesbian for the one trying to act? but she's going to die then RTD comes back?

what a waste of everything

Sucks Im missing the threads because the streaming sites take forever to upload Doctor Who

RTD will be woke but he's a good writer so you'll likely either not realise it or won't mind it

This is what confuses me most about Chibnall's Who. The shit writing I can understand, but what happened to the direction and editing? I find it very hard to believe that every single director hired since series 11 has been this shit.

I like RTD's brand of woke though so I'll be good. Even Moffat's was grating in comparison though it still landed more often than it didnt.

I was kinda hoping it would be childish like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship so at least kids would still like it, but I guess recent interviews revealed Moffat rewrote a bunch of scripts

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>Yes, Chib was the worst possible choice as showrunner in hindsight.
>in hindsight
The fact people didn't immediately know things would be bad with Chibnall is confusing me.

Moffat as a guest writer in RTD era wrote mostly great episodes. And then he actually became showrunner and the average quality of episodes noticeably went down (most would agree), showrunning is obviously much harder.

Chibnall as a guest writer in RTD/Moffat eras wrote mostly below average and sometimes barely average episodes. Logic and previous trends all indicated that if a below average writer went on to be showrunner, he'd suck at it. So why did people pretend this wasn't going to happen?

>Chib was the worst possible choice as showrunner in hindsight.
>in hindsight
Even at the time people were bringing up how all of his scripts for Who and Torchwood were shite, and how even Broadchurch went downhill after the first series. In fact, he always got loads of shit as lead writer on Torchwood (a lot of the shit in Torch, Wood & Peasants is assumed to have been Chibbers)
>No, it probably won't bring the show's popularity back to the glory days.
Don't think that's really possible these days anyway, media's just so much more fragmented. The handful of things that end up becomming phenomena are forgotten a couple of months after they end

Lmao at Roin and Grayum being all like "We know who you are now, and we'll be with you whatever comes next. We're family" and then dipping out the literal next episode after saying that.

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Yeah RTD will be woke but he's hopefully still a good enough writer to know that politics should never get in the way of a good story. If he's got something good and entertaining with substance, I don't particularly care about whatever message he puts behind it. It's not like his first run had much soapboxing
Chibnall's idea of a story with a moral is to have the Doctor stare into the camera and directly lecture about whatever fucking bullshit. It's unbelievably lazy and offends the audience's intelligence.

True. Chib always sucked, but there was a surprising amount of people willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on old /who/. Not me, though.

Everyone was scared, even that Tranny who hates Big Finish was making posts about "actually Broadchurch is kinda shit isn't it?"

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>So why did people pretend this wasn't going to happen?
People liked Broadchurch Season 1, and they were really sick of Moffat.

a lot of people were lukewarm on Chibnall but I think he got a shield because there was a lot of releif from people thankful that at least it wast Mark Gatiss

Because Broadchurch was a success and everyone kidded themselves that Chibnall had levelled up as a writer in the years since stepping away from the show. Looking back on it, Broadchurch succeeded because it looked beautiful and it had an excellent cast. All of Chibnall's cracks are still there.

Sherlock was still going on when Moffat left wasn't it? Plus inside no#9? Considering Moffat got worse the longer the breaks he had between shows I can kinda understand it

Is it just 1 Chib episode left now?

honestly curious what the anti-woke lot think of RTD

if you watch Queer As Folk in current year is it "too woke"? i would 100% agree "you could not get away with it nowadays" but probably for different reasons

plus lol @ "the Daleks have RELIGION now OH NO" it's the most 2005/RTD thing ever and it's amazing

This. The cast and direction carried Broadchurch. The writing, when you actually pay attention, is crap. The dialogue is so bland.

>Yes, it'll probably be a lot better than the last few years.

Idk, his Years and Years show was very poor. It was basically his Turn Left script but worse somehow.

>Is it just 1 Chib episode left now?
thankfully yes

Haven't seen Torchwood, but I did watch Broadchurch a while ago. What did Chibnall fuck up with them? I remember Broadchurch being about the same till the end, not particularly awful.

I like some of Chibnall's Torchwood scripts.

This seriously does not look like the same person. Her nose is fatter and teeth are different.
At least Ace kinda looks like the same person.

At best he would have been less disastrous and had it gone to him I think we'd still be seeing RTD return in desperation

To be fair most of the really shit episodes in Moffat's era weren't penned by Moffat, the only ones that sucked were Let's Kill Hitler and Wedding of River to a smaller degree. Most of the episodes he wrote were good, it's guest writers that fucked it up. Moffat's weakness is that his guest writers weren't that good and he was noticeably worse at editing bad scripts than Russell was.

anti-woke people have no opinions, they'll love RTD until he becomes showrunner then they'll hate whatever he does to keep the youtube money flowing. They'll just say he changed, or he's being pressured by the BBC. People are already making "RTD era will still be garbage" videos

We were such fools

Me too
But it was about 15 years ago, lets judge him over last 5 years instead

>Moffat's weakness is that his guest writers weren't that good and he was noticeably worse at editing bad scripts than Russell was
In a world where pieces of shit such as Fear Her, Daleks in Manhattan or The Doctor's Daughter exist, I can't let you say that.

Gatiss would have just been more Moffat, which people were already sick off, but worse. It might have actually killed the show.

>Yes, the new RTD era will still be woke.
RTD was always the wokest, the secret is that wokeness actually works if executed properly and if the rest of the writing is serviceable. If the wokeness is just jarring tokenism paired up with poor writing like with Chib, then it's more grating.

Adrift is seriously great. How that came from the same Chris Chibnall that gave us The Vanquishers, I will never ever understand.

>What did Chibnall fuck up with them?
Started wedging in more and more shite just to try and maintain a sense of dramatic tension but just creating an unfocused hatchet job, and by the end of S3 it had shifted from the quiet, ambient approach it started with to being noticably more talky (literally Chibnall's weakest area)

>most of the really shit episodes in Moffat's era weren't penned by Moffat
the doctor the widow and the wardrobe
let's kill hitler
the wedding of river song
the magician's apprentice
twice upon a time
hell bent
the angels take manhattan
the time of the doctor
the return o doctor mysterio

Arguably the best episodes in seasons 5-6 are from guest writers. Amy's Choice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex.
Then the quality of guest writers takes a nosedive, apart from Jamie Mathieson.

However, the Chibnall that gave us Adrift also gave us Cyberwoman the year before. Are there 2 Chibnalls out there or something? He's all over the fucking shop.

Dont forget The Pyramid at the End of the World

Of course there was some shit in RTD's era too but I stand by the fact he was capable of elevating some of that shit into something that's at least halfway fun to watch even when it's shit. He knew how to turn "bad" into "hey this is obviously shit on paper but it's somehow executed in a charming way" which is most of series 2 and 4. Moffat was more talented on a technical level but he never had that RTD type of insight on how to worm his way into the comfort zone of the viewers, how to salvage bad into fun.
Only four of those episodes are shit.

Seems like a you problem

I'll give him a pass on that because it was co-written, and he admitted he wrote it whilst sat at his dying mother's bedside so he wasn't really focused on it. It is a huge drop of the ball though for the Monk trilogy.

"The Empty Child" / "The Doctor Dances" (2005)
"The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006)
"Blink" (2007)
"Time Crash" (Children in Need mini-episode, 2007)
"Silence in the Library" / "Forest of the Dead" (2008)
"The Eleventh Hour" (2010)
"The Beast Below" (2010)
"The Time of Angels" / "Flesh and Stone" (2010)
"The Pandorica Opens" / "The Big Bang" (2010)
"A Christmas Carol" (2010)
"Space" / "Time" (Comic Relief mini-episodes, 2011)
"The Impossible Astronaut" / "Day of the Moon" (2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War" (2011)
"Let's Kill Hitler" (2011)
"The Wedding of River Song" (2011)
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" (2011)
"Asylum of the Daleks" (2012)
"The Angels Take Manhattan" (2012)
"The Snowmen" (2012)
"The Bells of Saint John" (2013)
"The Name of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Night of the Doctor" (mini-episode, 2013)
"The Day of the Doctor" (2013)
"The Time of the Doctor" (2013)
"Deep Breath" (2014)
"Into the Dalek" (co-written with Phil Ford, 2014)
"Listen" (2014)
"Time Heist" (co-written with Stephen Thompson, 2014)
"The Caretaker" (co-written with Gareth Roberts, 2014)
"Dark Water" / "Death in Heaven" (2014)
"Last Christmas" (2014)
"The Magician's Apprentice" / "The Witch's Familiar" (2015)
"The Girl Who Died" (co-written with Jamie Mathieson, 2015)
"The Zygon Inversion" (co-written with Peter Harness, 2015)
"Heaven Sent" (2015)
"Hell Bent" (2015)
"The Husbands of River Song" (2015)
"The Return of Doctor Mysterio" (2016)
"The Pilot" (2017)
"Extremis" (2017)
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" (co-written with Peter Harness, 2017)
"World Enough and Time" / "The Doctor Falls" (2017)
"Twice Upon a Time" (2017)

Davies was known for his reset-switch endings.
Maybe he'll be able to reset the entire fucking show.

>He knew how to turn "bad" into "hey this is obviously shit on paper but it's somehow executed in a charming way"
Like it or not, the Slitheen were very popular at the time

Huh, didnt know that. I'll give him a pass for that too.

On a similar note I give Chibnall a pass for Power of Three because the villain actually being so legendarily bad to work with that the real ending got scrapped, and pretty much everything leading up to that was kino.

Even Cyberwoman is a cut above the stuff he's done in Jodie's era. Maybe the pressure of being handed the main show was just too much for him?

The Doctor didn't really, tho.

>I don't give a shit about plots
Tits or GTFO.