Soul souless

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Amy Schumer in bottom

everything post 2001 is a dystopian hellscape

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Her eyes looking straight in 2022 one while 1993 is looking into the eyes of the dino

Why does the top picture look more soul? What is it about the camera or lighting or whatever that makes it feel much warmer?

I'm just happy we have a dinosaur movie to look forward to again.

They just have to recreate everything, don't they?

The dinosaurs in the first Jurassic Park look better than the ones in the new movies.

They made yet another one?

you just know

film vs digital

Many such cases.

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what makes /SOUL/?

its now a Jurassic world™

>30 year old practical effects look much better than todays shit
Seriously bottom pic dino looks like a toy

They make a lot of money so it was to be expected.

why did the original cast even agree on starring in this shit? They know very well the end product will be a soulless crap not even remotely close to the original's quality,are the paychecks that worthful?

what the fuck is that picture user

the bloom in bottom is fucking hideous

The whole look of the JW movies is disgusting. They have some kind of videogame sheen coating them.

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Doesn’t matter if they got the original cast back, the movie still stars these unlikable douchebags.

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I thought she was supposed to be looking at a model in a museum in the bottom pic lol

You never seen that? Go back.

top is natural colors, outside under a warm sunny day. the bottom is typical color grading 'make everything teal' shit. bottom is unnatural cold and lifeless.







cultural enlightenment

people pouring the heart and live into work instead of pursuing just mindless profit

I don't find Mexican cartels to be very enlightening...or any Mexicans for that matter.

12 gauge high brass? and it sends 2 fully grown men bouncing? I’m a gun nut but this doesn’t seem plausible

But what about the people who pour their souls out for their profits?

Made intentionally to be warm and nice, like a wonderful thing is happening, the 2022 one isn't made like that. A lot of 80s and 90s things had this sense of "wonder" that isn't in new things

better actors took over. deal with it boomer

>better actors
Capeshitter and lady can’t act. Live with it zoomer.

>jurassic park remake
>making a jurassic park remake just to fleece nostalgic onions boys

>spics never killed each other before 2001

Have you too noticed? That civilization has ossified. We are not moving forward, everything is in reverse, trying to conserve and hang on to what is left and relive fond old memories. Is this what Rome was like before its fall?

you dont wanna know user , stay pure. leave the darkest side of this place to us

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Who are you, bloody Muldoon?

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Theriznosaurus kills the giga at the end

It's impressive how well they held up honestly

>are the paychecks that worthful?

Socioeconomic factors

What size fedora do you wear?


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Still can't believe how old Laura Dern actually was in JP1

Made me look it up. Never would have guessed. She does look like the 24 year old she's supposed to portray though.


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Wtf, did Laura Dern bog herself?

when did Laura Dern got bogged.



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famous mexican comedian Teo Gonzalez doing a comedy sketch about drug cartels

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That's their culture bigot!

>everything post 2001 is a dystopian hellscape

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Why in new movies does so much have to be fucking happening in the background on a green screen set.

Christ, the fillers on her face horrifying.
Is there a single 40+ Hollywood women that doesn't become bogged?

No they just weren't in USA in overwhelming numbers.

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The bottom is sterile. The outfits are well put together, everyone looks like they just came directly out of hair and makeup.

The top is also more intimate, like you are watching a moment that would not be the safe if you were there to witness it. Its tight, you can't see anything else besides the main focus. You are looking at someone in awe over this creature that should not be there and it makes it special. The bottom looks like someone playing with a goat at a petting zoo. The dinosaurs are no longer special, you can see 2 more in the frame, and its not intimate because there are 3 other people seeing whats happening.

the bogpill needs to be on the banned substances list

For me? It's the mexican employee. Soulless people.

did she bog?
look how bloated her face is.

digital color grading

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