
Robert Beltran edition

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Amen brother

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Why didn't the writers do anything interesting with his character?

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Acoochiemoya, we are far from the fedoras, Acoochiemoya.

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Probably fear of criticism cause he was supposed to be an injun.



let's not have this thread shitted up by that furious atheist lmao

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>this triggers MKUltra
>but stops his from spamming NuTrek shit
It's always something.

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Wrong. See pic related, available here: biblehub.com/text/genesis/6-3.htm

Genesis 6:3 says the max lifespan of men is 120 years, and the longest lived man known to science made it to 116. Genesis 6:3 doesn't address the max lifespan of women, but gerontologist researches say it's slightly longer than man's and about 125.

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Unbelievably based.

It was his main gripe with the show, which he hated being on.
My belief is they were too focused on Janeway being a strong wahmen to allow him to be a proper first officer.

>agnostic theists
>believe that God exists but also that God doesn't exist

lmao atheists got so mad at agnostics and theists pointing out they're just another religion that they had to make up a 4th position that contradicts itself

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Unbelievably based

A thought for Easter. If Star Trek and Star Wars can be as brothers, so can all of us.

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Can confirm. "ba adam" means "With man," because "adam" means "man" in ancient Hebrew. It is gendered and does not include women. The ancient Semetic languages were not gender inclusive--they didn't do "latinx."
t. Minored in Ancient Semetic Languages

That's not what it says. Why are your English skills so bad, MKUltra?

Fuck your religious bullshit, post Trek you fucking retards

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Sp uh, any of you guys ever watch star trek? Maybe it could make for some good discussion if we talked about it.

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>post Trek
You first.

>s-stop making fun of me
>there's lots of people who believe in God but also don't believe in God!!!

lmao just when you thought atheists couldn't get any more cringe, they invented their own version of the Horseshoe Theory

>post trek

But user, you just posted some Rick & Morty ripoff

I'm rewatching ENT and man it's aged so well

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I only just noticed the reflection in the table, that's some high quality 'Pu.

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>atheists think that ancient Near East languages had "non-gendered" words
lolololololololololol atheists never stop being retarded

no, atheists, ancient Hebrew doesn't have "xir" and "zhem"

So you refuse to learn English?

tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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In trying times and threads filled with screeching and autism I think there is one simple thing that can be agreed upon.
Trekpu is the best thing going in /trek/

How do you define religion? Any belief that requires faith? How about your faith in anything beyond I think therefore I am? Some religion of the senses?

You're not allowed to post that. You've been warned. Now you'll meet the consequences.

He should have never been a proper first officer right away. He was supposed to be Maquis. The writers immediately making Chakotay Janeway's lapdog ruined that character.

Siding with the jannies is the mark of the worst kind of faggot user.
Neexposting is based.

Yes, midwit. That makes your belief a religion.

You're just religiphobic.

Neexposters get the bullet first.

Atheists are the next in line.

I define religion as a social hierarchy based around a shared ideology. This does not inherently discredit the ideology. Only the flawed human response to generate a social organization around it in order to exert power and influence over others.

Wew. Hes turned more people atheist then most, then turns around and says this?

Mike McMahan confirmed during the panel that a large chunk of S3 will follow the Freeman trial.
That means that the Yea Forums leak was 100% real.

>atheists now reduced to "everything's a religion!"


>ss-stop making fun of me
>u-u just don't know eng-g-g-glish

lmao poor cringey atheists

anyway we're trying to talk Star Trek here, not Tipology

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Why does /trek/ not like ships?

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The neexposters will inherit the earth user.

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So is fucking replications of your crewmates in the holodeck allowed? Is it illegal or just frowned upon?

So why do you refuse to use English words in correct manner? Do you like when people laugh at you?

ok now ask him about israel

The episode concerning this shows it's not illegal or Barclay would've been dragged off to the brig, but it is frowned upon.

Made me laugh hearing the transporter sound at the end of a funeral.

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>diz is not muh Trek
At least I'm on topic. And so are you now
I don't give a shit about shipping war. I just liked this fanart, it's cute

You need to study epistemology. Your definition means all information is a religion. Really.

>lost track and reversed who is saying what
Big brain theists wading in

You won't be telling me what I have to do, atheist chud.

Gotta respect those digits

I'm here to talk Trek, but I can't resist teasing our frustrated fedora friend below

>why do you refuse to use English words in correct manner?
>in correct manner

lmao this is funnier than when you didn't know where to put commas

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Trump lost, tranny

Ok this episode is pretty funny in general.

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He's not a theist. He's an agnostic atheist who can't deal with that fact. Few hours ago he was 100% sure being an agnostic makes him le epic centrist meme. Now it turns out he barely even knows English.

Can I have /trek/ back instead of /retardsarguinginbadfaith/

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I'm not sure of much anymore but I am sure I want the two parties of le epic atheism debate to be combined in a transporter accident and killed by Janeway.

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So you're still too stupid to learn English. Last thread you said that
>commas go inside punctuation marks
Which made you look like even a bigger retard. According to you people should put commas inside dots, colons, quotation marks, etc. How can you be this fucking stupid?

>According to you,

How do you put a comma inside a dot?

How the fuck should I know? Go on paint or something

The closet atheist fag told me commas go inside punctuation marks. I'm just trying to find someone who could explain this phenomena.

>agnostic atheist

Agnosticism and atheism are mutually exclusive, my frustrated fedoralord

Agnosticism is the lack of belief that there is a God, since there's no proof either way
Theism is the affirmative belief that there is a God, even though there's no proof either way
Atheism is the affirmative belief that there is no God, even though there's no proof either way

Agnosticism is a rational position when dealing with supernatural entities. Having an affirmative belief either way is irrational.

>can't read
>accusing others of being ESL yet can't make a single post without basic grammatical errors


it's "According to you," btw

ANYWAY I'm really enjoying ENT S4

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