*rustles shekels*

*rustles shekels*

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jack in the box sellin weed now?

what is it about seth that gives you the instinctual impulse that he's a sham and a fake human? besides his shit "humor" like you ever look at a guy and just go "I don't like him"

Something something jew

Unfunny lowbrow dipshit. He should be happy to even get any kind of recognition.

is there anything he isn't offended by?

should have been shot and killed after sausage party

His eyes

he has the intelligence and looks of a mcdonalds wagie, he has no right to be famous

based seth making chuds seethe nonstop

jews aren't human user

He's a jew.

Something about the jewish facial structure triggers instinctual repulsion in humans. It's why they've consistently been compared to rats and insects across cultures and millenia.

his nose

His movies are all degenerate unfunny trash
>dude SEX
>dude WEED
thats all they are

His very existence. It is... Offensive to me.

and then there's that fake ass uh hu uh hu uh hu laugh
he's even worse than gervais in that regard

I've noticed with Jews that they often look normal when they're young but morph into demons as they get older, and I don't mean the normal ageing process everybody goes through older Jews actually look evil

Why is he such an asshole?

Fat people shouldn't be taken seriously and his effort to portray himself as a serious artist shows that he lacks self-awareness.

>he has no right to be famous
This. Famous people should always be extremely attractive.

People are naturally suspicious of loudmouths and people who laugh too much. If you have to shout all the time and punctuate everything with a fake laugh, you've got something to hide.

I kinda like observe & report, b/c his character is really pathetic, like most security guards!

Pretty much from the start for me.

Why did Seth Rogen become 10000% more Jewish after he stopped being le funny weed man?

/pol/cels hate Seth Rogen because he's a master troll. He knows all the buttons to push, when to push them, and how hard to push him. The best example is that clip of him going into a Chinese restaurant and saying how he knows it will be good because there are no white people there. It's subtle but it really gets the impulsive incels into a frenzy.

Seth actually has been doing stand-up and comedy writing since he was a literal child, I don't like his attitude as of late but he actually has worked to be where he is.

thats funny but in reality outside of Yea Forums nobody even talks about him, we've mentally scrubbed him

The fact that people in los Angeles, the most degenerate city in the world, hate him so much. That says a lot that they can't even stand him

It’s that he belongs to a certain tribe.

He built his career on pretending to be a “every man” of the common people/goys.
When in reality he is a rich Jew who was given everything.

Jack is unironcally based.

I've never seen anyone outside of Yea Forums even acknowledge his existence.

Holy shit what a fucking KIKE! Pineapple Express is a weather/marine phenomenon that because the name of a weed strain that he he used for his movie. Fuck this guy.


he was a funny person but developed that classic jewish mental illness

Observe and report is fucking based

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i liked him when he was funny, harmless dude weed man huhuhuhuh guy, not a self-important hollywood twitter-fag

That movie goes to some very dark places with freakish ease.

In the same way Amy Schumer has

I was a security guard for a grow op, can absolutely confirm most of us are miserable. I was a drunk who spent the beginning of his overnight shifts in withdrawal. Never do what a security guard tells you to.


A kike acting like....a kike? Wtf you guys

He's the epitome of jewish nepotism. Unfunny, ugly cunt. Every time I see him on the screen I want to spit in his face.

He got where is is from hos same ol dude weed jokes and the most important one-jewish nepotism

no, they just market to stoners while firing stoners

Him and jonah had a similar arc. When they were the fat likeable everyman they were all beloved. Once they got to be eccentric and arrogant, self righteous pricks they lost all theor likeability

I thought he was funny as fuck when I was a teenager, now he seems unbelievably cringe, especially the Twitter shitflinging he does. Did I change or did he?

I would say a similar thing but the angle is "you know it's good because Chinese people eat there" but of course the revolting kike has to take the opportunity to shit on whites. He sickens me as they all do, fucking faggot needs draino poured down his throat so his stupid fucking throat stops making those awful noises.

I thought seth rogan was okay with theft

I dislike him because of his seething hatred of everything white and Christian.
I’m not even religious but I respect the fact that Christianity is one of the factors that helped America become a superpower.
So like the hypocrite he is, he suckles at the teat of Christianity while cursing it for feeding him. He should just fuck off to Israel.

Checked and keked

His stoner lowbrow everyman facade hides a truly narcissistic and mean-spirited person underneath. Look at any of his interactions with real people he disagrees with, he immediately goes on the attack.

If he could stop the burglary he probably would. At least call the cops. If you've already had your car burglarized, what are you gonna do? Call two fat cops who don't give a shit?

>the jack in the box that was within walking distance of my house has been shut down
they've had perpetual now hiring signs plastered all over their building for the past year so I suspect they just couldn't find anyone willing to work.

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Seth is or was critical of Israel but had to rescind it publically

Jack in the Box left a cool knife in the ad

>dude this woke jew that hates white people also hates israel!!! He’s soo le based
That israel shit mindbreaks you retards.

i fucking hate seth but i rewatched that movie recently and its still great /shrug

Like I said, he’s a hypocrite.

Fuck Christianity and fuck Jews. Fuck all you retards.

Such a fucking buffoon. I don't know why they'd even want to associate their brand with such a shit movie.


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I haven't had so many replies in a long time. Good to see it's an instinctual, guttural feeling.

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wow he wrote jokes as a child?
>mommy wat did the elephant say to the lizard? POOP!
yea, no one gives a shit