Can willpower really make up for genes?

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ask any of the ugly people who didn't get cast in this movie


user... will power is part of the genes, royal blood is the final redpill

Yes in the sense that you can still live a good life
No in the sense that you'll still be mogged by Chad

In most cases definitely yes. Just look at the majority of humans alive and dead who have managed to procreate or make a name for themselves or fulfill themselves in life while still being some genetic oddity (and I'm talking about the arbitrary notion of it, because what constitutes "good genetics" anyway?).



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Wow, he went from a 2 to an 8. Impressive.

simple, 6 foot, 6 pack, 6 figures

Yes, didn't anime teach you anything?

Trannies will never be women.

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No , otherwise everybody would be successful and own a home and there would be no alcoholics, junkies and meth heads. Also the prisons would be empty.

Willpower is genetic

you can bet your ass

>Willpower is genetic
Why are Anglos like this? Has Reformed Theology irreparably rotten their worldview?

Willpower is genetic

>no you're wrong and retarded
no you and that's not an argument

wasnt the plot of this movie really dumb like 2 bros trying to be Michael phelps


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He went from being white to asian

he can't keep getting away with it

No, and I hate that this film portrays this guy as a good guy for doing what he did. He actively is endangering everyone on the mission with him for his own selfish fucking reasons. I could see him being righteously angry at the system or his parents or whatever, but that doesn't give him the right to endanger other people's fucking lives. It's one of those films that inadvertently proves the opposite point of the one it's trying to make in that the non genetically perfect guy is acting selfishly and without any regard for how his actions might affect others.

right why doesn't he travel to africa and board their space program apparently invalids are not descriminated against.

Ton of rich people have long term health problems like Alzheimer's cause they eat out constantly most restaurant food is reheated and not healthy. Imagine in scientific future now where its all shaniqas and baby jayjays making food.

Can not simply organize things as good and bad life is infinitely more complex then that or boy meets girl, cat catches mouse to get the perfect society.

It wasn't even will power more than the potential for his heart condition really wasn't that bad. You're told your whole life you can't do something and you believe it in your mind so when it's put to the test you overcome it because it was never real in the first place.

To an extent, sure.

Most successful people people aren't smart or extremely talented, they're mostly tenacious.

>filled with selfish ambition due to emotional insecurities.

IQ has the biggest correlation to financial success

Seems to work for lots of people

Who the fuck knows. Willpower is that intangible and unquantifiable force that can push people to do insane shit.

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>there’s a factor that determines your personage but it’s separate from genes
lmfao is that why meds are so sleepy? they all simultaneously lack the will to work in the afternoon but it has nothing to do with their moorish blood?

or why do they like building cities in deserts while celtics like swampy places

>lmfao is that why meds are so sleepy?
Try living in a hot environment and working the field through the afternoon without a siesta.

>It's one of those films that inadvertently proves the opposite point of the one it's trying to make
No it's not, you're just fucking retarded. He's the best pilot and the most qualified person to be on that mission so how is he ""endangering"" everyone? and it's not the heart condition because it's ambiguous if he even has it

>because it's ambiguous if he even has it
He literally almost has a heart attack in the film nigger.

He's endangering everyone because if his heart fails during the mission it could cause everyone else on board to die if they cannot cope with loosing their pilot. There is a fucking reason that astronauts have to go through some pretty insane physicals before they even think about going up.

Oh and I forgot to add he also can't see for shit without his glasses/contacts which could also potentially be fatal since there isn't any way to fabricate fucking lenses in space.

The ending of this movie hits me right in the feels

Did you not see the treadmill scene? He has to hide the sound of his rubbish heart with Chad's and nearly has a heart attack

>blind as a mole
>at risk of heart failure from a bit of stress
>cheats himself into a job that requires top notch physical abilities because a small error could be catastrophic

Yep that is a good message

>Did you not see the treadmill scene?
Yea, did you? Him getting Tachycardia can be clearly interpreted both ways because he got it at the same time while he was hearing the cops conversation that could get him exposed

>He's endangering everyone because if his heart fails during the mission it could cause everyone else on board to die if they cannot cope with loosing their pilot. There is a fucking reason that astronauts have to go through some pretty insane physicals before they even think about going up.
You literally cannot avoid risk in these kinds of missions. Even if everyone is genetically enhanaced in the future doesn't mean they're immortall so just because the MC has a higher probablity of heaving heart problems doesn't mean he'll certainly die during mission. In fact the probability of him suddenly dying (which is only slighty higher than average) is something that I'd say is worth risking because he's more likely to make this mission a success with his exeptional skills than to make it fail by suddenly dying

I don't understand what you mean with that first sentence

no that is retarded anime logic

>could get him exposed
A healthy person doesn't get tachycardia unless they are very old or in very poor shape you nigger.

>doesn't mean he'll certainly die during mission
No, it doesn't but his increased risk means EVERYONE has an increased risk of dying.

>which is only slighty higher
Much higher. People with serious genetic heart conditions are not "slightly higher" risk, they are generally at several hundred times the risk.

while Vincent was on the treadmill running, he also was eavesdropping on the conversation between the cops and the mission director and they were talking about the homicide and their plans to get DNA from every single employee to find the culprit. Vincent knew that if they did that they'd found out the truth about him so hearing that just as easily increase his heart rate. So you could interpret it either way, him having heart problems or getting a panic attack

it's LITERALLY impossible to get a job without lying at at least one point of the process
>yeah sure I'm here for the long haul mr shekelberg wouldn't want to invonvenience you having to hire someone else in 20 years would I? :^)

>>A healthy person doesn't get tachycardia unless they are very old or in very poor shape you nigger.
stupid fucking nigger why don't you read what it means first before you spur out such bullshit

>Much higher. People with serious genetic heart conditions are not "slightly higher" risk, they are generally at several hundred times the risk.
the point is that it's never said that he even has it in the first place faggot, and the fact alone that he hasn't died yet makes pretty good argument for the case that he doesn't

>why don't you read what it means first
My best friend literally has a fucking potentially fatal genetic heart condition that causes tachycardia. I have spent hours next to his hospital bed after he had heart failure. I know what the fuck i'm talking about, do you?

>the point is that it's never said that he even has it in the first place
This depends entirely on how accurate their genetic really is, which isn't something anyone will ever definitively know.

Why can't just accept that the guy is putting other fucking people at risk? Because it's pretty cut and dry. You could argue that he has the moral high ground/right/whatever (and you'd still be wrong imo), but at least you would have ground to stand on. You can't seriously be arguing that he doesn't increase the risk factor regardless of circumstance.

>harmless white lies are the same as pretending you're fit enough to be entrusted with hundreds of lives

>Can willpower really make up for genes?
Willpower comes from genes.

yes cuck. You nazi larpers love eugenics but are terrified of seizing your fate.

Absolutely yes, isn't it a fact that the world biggest leaders have consistently been manlets?

The Jude Law character basically proves it in reverse as well as the main character.

What if you had some godly will that you could physically alter yourself to achieve what you wanted

Willpower is genetic

>potentially fatal genetic heart condition that causes tachycardia
that doesn't mean that only genetic heart conditions are the causes of tachycardia

>Why can't just accept that the guy is putting other fucking people at risk? Because it's pretty cut and dry. You could argue that he has the moral high ground/right/whatever (and you'd still be wrong imo), but at least you would have ground to stand on. You can't seriously be arguing that he doesn't increase the risk factor regardless of circumstance.
I'm arguing because in every single gattaca thread there is a moron that always uses the same dumb "criticism" of Vincents character and therefore the entire movie and it's message. I'm arguing because it's in no way such a black-and-white situation that you could easily say that he's a burden that will get everyone killed. I don't think that he increases the risk factor of the mission because the movie gave me enough clues to believe that he doesn't actually have that genetic heart condition and is therefor not a reliability to the mission but someone capable of making it a total success

Yes. Look at every twin study ever.

>cannot avoid risk
>therefore do literally nothing to mitigate risks
Hope you are least drive with a seatbelt

holy shit were the people who said take a shower and get a haircut actually right?
imagine having a cringe 1990s goatee in the current year

All I know from those is that racism is validated. What do they teach us about willpower?

>it's in no way such a black-and-white situation
Yes, it is. The guy has a heart condition. It's not ambiguous, it's not hinted at, the guy literally has multiple health issues that are shown in the film.

no, the movie shows it doesn't. You have no control ultimately

yes it is ambiguous you fucking midwit. Why don't you tell me then in which moments he had these """multiple health issues""" excluding that one time on the treadmill and other non heart related ones?

>muh psychopath goals

Gattaca shows that cripples need to be gassed or else they can slip through the cracks and cause massive damage

He can't see without his contacts. What happens when his contacts run out in space? He'll just be useless for the rest of the mission.

>can't see shit
>as a pilot


>Tell me which moments
>Except those moments

>says the morbidly obese incel fedora neckbeard on Yea Forums

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Past your early 30s an afternoon nap is just something anyone's body benefits from.

>astronauts have to have a perfect vision because I said so
>astronauts can't wear glasses in space because I said so
I'm excluding the treadmill moment because it is the most obvious, the only one and also ambiguous and every other non heart related ones because the topic at hand is whenever he has the fucking heart condition and not vision problems dumbass

>Him getting Tachycardia can be clearly interpreted both ways because he got it at the same time while he was hearing the cops conversation that could get him exposed
I can't remember the specifics in the film, but I've had my heart monitored because of feeling my heartbeat as too fast and 'heavy/pounding', and it doesn't register as anything medically unusual when it's attributed to anxiety.

>a wild vaxtard appears