Better than Lost World and you fucking KNOW IT

Better than Lost World and you fucking KNOW IT

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Or course it is, you don't have to tell me


Yeah. If the 2nd movie stayed true to the source material, it would have contended with the 1st movie.

Lost World wasn't even that good of a book so I don't think it would change a whole lot.

1st movie wasn't as good as the book but still kino. 2nd movie didn't even follow the book and was trash. 2nd book was still enjoyable, you're just being pretentious.


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We need a Jurassic Park reboot, and cast
a real midget for Hammond.

user please..I can't abide this level of shitposting on the day our Lord arose and saved us all.

LW has several intolerable characters and is 4 hours long. JP3 is a nice honest flick with a few kino sequences

>better than shit mountain
that's not saying much

Watch them back to back and I can virtually guarantee you'll find JP3 a more enjoyable watch than LW.

I'm always amazed at how bad LW manages to be despite having some of the best individual scenes in the series.

I hated the casting for JW, think that was one of the things that made it so bad...and the unnecessary T Rex goes Godzilla in the city, but i admit that part was still fun.

While we're on the subject of dinosaur movies I want a proper adaptation of this so we can have a real R rated dinosaur thriller.

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But still not as good as jack & jill

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Nope. The same people who think that also think the prequels were good. Each installment of the Jurassic Park franchise is worse then the one before

>The same people who think that also think the prequels wer good
But they were. Spinochads and Prequelchads have formed an unstoppable alliance.

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Objectively wrong. JPIII is such a tiny nothingburger of a movie. If not for Fallen Kingdom it would still be the worst to this day.

Having this kind of shit opinion should be punishable by flogging.

But he is objectively right. It's inconsequential, nonsensical, and boring.

A few meme lines and cool raptors don't really save it. None of the Jurassic movies are a problem to me but if we have to compare them with each other some are better than others. It's just a tiny straight to DVD movie not bad but nothing special. Doesn't have the same memorable dinosaurs scenes, the music or secondary characters as TLW.

Yes. Nothing has managed to be more gay than the black kid beating a raptor because she did some gymnastics at school

Not him but you can say the exact same thing about TLW so that's not an argument.

TLW is a long movie with many dinosaurs scenes and even a total change of the setting in the last act. It's a simple, adventure film but it's not "small".

It is so much worse than TLW that it's actually incredible
The worst part of TLW is characters making retarded decisions and JP3 has that in spades
The best part of TLW is its set pieces and JP3 has only one that's even close to as good as TLW's bests (Aviary)
JP1 >>> TLW >>> JP3 > World > FK

Nobody said anything about it being small or not, just inconsequential, nonsensical and boring, right?
JPIII is also a simple adventure film with many dinosaur scenes and has different setting changes throughout the whole film.

The world at large is aware of dinosaurs now. That's a pretty significant consequence
Except for random retard shit like the ship crew dying and , the plot of the movie and the events that happen therein make sense. They still could have had the Trex escape the ship, even with the crew still around that part was was just inexcusable bad writing.
As opposed to JP3 where a tile store owner suddenly has enough money to charter a plane to Dino Island, hire some merchs with some decent tech, get chased by Jason Voorhee- I mean the Spino, amd have 0 bearing on the overarching plot. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

He did not save anything.

>many dinosaur scenes and has different setting changes
That doesn't make it good

None of your criteria make TLW good either.

Oh HELL no

>muh gymnastics
I'll take that any day over Grant using a flute to talk to raptors lmao

Never said TLW was good to begin with, brainlet. I'm fully aware I enjoy for purely nostalgia reasons. Even now when I rewatch it, I usually turn it off when they get off the island. The only time when I rewatch JP3 is when I'm doing a marathon. It's also usually the time I start doing shots

So you're just arguing just to argue, with nothing of actual substance to say in regard to comparing the two, yet I'm the brainlet. You got me.
Sounds like it's time for you to pour another shot and kill what little braincells you have left.

>spino breaks through a fence like it's nothing
>a steel door with one lock somehow fends it off
This movie is fucking shit. The only defenders of it just call it "a comfy little honest movie!". I'd rather watch anything from Lost World from the baby t-rex till when they get on the helicopter than sit through dino piss and granola bars.

It's like you're ignoring all my previous points. Here let me redirect through the very basic reply chain. Simple enough for you, or do you need usernames attached to shit? JP3 sucks, and is only a small step above Fallen Kingdom. Which ironically has the most consequences to the franchise, and yet is also the most nonsensical.

>The world at large is aware of dinosaurs now.
And? That's it? The world knows about dinosaurs? Where they're on an island to be left alone? Just like they did in the beginning of the film when Malcolm broke his NDA? There's no consequence, it's just public knowledge at that point. At most, one random civilian dies in San Diego. Wow.
>Excuses nonsensical shit just to move goalposts
Nice job.
>tile store owner suddenly has enough money
You didn't even watch the fucking movie you claim to hate so much.

You still aren't making any points other than to argue for your justified nostalgia.

JP3 is the first time I walked out of a movie as a child and knew it was "soulless".
And no, the new movies suddenly doesn't make this SOUL

His point is very clear to anyone with a functioning brain: TLW is not good, but it's much better than JP3, which is also terrible. Given audience reactions, the insane box office drop-off, and the fact that JP3 killed development on the franchise for over a decade, it's not like you're dealing with an unpopular standpoint here.
This is an aside to your debate but: I'd wager you're a millennial who got caught in JP3's huge marketing push when you were a dinosaur-obsessed kid and have extreme amounts of nostalgia for the movie blinding you to its poor qualities. You might even have the same opinions about Godzilla 1998 for similar reasons.
You can feel free to like JP3 and/or Godzilla 1998, but if you unironically think they're successful, well liked, or well made from a filmmaking/script writing standpoint, you're delusional.

>JP3 killed development on the franchise
It was shit scripts being rejected that put the franchise in hibernation, not 3.

Two (You)s in one. Nice! Actually the public being aware is a huge consequence and is the entire reason why Jurassic World even exists. TLW is the reason for the nu-trilogy, not JP3. And that's not me moving the goalposts. That's me acknowledging faults of TLW. There nonsensical things that happen in the sequel, as opposed to JP3 where the entire movie doesn't make sense. Oh and so sorry, I forgot he sold paint and tiles. I'll give him a call if I ever need a kitchen remodeled. Fucking idiot.

As an adventure sci fi movie TLW is maybe flawed but still very solid. 7/10 JP sequels are usually judged unfairly because they're always compared to the original but they're different movies. More action-oriented but I don't see it as something bad because there's only one Jurassic Park and trying to copy it is a bad idea. Besides a lot of worse dinosaur movies are considered classics and they're also just fun adventure movies.

Bruh, 3 made barely over half of TLW's already-disappointing box office take.
Also 3 started shooting without a script. If they started vetting scripts more closely that's already an admonishment of JP3's full-retard development schedule.

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I'm still astounded that they chose to mostly ignore The Lost World novel for a story that was much worse. Richard Levine would have been a really interesting character to see on the screen, and it only made sense for Dodgson to come back. I also miss Thorne and Arby.

Nah it was great. Just finished it.

Doubly ironic because the TLW book was a sequel to the JP movie, not the novel. And Micheal Crichton even has a cameo in the second movie.

I'll be honest, I never read Lost World because I always assumed it was a cash in, but I always hear how it's insanely different from the movie itself. It worth a read?

If you like Crichton's science dialogues, or you like the franchise, then yeah. But it was still a cashgrab.

For comparison. BvS (and, to be clear, the THEATRICAL cut of BvS which is not defended by even ardent Snyder shills) actually had a higher Cinemascore than JP3 at B.

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>TLW is the reason for the nu trilogy
And you want to die on that hill? TLW is the reason for the soulles cashgrabs. And that makes it automatically better than III because...?
And no, that's you acknowledging the movie's faults and excusing them in favor of justifying... Something, you still can't seem to make that clear.
Every post you've made to me has been such a non argument I can't believe you're still trying.

I thought it was definitely worth a read. The characters are endearing and it really feels like an adventure. The story really ramps up towards the end when all the shit is hitting the fan. I don't think people dismissing it as a cashgrab are giving it enough credit. It had a lot of personality that made it distinct from the first story and I think it's great in its own right.

It’s the only good sequel. Lost World has moments but is just long and boring, whereas World and Fallen Kingdom are bogged down by unlikable douchebags. This movie has fun characters and a quick runtime.

>I'll give him a call if I ever need a kitchen remodeled.
You actually can, it's a real place. Checkmate.

Jesus christ kid, you gotta go back. Your posts are making as much sense as the spino chasing Sam Neil the entire movie.

I wish we had good JP threads like in 2015. Now it's either about TLW vs. JPIII, some gay rankings or people overreacting to the new movies. It's grim as fuck. I really like these movies and dinosaurs but in this case it seems it's better to just watch not discuss it.

>resorting to non sequiturs after having no argument this entire time
Would you look at that, it seems like we're done here.

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It's like you're being purposely retarded or something. Just because you can't argue against basic facts I've already explained in this very thread, in posts you have replied to, doesn't mean that's a non-argument. Give me one example of a long lasting consequence of JP3. Explain to me how the spino makes sense. Explain to me how Kirby afforded it. Explain to me how Satler as able to get the military to save them at the end. You're right. We are done. You have nothing to stand one, you prequel apologist

>Y-You're being retarded! Please reply to me!
No, I don't think I will. You have nothing to say and this is getting sad.

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Why aren't there more modern dinokinos? JP practically has a such a huge monopoly based on branding alone even if the new movies are shit. How the hell did it all turn out this way?

JP3 sucks and you can't even defend it. Just close the thread, kid and move on.

Incredibly based

>Explain to me how Kirby afforded it
Not that guy but I was under the impression he lied to everyone involved and they were all bad checks that would bounce.

And have him get actually killed?

You know even private security forces that would accept bad checks. I'll give Grabt a pass. He's desperate for money, just wants to DIG, but the merchant and their hardware? Naw, money's gotta clear first.

Those dudes were shit mercs even by movie logic.
If there was any expanded content they were probably some weekend warrior retards Kirby found at a bar and it was their first merc gig.

This is the impression everyone got, the other user's just being a nitpicker.

And the plane?
Thatbwas my impression untill I actually thought about it for 2 seconds

A strain for you, I'm sure.

The entire movie is a strain on my suspension of disbelief, yes.

Yes, we know you have crippling autism, it's okay.

Says the user, defending JP3 to death. Seriously, Jurassic Park 3? That's the one movie you white knight?

Sure, as long as it puts you into an autsim fit. Free entertainment for me.

Sheep Prions... Really?