ITT: trivialize a character's stuggles with >muh

>muh pelts

Attached: Peltz.jpg (600x300, 29.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

psychopath or realist?

tree niggers

>m-muh cunny

Attached: Muidhond__2019.mp4_snapshot_01.09.32.722.jpg (1280x720, 84.07K)

>muh dunkin

Attached: Fry-The-Great-Sadness-of-Ben-Affleck.jpg (1286x1286, 92.5K)

Need to make a buzz feed list do ya?

>muh big guys

Attached: 1434343175148.png (569x802, 563.16K)

>muh listicles

>muh'sk you summin.

Attached: download (78).jpg (320x180, 13.08K)

>muh bettin' on forgettin' all the troubles that he knew

Attached: jeremiah-johnson.jpg (690x288, 29.68K)

>muh drank

Attached: 1572652544691.gif (240x135, 2.73M)

>muh muh muh muh

Attached: lady gaga pokerface.jpg (1920x1080, 173.58K)

WTF OP it feels like 2015 all again.

>muh sex with muh husband

Attached: sansa.png (1366x768, 1.21M)

I always thought she was black because of this video

>no, MUH pelts

Attached: download.jpg (1400x700, 112.8K)

>muh animals

Attached: Dave.jpg (325x388, 13.46K)

Attached: 1400529031216.jpg (508x504, 83.96K)

>muh donne

Attached: tenor.gif (368x348, 2.49M)

>muh head

Attached: F099C369-BBD9-4CF9-93F7-E1D6C4DEA300.jpg (1288x1600, 306.52K)

got me with this one

Attached: muh2.jpg (553x818, 57.64K)

>muh quads

Attached: 6896.jpg (642x722, 55.11K)

> muh Ukraine

Attached: 1648929848978.jpg (604x394, 56.29K)

>muh gommunism

Attached: pozzed people's republic.jpg (1075x1354, 832.46K)

>muh superpowe-ACK

Attached: we got too cocky.webm (614x600, 2.94M)

>muh jesus

Attached: 2FE43A2D-922F-48F9-842B-E108B7683BE8.jpg (1000x562, 68.67K)

shut the FUCK UP cunt nobody wants to hear about politics here

fucking lmao

Attached: this is how you died.png (1269x664, 79.54K)

>muh heckin' doggo

Attached: john-wick-button-1596757524663.jpg (720x720, 88.36K)

>muh not wanting to hear about politics here

Attached: 15277752_1525405320220411153315jpeg7b335b4c325f812df2528722c364a0d6_jpeg_jpeg43192027873ccb271e5ec03440eccd46.jpeg.jpg (720x900, 87.39K)

>muh piano

Attached: ViewerGuide_ThePiano.jpg (1461x794, 126.41K)

Muh thew

Attached: Elektra Tacos.jpg (1400x700, 90.21K)

Satanist witch.

>muh city

Attached: Daredevil_season_1_poster.jpg (250x385, 42.45K)

>muh Serenity

Attached: nyeh.jpg (636x477, 41.42K)

>muh bucks

Attached: Tariq.jpg (400x400, 31.65K)

>muh blacks
fixd it for u

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (1022x731, 68.06K)

>muh-mbo jumbo

Attached: Mumbo Jumbo.jpg (600x800, 72.31K)

>muh cancer

Attached: 0226687C-1ABB-455F-ACDB-F3A0207F7566.png (220x294, 100.59K)

>muh head

Attached: 74AD0EDC-46B1-4DF7-B3B9-B01FADCC3064.jpg (759x422, 24.12K)

you got me

Attached: 1649857031769.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

Is it really necessary for Hardy to do a ridiculous accent in everything?

> muh club

the one that started it all

Attached: 316CCD23-D591-45BA-9501-1342E01C5317.jpg (1600x1200, 295.92K)

>psychopath or realist?

the quality of your acting is inversely proportionate to how comprehensible you are.

>mug asses

Attached: 80EC61F7-CD0E-42E1-8EFC-1CDD5F0F46FE.jpg (300x168, 4.52K)

>muh bow

Attached: 1495833151922.jpg (400x400, 123.52K)

>Muh kid

Attached: image.jpg (229x220, 5.13K)

>muh wife's name

Attached: 60-1.png (652x445, 229.19K)

is this a westworld spoiler?


>mih negro fragility

>muh ladder

Attached: peter.jpg (1920x1080, 509.42K)

>muh jews


Attached: 130654122.jpg (1500x750, 62.68K)

>muy cheeldren

Attached: irish whore.png (860x574, 928.15K)


>muh Dr, Pavel

>muh repressed homosexuality

Attached: muhSilmarils.jpg (564x590, 106.84K)


>muh masked man

Attached: Screenshot (75).png (423x598, 366.02K)

>muh neighborhood pedos

Attached: MV5BMTU3Mjk4NTA1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDQyMDEwNw@@._V1_.jpg (2048x1365, 231.95K)

>muh boiler

Attached: the_ricky_gervais_show.karl_pilkington_cartoon.jpg (400x268, 45.17K)

>muh hair

Attached: download (9).jpg (820x875, 90.75K)

Kek good one

>muh freedom

Attached: Freedom Bro.jpg (2480x2480, 658.88K)

>muh eggs

>muh trophy cabinet

Attached: heatvision.jpg (720x890, 73.25K)

>Muh save the souls of man

Attached: Passionofchrist.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

>muh gooks

Attached: Gookhater.jpg (1084x610, 98.94K)


>muh dick

Attached: 2b074644-ed18-4eed-890f-089f90db8b2f.jpg (2000x3000, 540.03K)

its fuckin dunkin guy