What’s the point of a flying aircraft carrier?
What’s the point of a flying aircraft carrier?
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Destroying Israel
You know how aircraft carriers are like mobile airports that can go anywhere except land? Imagine that but now it can go anywhere.
dey fly now?
Wast more of wages tax money
because for what else are you going to use the aircraft carrier carrier?
Landing on the bottom strip seems like it would suck. Unless it's just for takeoff.
>what's the point of a mobile command base?!?!?!
really dude?
looking cool for the drooling masses
the first avengers was the only one i saw this thing, and the flying served literally zero purpose other than to get broken during the attack so that iron man would need to do something menial rather than easily solve all the issues going with hawkeyes attack force and loki's escape
they dont actually fly to a specific destination, they coulda just chilled in the water. MCU apologists will say they were in the air to avoid torpedo strikes or similar nonsense
>iron man gets chewed up by the spinning turbines and he's a-okay
>gets punched by thanos and gets rekt
There's not much advantage to having a jet have to land like 3000 feet higher, which only takes planes a few seconds to reach, but there is very SIGNIFICANT engineering problems in making a 100,000 ton thing fly.
Utterly retarded concept. A quick google search tells you that even the smallest aircraft carrier that exists weights around 11500 tons, and they can weight up to 100000. The heaviest helicopter can pull 56 tons. So even for the smallest possible carrier you would need the power of 206 to pull it up, for the heaviest the power of 1786.
>one single motor fails
>thousands of tons of steel, people and equipment fall to their doom
Not to mention the absolutely insane amount of fuel they would need.
When inbred retards who only like to fuck goats and mortar your airfield decide to stop fucking the goat and mortar your airfield its pretty convenient.
Plus, its a way to funnel money into the (((,military industrial complex))) so we can go fight wars for israel.
>Not to mention the absolutely insane amount of fuel they would need.
It probably run on Stark meme reactor.
There isn't any. It looks cool but that's about it, there isn't currently any purpose which is why no one has ever made any.
Now once we colonize other planets and have interplanetary wars, that's a different story. We'll then have space-capable aircraft carriers which transport smaller aircraft incapable of operating in space.
I don't think you understand the concept of Aircraft carriers. They are literally a mobile military base.
>fusion core
>redundant engines
>emergency solid boosters in case of emergency touchdown
There. Problem solved
it's an actual good explanation for why the US military budget counts in the trillions
>durr one motor fails equals death
The state of this brainlet
A fucking plane can fly normally if one engine fails.
But sure, a flying aircraft carrier probably worth billions is so shoddily engineered that one motor failure brings it down.
Retard shot it down with an arrow so none.
I shot your whore mom with an arrow in her butt (i call my dick an arrow)
It counts in the trillions because burgers actually maintain their fucking gear, unlike place like Russia.
that shits badass
A plane also needs speed to fly. This would be more like a helicopter. When one of the 4 rotors fails, the thing immediately falls down on that side and once the angle is too steep it's game over.
Or a Hank Pym Duracell battery.
You're forgetting the fact that this isn't a plane but an un-aerodynamic hunk of steel
That's a big battery.
maybe it has tech you don't understand - antigrav or some shit.
>we need airports and aircraft carriers because we can't keep planes in flight indefinitely
>make an aircraft carrier that just flies indefinitely
>uses more fuel to travel a shorter distance than the regular sized aircraft defeating it's purpose
>mfw marvel fans didn't even ask themselves what the purpose of an aircraft carrier is before making this and putting it in their billion dollar movie.
4 rotors
The advantage is that it is a mobile military airport you mong.
>uses fuel
it probably uses magic. have you thought of that, dumb frogposter?
to dab on submarines
I kneel
forgive me for forgotting about the hulk magic that keeps the 100 000 million ton aircraft flying.
why? because it looks cool
russia doesnt have a military budget in the trillions
Sky Captain did it better.
They have mobile military airports, they're called aircraft carriers. The float on the sea, because that's an appropriate medium for them.
>but there is very SIGNIFICANT engineering problems in making a 100,000 ton thing fly.
it's a Marvel film you utter gimp
ok but one rotor failed in avengers 1 and the whole thing was going down until iron man fixed it
so you can deploy boats anywhere on the planet
No 2 rotor failed
To keep the Hulk far away from everyone else.
Then they shouldn't be starting shit now should they?
nobody cares which one it was
In the mobie its shown they can fly with 3/4 still going
After the 1st movie they run on Stark glowstick reactors
>line up for final approach to land
>coming in slightly too low
>initiate go-around
>get sucked into ridiculously powerful turbine placed directly in front of the runway
>whole carrier falls out of the sky
OH N-!
gaws are pretty sweet
Do hypersonic cruise missiles make maritime and arial aircraft carriers obsolete?
what if they need to attack a lake?
could you even begin to imagine what the acquisition process would be for that? It would be in the trillions of dollars before the design was even finalized. Construction bidding process would have years of lawsuits between companies all offering to build it for a fraction of it's actual cost. Probably take 20 years to build with subcontractors in every state (all with local senators on the board of course). End up several times over budget. Would have gone through at least 4 administrations and 16 design revisions before fitting out. Some more years getting all the systems to work because they haven't actually built them yet and then when it's finally commissioned glaring quality control issues is found after six months meaning it needs another 18 months in refit (which is just as well because there's no place for it in the doctrine anyway)
The big ass planes and weird ass tanks were just as cool as the mechs in oldschool gundam t b h.
>would be in the trillions of dollars before the design was even finalized.
It's not the sixties anymore, now we have computers and AIs to simultae stuff, give me 50 nerds and the proper machines and the design is finished in a year for the cost of few pizzas.
we have better tech now but worse engineers
I don't think you get how expensive fighter jets and battleships are
That’s exactly his point
>can go anywhere except land?
There's almost no point to go inland. Almost every population center is within 100 miles of the coastline and you can strike most country's capitals from the coast as well.
And if that country is landlocked, it's most likely a shithole not worth paying attention to.
Lockheed Martin shill?
>be movie about alternate history timeline where zeppelins are used in air travel to a much greater extent than historically
>but instead of building a flying carrier using that tech they make a giant heavier-than-air one which would doubtless require unsustainable amounts of fuel
I think the problem here was not the design itself, which is imo a bit of a gadget but the nerds are not at fault, if you ask them to design a fucking trimaran they will deliver the plans of a trimaran.
Oh man are you a naive, ignorant retard.
I always just assumed the hull was full of helium and the propellers were for manoeuvring or stability.
"I'll Join in!"
Aircraft carrier in water to launch airplanes. Boatcraft carrier in the sky to launch boats. Total air and sea domination.