Nooo responsibility and loyalty to my kin isn't what I want to do

>Nooo responsibility and loyalty to my kin isn't what I want to do
When did this message of being a selfish, immature twat become standard?

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thats just how teenagers act

ever since those with money became the sole participants in the rule of nations and kingdoms, fukcing bourgeois and jew faggots

Cast her in a live action remake.

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Based genes

I think Moana did this better actually

Right after 1945

>Brown eyes

Ah okay, so not an actual Scot but some whore American with dyed hair

>literal No True Scotsman fallacy

Where've you been the last 2, maybe even 3 decades?

Imagine how rank she must smell.

It's clearly real hair; most people in Muttmerica have mixed genes though and every real Scotsman is fucked up on heroin nowadays so you can't really cast a real one

>I'm a strong independent woman! Clanship is meaningless!
>I need to save my tribe! We need to reclaim our lost heritage and return to greatness!
really makes you blink
Anyway Ariel will always be the GOAT of redheaded Disney princesses

around the 60's

What was her character development in the film? I can't remember.

>>I'm a strong independent woman! Clanship is meaningless!
>>I need to save my tribe! We need to reclaim our lost heritage and return to greatness!
Kek is this true? (I haven't seen either film)
Now it's clear why they made a movie about a European culture

Yes, I have three kids and have seen both of these movies approximately 385 times each. Moana especially is infuriating because of how blatant it is.

Shes is 18 soon bros...

Whatever black actress FotM would be.

You know the rule.

Its not standard. Show me a movie targeted towards black children that has this message

Turning Red is targeted towards Asians and has an anti-traditional culture, pro-degeneracy message

well, lets just say it started with white people first, globohomo needed the strongest place to crumble first

Asians are seen as white by the coalition of Jewish controlled retards

OK, I can even show you one with a Scotsman in it.
Finding Forrester.

Black kids watch the same movies. Aside from that, Fresh Prince of Bel Air and other black sitcoms warn kids about black culture.

Talk to Asian women one day and you'll see how much they hate their families. They don't stop talking about it.

Not even close. How is the message "abandon responsibility and loyalty to your kin?" The message is "find some isolated white genius to leech off of and use it to help your people" for black children. For white men its "help dem black chillun instead of your own people"

What is the story of brave.

>Turning Red
I loved this one, I had to explain to my 8-year-old what pads were (or gloss over what they are, more accurately). Thanks groomers

Yes, Asians are lumped with whites in the minds of jews and get targeted with the same subversion. They hate strong ethnically homogeneous nations with rich culture and history, harder to control. Thats why in university admission stats they always include Asians with whites

>"abandon responsibility and loyalty to your kin?"

How does Brave say this?

Does a message need to be spoken by the main character while facing the camera for you to understand it?

teenagers have always wanted to be rebellious.
doesn't this movie show that she's in the wrong for shirking her responsibility because everything goes to shit as a result and she has to fix the enormous mess she made by being undutiful?

Asian women hate how oppressive their families are, that's why Turning Red was made. It isn't like a white girl complaining about not getting tattoos, it's a million times worse.

>Live action


princess is a stupid selfish brat, turns her mother into a bear, then unfucks it and is treated like a hero for cleaning up her own mess, she doesn't become a better person

>Does a message need to be spoken by the main character while facing the camera for you to understand it?

because she refused an arranged marriage?

Yeah I'm not arguing with you. Jews target Asians and whites

>Black kids watch the same movies
Would the typical black kid self-insert into the character of Merida from Brave though?
Isn't that what the entire debate around "representation" is about?

>merida is a stronk indepdendent girl who is rain man with an arrow
>instead of getting married and giving her father's lands to her husband she just beats them in an archery contest because she is stronk and independent
>her mom doesn't like how she acts so merida runs off and finds a witch to turn her mom into a bear
>merida has to figure out how to turn her mom back while battling a demon bear that also shows up while her dad is trying to kill her bear mom
>end result is that merida and her clan decide she should be able to get married when she wants and to whom she wants, thus destabilizing the intricate system of intermarriage that kept the scots relatively unified as a national force and allowing for their subjugation by the english a couple of centuries later to become the sad race of degenerates they are today
>I still like redheads though

>implying kids even pay attention to morals in movies

kids movies are for giving you weird fetishes when you're 5 years old

You have to look at the totality of circumstances

>N-nooooo you can't just transgress the subjective values and traditions that were handed to you to become your ownmost person, wahhhhhhh, that's so selfish!

Yes. Yes it is.

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Why is escaping an arranged marriage a plot point in Brave but not in Moana or some other POC movie?

Asians all desperately want to be white anyways.

>Would the typical black kid self-insert into the character of Merida from Brave though?

Yes. Male kids sing the songs from Frozen, and grew up with powerpuff girls. I wanted the lipstick gadgets from Totally Spies.

Everyone wanted to be Aang/ Zuko/ Naruto / Goku / Harry Potter / ETC

>Isn't that what the entire debate around "representation" is about?

Don't take everything you see on Twitter seriously.

British men got so much scottish pussy after destabilizing the Scottish patriarchy

>Asian director with daddy issues
>funded by you know whos to express her daddy issues in cinematic form to propagate it to other white/Asian girls in hopes of fomenting other daddy issues in them
This isn't difficult

I mean, it is in Aladdin

the recluse had already abandoned all people, and asked the basketball american to drop bball culture to get a scrap of advice.

Right, like even today mermaids make me rock hard. Fuck Disney.

Which is why the jews target them. They fear a white Asian coalition because last time that resulted in 600,000 dead jews

>Why is escaping an arranged marriage a plot point in Brave but not in Moana or some other POC movie?

The closest example is Mulan and Pocahantas, they're both about escaping what the family wants. Fucking The Little Mermaid is about Ariel going against her parents wishes.

You want to have a movie about kids rebelling against parents and dealing with consequences. That means very different things for a movie about a boy, versus a movie about a girl.

You sound unhinged. Asians are bootlickers and deserve to be shot down for not having any racial pride.

So whats a movie with a young black girl escaping the black community to live her own life?

You've never been to Japan. Its an ethnostate despite anything you hear about Asians wanting to be "white" which i guess you just mean successful and intelligent

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You don't seem to understand the US is in a cold race war. Deny your identity and you'll get fucked over by the POC coalition

>or some other POC movie

why do you automatically assume this is all some complex and obscure form of white genocide?

I don't think children see movies as messages.

Will Smith is a young black girl?

>Male kids sing the songs from Frozen, and grew up with powerpuff girls. I wanted the lipstick gadgets from Totally Spies.
Sorry to break it to you man, but I'm afraid you're a faggot
Pre-woke film. The only example I can think of is Cuties and its anti-Islamic message, but that's not a film for kids

No, but their brain does

He didn't escape the black community, he was sent by his mom to live with his uncle

Decades of experience and data probably. Why are you so afraid to consider the possibility that Jewish groups are intentionally disrupting white nations and pushing diversity exclusively in white countries. What purpose does that serve if not to reduce the population of whites?

I’m talking about western Asians. You retard. Everywhere I look it’s a short Asian hanging around a tall good looking white. It’s disgusting and disgraceful.

The Japanese are based. Western “Asians” are annoying. Regardless of what part that they hail from, they suck white cock.

I'm not saying Jews are deliberately writing such scripts to kill us, but there's clearly a pattern and we all know scripts are dictated by racial politics

The whole show is about will having to break the mold of what blacks are conditioned to be like. Did you watch it?

Did you assume that just because it has blacks, it glorifies gang culture?

>natural redhair person for a redhair cartoon character

And plenty of weebs suck Asian cock. Whats your point? Its mutual cock sucking

>stronk indepdendent girl who is rain man with an arrow
to be fair the story is exactly like the greek myth of that arrow woman who challenges any man to best her accuracy with the bow to defile her chastity but if they lose they die. Women have never been good at drawing up fair games.

>debunks your entire argument in your path

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If you didn't watch Powerpuff girls you don't have a soul. I didn't make the rules.

>Will Smith is a young black girl?
1. Disney refused to use a black girl as a protagonist for movies because it wouldn't sell
2. Disney stories are about rebellion of youth coming of age, what structure of power are blacks enforcing on girls during their youth? There's no structure in the black community. The only movie you can make is a black girl marrying a white guy movie, and there's several.
3. Fresh prince is about escaping mainstream black culture which is the whole point of this discussion.

There's a million shows about the (American) black community being trash, black music is about the black community being trash. All you hear from black culture is that it's trash. The number 1 purveyors of the black community being trash are black people. This isn't a message that society needs to hear again.

Disney didn't want to make a movie about a black girl till Princess and the Frog.


>America was still overwhelmingly white in 2004

>Jewish technocrat creates brainwashing device (social media) to convince white mom to abandon her white family and pursue career/fame/fortune
>White family saves her and defeats Jewish elite
How did they get away with this bros

>If you didn't watch Powerpuff girls you don't have a soul. I didn't make the rules.
I'm afraid you have cooties sir

Yeah you’re definitely Asian. Btw Jews aren’t really attacking Asians all that much anyways. I see far more people complaint about “racism against Asians” than anything else nowadays.

Remember stop Asian hate? And how they blamed white supremacy? Asian don’t have a target on their back

Just watch it

You are so delusional lmao. All those mental gymnastics because you can't find a single movie with a young black girl abandoning the black community to find her own purpose